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Created March 22, 2016 14:07
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#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_color1 LawnGreen
#property indicator_color2 LawnGreen
#property indicator_color3 OrangeRed
#property indicator_color4 RoyalBlue
extern color color1 = Red;
extern color color2 = SkyBlue;
extern color color3 = Red;
extern color color4 = SkyBlue;
double gda_92[];
double gda_96[];
double gda_100[];
double gda_104[];
int gi_108 = 0;
int init() {
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 1, color1);
SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_92);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 1, color2);
SetIndexBuffer(1, gda_96);
SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 3, color3);
SetIndexBuffer(2, gda_100);
SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 3, color4);
SetIndexBuffer(3, gda_104);
SetIndexDrawBegin(0, 10);
SetIndexDrawBegin(1, 10);
SetIndexDrawBegin(2, 10);
SetIndexDrawBegin(3, 10);
SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_92);
SetIndexBuffer(1, gda_96);
SetIndexBuffer(2, gda_100);
SetIndexBuffer(3, gda_104);
return (0);
int deinit() {
return (0);
int start() {
double ld_0;
double ld_8;
double ld_16;
double ld_24;
if (Bars <= 10) return (0);
gi_108 = IndicatorCounted();
if (gi_108 < 0) return (-1);
if (gi_108 > 0) gi_108--;
for (int li_32 = Bars - gi_108 - 1; li_32 >= 0; li_32--) {
ld_0 = (gda_100[li_32 + 1] + (gda_104[li_32 + 1])) / 2.0;
ld_24 = (Open[li_32] + High[li_32] + Low[li_32] + Close[li_32]) / 4.0;
ld_8 = MathMax(High[li_32], MathMax(ld_0, ld_24));
ld_16 = MathMin(Low[li_32], MathMin(ld_0, ld_24));
if (ld_0 < ld_24) {
gda_92[li_32] = ld_16;
gda_96[li_32] = ld_8;
} else {
gda_92[li_32] = ld_8;
gda_96[li_32] = ld_16;
gda_100[li_32] = ld_0;
gda_104[li_32] = ld_24;
return (0);
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_color1 DarkTurquoise
int TimeShift = 0;
double gda_80[];
double gd_84;
double gd_92;
int deinit() {
return (0);
int init() {
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 3, DarkTurquoise);
SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_80);
IndicatorShortName("Daily- Pivot");
SetIndexLabel(0, "Daily- Pivot");
SetIndexDrawBegin(0, 1);
return (0);
int start() {
int li_0 = IndicatorCounted();
if (li_0 == 0) {
gd_92 = Period();
if (gd_92 > 240.0) return (-1);
if (li_0 < 0) return (-1);
int li_4 = Bars - li_0 - 1;
for (int li_8 = li_4; li_8 >= 0; li_8--) {
if (TimeDay(Time[li_8]) != TimeDay(Time[li_8 + 1])) gd_84 = Open[li_8 - TimeShift];
gda_80[li_8 - TimeShift] = gd_84;
return (0);
#property indicator_chart_window
bool Bid_Ask_Colors = TRUE;
color FontColor = Black;
string FontType = "Tahoma";
int FontSize = 36;
int Corner = 3;
double gd_100;
int init() {
return (0);
int deinit() {
return (0);
int start() {
if (Bid_Ask_Colors == TRUE) {
if (Bid > gd_100) FontColor = SkyBlue;
if (Bid < gd_100) FontColor = Red;
gd_100 = Bid;
string ls_0 = DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits);
ObjectCreate("MarketPrice", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText("MarketPrice", ls_0, FontSize, FontType, FontColor);
