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Last active December 28, 2015 09:59
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  • Save API-Beast/7482554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save API-Beast/7482554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Component-Entity system.
#include <map>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <set>
typedef size_t EntityID;
struct BaseComponent
virtual ~BaseComponent(){};
EntityID BelongsTo;
template<typename T>
struct DerivedComponent : public BaseComponent
template<typename ... Args> DerivedComponent(Args... args) : mData(args...) {};
template<typename O> DerivedComponent<T>& operator=(const O& o) { mData = o; return *this; };
operator const T&() const { return mData; };
operator T&(){ return mData; };
T mData;
std::map<std::string, std::set<BaseComponent*> >& _AllComponents()
static std::map<std::string, std::set<BaseComponent*> > all;
return all;
template<typename T> std::string GenerateName(){ return typeid(T).name(); };
struct MetaData
EntityID ID;
std::map<std::string, BaseComponent*> Components;
template<typename T>
DerivedComponent<T>& get(const std::string& name = GenerateName<T>())
auto& comp = Components[name];
if(!comp){ comp = new DerivedComponent<T>(); comp->BelongsTo = ID; _AllComponents()[name].insert(comp); }
return *dynamic_cast<DerivedComponent<T>*>(comp);
template<typename T=void>
void remove(const std::string& name = GenerateName<T>())
auto it = Components.find(name);
if(it != Components.end())
delete it->second;
template<typename T=void>
bool has(const std::string& name = GenerateName<T>())
return Components.count(name);
std::map<EntityID, MetaData>& AllEntities()
static std::map<EntityID, MetaData> all;
return all;
MetaData& Entity(EntityID id)
auto& meta = AllEntities()[id];
meta.ID = id;
return meta;
template<typename T>
const std::set<DerivedComponent<T>*>& AllComponents(const std::string& name = GenerateName<T>())
return *reinterpret_cast<std::set<DerivedComponent<T>*>*>(&(_AllComponents()[name])); // Treat the set like it contains DerivedComponent<T> so it doesn't needlessy copies the whole set
typedef int Property;
typedef float Karma;
typedef std::pair<int, int> Position;
#include <cassert>
int main()
int Player=0, Enemy=1;
Entity(Player).get<Property>("Health") = 100;
Entity(Player).get<Property>("Mana") = 200;
Entity(Player).get<Karma>() = 1.0f;
Entity(Player).get<Position>() = std::make_pair(10, 10);
Entity(Enemy).get<Property>("Health") = 200;
Entity(Enemy).get<Karma>() = -1.0f;
// Let's try to murder everyone.
for(auto health : AllComponents<Property>("Health"))
(*health) -= 50;
// Let all Entities reach Universal Peace
for(auto karma : AllComponents<Karma>())
(*karma) = 0;
assert(Entity(Player).get<Property>("Health") == 50);
assert(Entity(Player).get<Property>("Mana") == 200);
assert(Entity(Enemy).get<Property>("Health") == 150);
assert(Entity(Enemy).get<Karma>() == 0);
assert(Entity(Player).get<Karma>() == 0);
return 0;
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