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Created April 10, 2015 13:34
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In case pull request didnt go through.
# Da Quiz
Your solutions to all the problems below (except for Problem 0)
should be included in this file.
## Problem 0
As you would with a regular homework assignment,
please copy this file to your student homework folder for ‘w04/d05’,
make the necessary edits, push it, and then make a pull request.
The instructors will not provide assistance. If you can NOT create the PR,
please copy and paste the file as a public Gist (,
and share the link with the instructors as an issue in the homework repository.
# Number 1
# Please refactor the following mess as proper code:
class doctor << ActiveRecord:Base
def initialize
def has_degree?
puts "true"
def specialty
return @Specialty
validates :presence, :name => true
# Number 2
Given an app.rb file for our Doctor, create the route methods (signature only)
you'd need for full CRUD functionality.
Bonus: fill in each route method with appropriate code
# app.rb
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/reloader'
require ‘active_record’
require ‘pg’
# --------------------------------
# Your Code Here
# --------------------------------
get do '/'
post '/'
put do ''
delete do '/'
# Number 3
3A) We want a link, showing the doctor’s name, on our page that will go to the
show page for the individual doctor, with these attributes:
{id: 14, name: ‘Patch Adams’, specialty: ‘Laughter is the Best Medicine’}
Please write out what this link would look like rendered as pure HTML
# --------------------------------
# --------------------------------
3B) Select from below the how this link would look when we write it out in our ERB view.
1) `<link src="/doctors/id" method="get"/>Patch Adams</a>`
2) `<a href="/doctors/<>"><%= %></a>`
3) `<button type="submit" class="doctors_id"/>Dr. Seuss</a>`
4) `<a href="/show/<%=:id%>"><% %></a>`
# --------------------------------
# --------------------------------
# Number 4
# List 4 important components of the Request/Response Cycle on the Web:
# --------------------------------
#1. Gets form
#2. Submit (create)
#3. Update/edit
#4. Delete
1. application
2. transport
3. internet
4. link
# --------------------------------
# Number 5
Given the following code:
You are to finish building the calls to `get_words` (by replacing the question marks)
so that they will return the proper words to print this `madlib sentence`:
“The Platypus can Jam Out in a Stumpy manner.
def get_words(word_type, word_category, word_index)
madlibs_options = {
:noun => {:names => ["Robin", "Matt", "Andy"],
:objects => ["Chair", "Platypus", "Cheeto"]},
:verb => {:happy => ["Dance", "Jam Out", "Play", "Code"],
:mean => ["Fight", "Yell", "Stab"]},
:adjective => {:funny => ["Weird", "Special", "Squishy"],
:physical => ["Solid", "Tall", "Stumpy"]}
def madlib_sentence(noun, verb, adjective)
puts "The #{noun} can #{verb} in a #{adjective} manner"
noun = get_words(:noun, :objects, 1)
verb = get_words(:happy, :happy, 1)
adjective = get_words(:adjective, :physical, 2)
madlib_sentence(noun, verb, adjective)
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