ObjectSet("MarketPrice", OBJPROP_CORNER, Corner);
ObjectSet("MarketPrice", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 1);
ObjectSet("MarketPrice", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 1);
string time;
if (Period()<60) time="-M"+Period();
if (Period()>=60) time="-H"+Period()/60;
if (Period()>=1440) time="-D"+Period()/1440;
string msg=Symbol()+time;
ObjectCreate("Symbol", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText("Symbol", msg, 24, FontType, FontColor);
ObjectSet("Symbol", OBJPROP_CORNER, Corner);
ObjectSet("Symbol", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 1);
ObjectSet("Symbol", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 1+50);
return (0);
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 SkyBlue
#property indicator_color2 Red
double gda_76[];
double gda_80[];
int Fastsignal = 4;
int Slowsignal = 8;
bool SoundON = TRUE;
double gd_96;
double gd_104 = EMPTY_VALUE;
int init() {
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY, 3);
SetIndexArrow(0, 233);
SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_76);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY, 3);
SetIndexArrow(1, 234);
SetIndexBuffer(1, gda_80);
return (0);
int deinit() {
return (0);
int start() {
int li_8;
double ld_12;
double ld_20;
double ld_28;
double ld_36;
double ld_44;
double ld_52;
double ld_60;
double ld_68;
int li_76 = IndicatorCounted();
if (li_76 < 0) return (-1);
if (li_76 > 0) li_76--;
int li_0 = Bars - li_76;
for (int li_4 = 0; li_4 <= li_0; li_4++) {
li_8 = li_4;
ld_60 = 0;
ld_68 = 0;
for (li_8 = li_4; li_8 <= li_4 + 9; li_8++) ld_68 += MathAbs(High[li_8] - Low[li_8]);
ld_60 = ld_68 / 10.0;
ld_12 = iMA(NULL, 0, Fastsignal, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, li_4);
ld_28 = iMA(NULL, 0, Fastsignal, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, li_4 + 1);
ld_44 = iMA(NULL, 0, Fastsignal, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, li_4 - 1);
ld_20 = iMA(NULL, 0, Slowsignal, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, li_4);
ld_36 = iMA(NULL, 0, Slowsignal, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, li_4 + 1);
ld_52 = iMA(NULL, 0, Slowsignal, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, li_4 - 1);
if (ld_12 > ld_20 && ld_28 < ld_36 && ld_44 > ld_52) gda_76[li_4] = Low[li_4] - ld_60 / 2.0;
if (ld_12 < ld_20 && ld_28 > ld_36 && ld_44 < ld_52) gda_80[li_4] = High[li_4] + ld_60 / 2.0;
if (SoundON == TRUE && li_4 == 1 && gda_76[li_4] > gda_80[li_4] && gd_96 != Time[0]) {
Alert("Sell Signal ", Symbol(), " ", Period());
gd_96 = Time[0];
if (SoundON == TRUE && li_4 == 1 && gda_76[li_4] < gda_80[li_4] && gd_96 != Time[0]) {
Alert("Buy Signal ", Symbol(), " ", Period());
gd_96 = Time[0];
return (0);
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 6
#property indicator_color1 Yellow
#property indicator_color2 Yellow
#property indicator_color3 Fuchsia
#property indicator_color4 Fuchsia
#property indicator_color5 Lime
#property indicator_color6 Red
bool Sound_Alert = FALSE;
double Period1 = 5.0;
double Period2 = 13.0;
double Period3 = 34.0;
