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Created September 26, 2021 03:23
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use std::io::{BufWriter, Write};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let args = std::env::args().skip(1).collect::<Vec<String>>();
if args.len() == 1 && Path::new(&args[0]).exists() {
let path = Path::new(&args[0]);
let command = format!(r#"
if application "Typora" is running then
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Typora"
set frontmost to true
end tell
tell application "Typora"
open "{0}"
end tell
end tell
tell application "Typora" to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Typora"
set frontmost to true
end tell
tell application "Typora"
open "{0}"
end tell
end tell
end if
"#, path.canonicalize().unwrap().display());
let com = Command::new("osascript")
let mut outstdin = com.stdin.unwrap();
let mut writer = BufWriter::new(&mut outstdin);
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