string Dev_Step_1 = "1,3";
string Dev_Step_2 = "8,5";
string Dev_Step_3 = "13,8";
int Symbol_1_Kod = 170;
int Symbol_2_Kod = 174;
int Symbol_3_Kod = 175;
double gda_140[];
double gda_144[];
double gda_148[];
double gda_152[];
double gda_156[];
double gda_160[];
int gi_164;
int gi_168;
int gi_172;
int gi_176;
int gi_180;
int gi_184;
int gi_188;
int gi_192;
int gi_196;
string gs_200;
string gs_208;
string gs_216;
int gi_224;
int gi_228;
bool gi_232;
bool gi_236;
bool gi_240;
int gi_244 = -1;
int gi_248 = 65535;
int init() {
int lia_0[];
gi_228 = Period();
gs_208 = TimeFrameToString(gi_228);
gs_200 = Symbol();
gi_224 = Digits;
gs_216 = "tbb" + gs_200 + gs_208;
if (Period1 > 0.0) gi_164 = MathCeil(Period1 * Period());
else gi_164 = 0;
if (Period2 > 0.0) gi_168 = MathCeil(Period2 * Period());
else gi_168 = 0;
if (Period3 > 0.0) gi_172 = MathCeil(Period3 * Period());
else gi_172 = 0;
if (Period1 > 0.0) {
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
SetIndexArrow(0, Symbol_1_Kod);
SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_140);
SetIndexEmptyValue(0, 0.0);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
SetIndexArrow(1, Symbol_1_Kod);
SetIndexBuffer(1, gda_144);
SetIndexEmptyValue(1, 0.0);
if (Period2 > 0.0) {
SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
SetIndexArrow(2, Symbol_2_Kod);
SetIndexBuffer(2, gda_148);
SetIndexEmptyValue(2, 0.0);
SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
SetIndexArrow(3, Symbol_2_Kod);
SetIndexBuffer(3, gda_152);
SetIndexEmptyValue(3, 0.0);
if (Period3 > 0.0) {
SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 4);
SetIndexArrow(4, Symbol_3_Kod);
SetIndexBuffer(4, gda_156);
SetIndexEmptyValue(4, 0.0);
SetIndexStyle(5, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 4);
SetIndexArrow(5, Symbol_3_Kod);
SetIndexBuffer(5, gda_160);
SetIndexEmptyValue(5, 0.0);
int li_4 = 0;
int li_8 = 0;
int li_12 = 0;
if (IntFromStr(Dev_Step_1, li_12, lia_0) == 1) {
gi_180 = lia_0[1];
gi_176 = lia_0[0];
if (IntFromStr(Dev_Step_2, li_12, lia_0) == 1) {
gi_188 = lia_0[1];
gi_184 = lia_0[0];
if (IntFromStr(Dev_Step_3, li_12, lia_0) == 1) {
gi_196 = lia_0[1];
gi_192 = lia_0[0];
return (0);
int deinit() {
return (0);
int start() {
if (Bars != gi_244) {
gi_232 = TRUE;
gi_236 = TRUE;
gi_240 = TRUE;
if (Period1 > 0.0) CountZZ(gda_140, gda_144, Period1, gi_176, gi_180);
if (Period2 > 0.0) CountZZ(gda_148, gda_152, Period2, gi_184, gi_188);
if (Period3 > 0.0) CountZZ(gda_156, gda_160, Period3, gi_192, gi_196);
if (gi_232 && Sound_Alert) {
if (gda_140[0] != 0.0) {
gi_232 = FALSE;
Alert(gs_200, " ", gs_208, " Level 1 Lower " + DoubleToStr(Close[0], gi_224));
if (gda_144[0] != 0.0) {
gi_232 = FALSE;
Alert(gs_200, " ", gs_208, " Level 1 Upper " + DoubleToStr(Close[0], gi_224));
if (gi_236 && Sound_Alert) {
if (gda_148[0] != 0.0) {
gi_236 = FALSE;
Alert(gs_200, " ", gs_208, " Level 2 Lower " + DoubleToStr(Close[0], gi_224));
if (gda_152[0] != 0.0) {
gi_236 = FALSE;
Alert(gs_200, " ", gs_208, " Level 2 Upper " + DoubleToStr(Close[0], gi_224));
if (gi_240 && Sound_Alert) {
if (gda_156[0] != 0.0) {
gi_240 = FALSE;
Alert(gs_200, " ", gs_208, " Level 3 Lower " + DoubleToStr(Close[0], gi_224));
if (gda_160[0] != 0.0) {
gi_240 = FALSE;
Alert(gs_200, " ", gs_208, " Level 3 Upper " + DoubleToStr(Close[0], gi_224));
gi_244 = Bars;
return (0);
string TimeFrameToString(int ai_0) {
string ls_4;
switch (ai_0) {
case 1:
ls_4 = "M1";
case 5:
ls_4 = "M5";
case 15:
ls_4 = "M15";
case 30:
ls_4 = "M30";
case 60:
ls_4 = "H1";
case 240:
ls_4 = "H4";
case 1440:
ls_4 = "D1";
case 10080:
ls_4 = "W1";
case 43200:
ls_4 = "MN";
return (ls_4);
int CountZZ(double &ada_0[], double &ada_4[], int ai_8, int ai_12, int ai_16) {
double ld_20;
double ld_28;
double ld_36;
double ld_44;
double ld_52;
double ld_60;
for (int li_68 = Bars - ai_8; li_68 >= 0; li_68--) {
ld_20 = Low[iLowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, ai_8, li_68)];
if (ld_20 == ld_60) ld_20 = 0.0;
else {
ld_60 = ld_20;
if (Low[li_68] - ld_20 > ai_12 * Point) ld_20 = 0.0;
else {
for (int li_72 = 1; li_72 <= ai_16; li_72++) {
ld_28 = ada_0[li_68 + li_72];
if (ld_28 != 0.0 && ld_28 > ld_20) ada_0[li_68 + li_72] = 0.0;
ada_0[li_68] = ld_20;
ld_20 = High[iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, ai_8, li_68)];
if (ld_20 == ld_52) ld_20 = 0.0;
else {
ld_52 = ld_20;
if (ld_20 - High[li_68] > ai_12 * Point) ld_20 = 0.0;
else {
for (li_72 = 1; li_72 <= ai_16; li_72++) {
ld_28 = ada_4[li_68 + li_72];
if (ld_28 != 0.0 && ld_28 < ld_20) ada_4[li_68 + li_72] = 0.0;
ada_4[li_68] = ld_20;
ld_52 = -1;
int li_76 = -1;
ld_60 = -1;
int li_80 = -1;
for (li_68 = Bars - ai_8; li_68 >= 0; li_68--) {
ld_36 = ada_0[li_68];
ld_44 = ada_4[li_68];
if (ld_36 == 0.0 && ld_44 == 0.0) continue;
if (ld_44 != 0.0) {
if (ld_52 > 0.0) {
if (ld_52 < ld_44) ada_4[li_76] = 0;
else ada_4[li_68] = 0;
if (ld_52 < ld_44 || ld_52 < 0.0) {
ld_52 = ld_44;
li_76 = li_68;
ld_60 = -1;
if (ld_36 != 0.0) {
if (ld_60 > 0.0) {
if (ld_60 > ld_36) ada_0[li_80] = 0;
else ada_0[li_68] = 0;
if (ld_36 < ld_60 || ld_60 < 0.0) {
ld_60 = ld_36;
li_80 = li_68;
ld_52 = -1;
for (li_68 = Bars - 1; li_68 >= 0; li_68--) {
if (li_68 >= Bars - ai_8) ada_0[li_68] = 0.0;
else {
ld_28 = ada_4[li_68];
if (ld_28 != 0.0) ada_4[li_68] = ld_28;
return (0);
int Str2Massive(string as_0, int &ai_8, int &aia_12[]) {
int li_16;
int li_20 = StrToInteger(as_0);
if (li_20 > 0) {
li_16 = ArrayResize(aia_12, ai_8);
if (li_16 == 0) return (-1);
aia_12[ai_8 - 1] = li_20;
return (1);
return (0);
int IntFromStr(string as_0, int &ai_8, int& aia_12[]) {
string ls_16;
if (StringLen(as_0) == 0) return (-1);
string ls_24 = as_0;
int li_32 = 0;
ai_8 = 0;
ArrayResize(aia_12, ai_8);
while (StringLen(ls_24) > 0) {
li_32 = StringFind(ls_24, ",");
if (li_32 > 0) {
ls_16 = StringSubstr(ls_24, 0, li_32);
ls_24 = StringSubstr(ls_24, li_32 + 1, StringLen(ls_24));
} else {
if (StringLen(ls_24) > 0) {
ls_16 = ls_24;
ls_24 = "";
if (Str2Massive(ls_16, ai_8, aia_12) == 0) return (-2);
return (1);
//| AutoTrendChannel.mq4 |
//| Copyright ?2006, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//| |
* Author:
* Original Author:
* Date: December 14, 2006
* Custom Indicator: .mq4
* Version: 1.0.1
* Description: Trend Detector
* Change Logs
* Version 1.0.1
* - Rewriting Code. Multi Color.
* Other function will add next release :)
* Version ang_AutoCh_HL-v1
* - Release by
#property indicator_chart_window
int Hours = 24;
color col_bull = Blue;
color col_mid = SkyBlue;
color col_bear = Red;
double lr,lr0,lrp;
double sx,sy,sxy,sx2,aa,bb;
int p,fs;
int f,f0,f1;
double dh,dl,dh_1,dl_1,dh_2,dl_2;
int ai_1,ai_2,bi_1,bi_2;
double hai,lai,dhi,dli,dhm,dlm,ha0,hap,la0,lap;
double price_p1,price_p0,price_p2,price_01,price_00,price_02;
int p1,p0,p2,fp;
string sName = "BombRemovable7";
int init() {
p = Hours*60/Period();
if (fs==0) {
fs = 1;
int deinit() {
int start() {
int i,n;
if (f==1) {
//if (fp==0 && p!=p1) {p=p1; fp=1;}
//if (fp==0 && p!=p0) {p=p0; fp=1;}
//if (fp==0 && p!=p2) {p=p2; fp=1;}
sx=0; sy=0; sxy=0; sx2=0;
for (n=0; n<=p; n++) {
sx+=n; sy+=Close[n];
for (i=0; i<=p; i++) {
if (i<p/2) {
if (i==0) {
if (dh>=dh_1) {
if (dl<=dl_1) {
if (i>=p/2) {
if (i==p/2) {
if (dh>=dh_2) {
if (dl<=dl_2) {
if (MathAbs(ai_1-ai_2)>MathAbs(bi_1-bi_2)) f=1;
if (MathAbs(ai_1-ai_2)<MathAbs(bi_1-bi_2)) f=2;
if (MathAbs(ai_1-ai_2)==MathAbs(bi_1-bi_2)) {
if (MathAbs(dh_1-dh_2)<MathAbs(dl_1-dl_2)) f=1;
if (MathAbs(dh_1-dh_2)>=MathAbs(dl_1-dl_2)) f=2;
if (f==1) {
for (n=0; n<=20; n++) {
for (i=0; i<=p; i++) {
if (i==0 || i==p/2) dhm=0.0;
if (High[i]-hai>dhm && i<p/2) {
if (High[i]-hai>dhm && i>=p/2) {
if (f==0) break;
for (i=0; i<=p; i++) {
if (i==0) dlm=0.0;
if (dli<dlm) dlm=dli;
if (f==2) {
for (n=0; n<=20; n++) {
for (i=0; i<=p; i++) {
if (i==0 || i==p/2) dlm=0.0;
if (Low[i]-lai<dlm && i<p/2) {
if (Low[i]-lai<dlm && i>=p/2) {
if (f==0) break;
for (i=0; i<=p; i++) {
if (i==0) dhm=0.0;
if (dhi>dhm) dhm=dhi;
ObjectCreate("1"+sName,2, 0,Time[p],price_p1,Time[0],price_01);
ObjectCreate("0"+sName,2, 0,Time[p],price_p0,Time[0],price_00);
ObjectCreate("2"+sName,2, 0,Time[p],price_p2,Time[0],price_02);
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 White
#property indicator_color2 White
bool gi_76 = TRUE;
int gi_80 = 0;
bool AlertsOn = FALSE;
bool Comments = FALSE;
bool TrendLine = TRUE;
int TrendLineStyle = 0;
int TrendLineWidth = 3;
color UpperTrendLineColour = Red;
color LowerTrendLineColour = SkyBlue;
bool ProjectionLines = FALSE;
int ProjectionLinesStyle = 2;
int ProjectionLinesWidth = 3;
color UpperProjectionLineColour = Blue;
color LowerProjectionLineColour = Red;
bool HorizontLine = FALSE;
bool gi_144 = FALSE;
int gi_148 = 0;
int gi_152 = 1;
bool gi_156 = FALSE;
double gd_160 = -1.0;
bool gi_168 = FALSE;
double gd_172 = -1.0;
bool gi_180 = FALSE;
double gda_184[];
double gda_188[];
int init() {
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW);
SetIndexArrow(0, 217);
SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_184);
SetIndexEmptyValue(0, 0.0);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW);
SetIndexArrow(1, 218);
SetIndexBuffer(1, gda_188);
SetIndexEmptyValue(1, 0.0);
for (int li_0 = 1; li_0 <= 10; li_0++) {
ObjectDelete("HHL_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("HL_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("HLL_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("LL_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("HC1_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("HC2_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("HC3_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("LC1_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("LC2_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("LC3_" + li_0);
return (0);
int deinit() {
for (int li_0 = 1; li_0 <= 10; li_0++) {
ObjectDelete("HHL_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("HL_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("HLL_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("LL_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("HC1_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("HC2_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("HC3_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("LC1_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("LC2_" + li_0);
ObjectDelete("LC3_" + li_0);
return (0);
int SetTDPoint(int ai_0) {
if (gi_156 == FALSE) {
for (int li_4 = ai_0; li_4 > 1; li_4--) {
if (High[li_4 + 2] < High[li_4] && High[li_4 + 1] < High[li_4] && High[li_4 - 1] < High[li_4] && High[li_4 - 2] < High[li_4]) gda_184[li_4] = High[li_4];
if (Low[li_4 + 2] > Low[li_4] && Low[li_4 + 1] > Low[li_4] && Low[li_4 - 1] > Low[li_4] && Low[li_4 - 2] > Low[li_4]) gda_188[li_4] = Low[li_4];
gda_184[0] = 0;
gda_188[0] = 0;
gda_184[1] = 0;
gda_188[1] = 0;
} else {
for (li_4 = ai_0; li_4 > 3; li_4--) {
if (High[li_4 + 1] <= High[li_4] && High[li_4 - 1] < High[li_4] && High[li_4 + 2] <= High[li_4] && High[li_4 - 2] < High[li_4]) gda_184[li_4] = High[li_4];
else gda_184[li_4] = 0;
if (Low[li_4 + 1] >= Low[li_4] && Low[li_4 - 1] > Low[li_4] && Low[li_4 + 2] >= Low[li_4] && Low[li_4 - 2] > Low[li_4]) gda_188[li_4] = Low[li_4];
else gda_188[li_4] = 0;
gda_184[0] = 0;
gda_188[0] = 0;
gda_184[1] = 0;
gda_188[1] = 0;
gda_184[2] = 0;
gda_188[2] = 0;
return (0);
int GetHighTD(int ai_0) {
int li_4 = 0;
for (int li_8 = 0; li_8 < ai_0; li_8++) {
while (gda_184[li_4] == 0.0) {
if (li_4 > Bars - 2) return (-1);
return (li_4);
int GetNextHighTD(int ai_0) {
int li_4 = ai_0 + 1;
while (gda_184[li_4] <= High[ai_0]) {
if (li_4 > Bars - 2) return (-1);
return (li_4);
int GetLowTD(int ai_0) {
int li_4 = 0;
for (int li_8 = 0; li_8 < ai_0; li_8++) {
while (gda_188[li_4] == 0.0) {
if (li_4 > Bars - 2) return (-1);
return (li_4);
int GetNextLowTD(int ai_0) {
int li_4 = ai_0 + 1;
while (gda_188[li_4] >= Low[ai_0] || gda_188[li_4] == 0.0) {
if (li_4 > Bars - 2) return (-1);
return (li_4);
int TrendLineHighTD(int ai_0, int ai_4, int ai_8, int ai_12) {
ObjectSet("HL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_TIME1, Time[ai_4]);
ObjectSet("HL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_TIME2, Time[ai_0]);
ObjectSet("HL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_PRICE1, High[ai_4]);
ObjectSet("HL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_PRICE2, High[ai_0]);
ObjectSet("HL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_COLOR, UpperTrendLineColour);
if (ai_8 == 1) ObjectSet("HL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_WIDTH, TrendLineWidth);
else ObjectSet("HL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);
return (0);
int TrendLineLowTD(int ai_0, int ai_4, int ai_8, int ai_12) {
ObjectSet("LL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_TIME1, Time[ai_4]);
ObjectSet("LL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_TIME2, Time[ai_0]);
ObjectSet("LL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_PRICE1, Low[ai_4]);
ObjectSet("LL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_PRICE2, Low[ai_0]);
ObjectSet("LL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_COLOR, LowerTrendLineColour);
if (ai_8 == 1) ObjectSet("LL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_WIDTH, TrendLineWidth);
else ObjectSet("LL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);
return (0);
int HorizontLineHighTD(int ai_0, int ai_4, int ai_8, double ad_12, color ai_20) {
ObjectSet("HHL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_PRICE1, High[ai_4] - (High[ai_4] - High[ai_0]) / (ai_4 - ai_0) * ai_4);
ObjectSet("HHL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_STYLE, ad_12);
ObjectSet("HHL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_COLOR, ai_20);
ObjectSet("HHL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
return (0);
int HorizontLineLowTD(int ai_0, int ai_4, int ai_8, double ad_12, color ai_20) {
ObjectSet("HLL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_PRICE1, Low[ai_4] + (Low[ai_0] - Low[ai_4]) / (ai_4 - ai_0) * ai_4);
ObjectSet("HLL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_STYLE, ad_12);
ObjectSet("HLL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_COLOR, ai_20);
ObjectSet("HLL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
return (0);
string TakeProfitHighTD(int ai_0, int ai_4, int ai_8, color ai_12) {
int li_16;
double ld_20;
double ld_28;
double ld_36;
double ld_44;
int li_52 = 0;
string ls_56 = "";
double ld_64 = (High[ai_4] - High[ai_0]) / (ai_4 - ai_0);
while (NormalizeDouble(Point, li_52) == 0.0) li_52++;
double ld_72 = 0;
for (int li_80 = ai_0; li_80 > 0; li_80--) {
if (Close[li_80] > High[ai_4] - ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_80)) {
ld_72 = High[ai_4] - ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_80);
if (ld_72 > 0.0) {
ls_56 = ls_56 + "UTD_Line (" + DoubleToStr(High[ai_4] - ld_64 * ai_4, li_52) + ") broken at " + DoubleToStr(ld_72, li_52) + ", uptargets:\n";
li_16 = iLowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, ai_4 - li_80, li_80);
ld_20 = High[ai_4] - ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_16) - Low[li_16];
ld_28 = High[ai_4] - ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_16) - Close[li_16];
li_16 = iLowest(NULL, 0, MODE_CLOSE, ai_4 - li_80, li_80);
ld_36 = High[ai_4] - ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_16) - Close[li_16];
ld_44 = TrendLineStyle;
} else {
ld_72 = High[ai_4] - ld_64 * ai_4;
ls_56 = ls_56 + "UTD_Line (" + DoubleToStr(ld_72, li_52) + "), Possible break-up. \n";
li_16 = iLowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, ai_4, 0);
ld_20 = High[ai_4] - ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_16) - Low[li_16];
ld_28 = High[ai_4] - ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_16) - Close[li_16];
li_16 = iLowest(NULL, 0, MODE_CLOSE, ai_4, 0);
ld_36 = High[ai_4] - ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_16) - Close[li_16];
ld_44 = TrendLineStyle;
ObjectSet("HL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_STYLE, ld_44);
ls_56 = ls_56 + "TP1=" + DoubleToStr(ld_20 + ld_72, li_52) + " (" + DoubleToStr(ld_20 / Point, 0) + "pts.)\n";
ObjectSet("HC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_TIME1, Time[ai_0]);
ObjectSet("HC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_TIME2, Time[0]);
ObjectSet("HC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_PRICE1, ld_20 + ld_72);
ObjectSet("HC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_PRICE2, ld_20 + ld_72);
ObjectSet("HC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_COLOR, ai_12);
ObjectSet("HC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_STYLE, ld_44);
if (ai_8 == 1) {
ObjectSet("HC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_WIDTH, ProjectionLinesWidth);
ObjectSet("HC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_STYLE, ProjectionLinesStyle);
} else ObjectSet("HC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);
return (ls_56);
string TakeProfitLowTD(int ai_0, int ai_4, int ai_8, color ai_12) {
int li_16;
double ld_20;
double ld_28;
double ld_36;
double ld_44;
int li_52 = 0;
string ls_56 = "";
double ld_64 = (Low[ai_0] - Low[ai_4]) / (ai_4 - ai_0);
while (NormalizeDouble(Point, li_52) == 0.0) li_52++;
double ld_72 = 0;
for (int li_80 = ai_0; li_80 > 0; li_80--) {
if (Close[li_80] < Low[ai_4] + ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_80)) {
ld_72 = Low[ai_4] + ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_80);
if (ld_72 > 0.0) {
ls_56 = ls_56 + "LTD_Line (" + DoubleToStr(Low[ai_4] + ld_64 * ai_4, li_52) + ") broken at " + DoubleToStr(ld_72, li_52) + ", downtargets:\n";
li_16 = iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, ai_4 - li_80, li_80);
ld_20 = High[li_16] - (Low[ai_4] + ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_16));
ld_28 = Close[li_16] - (Low[ai_4] + ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_16));
li_80 = iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_CLOSE, ai_4 - li_80, li_80);
ld_36 = Close[li_16] - (Low[ai_4] + ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_16));
ld_44 = TrendLineStyle;
} else {
ld_72 = Low[ai_4] + ld_64 * ai_4;
ls_56 = ls_56 + "LTD_Line (" + DoubleToStr(ld_72, li_52) + "), Possible downbreak.\n";
li_16 = iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, ai_4, 0);
ld_20 = High[li_16] - (Low[ai_4] + ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_16));
ld_28 = Close[li_16] - (Low[ai_4] + ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_16));
li_16 = iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_CLOSE, ai_4, 0);
ld_36 = Close[li_16] - (Low[ai_4] + ld_64 * (ai_4 - li_16));
ld_44 = TrendLineStyle;
ObjectSet("LL_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_STYLE, ld_44);
ls_56 = ls_56 + "TP1=" + DoubleToStr(ld_72 - ld_20, li_52) + " (" + DoubleToStr(ld_20 / Point, 0) + "pts.)\n";
ObjectSet("LC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_TIME1, Time[ai_0]);
ObjectSet("LC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_TIME2, Time[0]);
ObjectSet("LC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_PRICE1, ld_72 - ld_20);
ObjectSet("LC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_PRICE2, ld_72 - ld_20);
ObjectSet("LC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_COLOR, ai_12);
ObjectSet("LC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_STYLE, ld_44);
if (ai_8 == 1) {
ObjectSet("LC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_WIDTH, ProjectionLinesWidth);
ObjectSet("LC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_STYLE, ProjectionLinesStyle);
} else ObjectSet("LC1_" + ai_8, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);
return (ls_56);
string TDMain(int ai_0) {
int li_4;
double ld_8;
double lda_16[20];
string ls_20 = "--- step " + ai_0 + " --------------------\n";
while (NormalizeDouble(Point, li_4) == 0.0) li_4++;
lda_16[0] = UpperProjectionLineColour;
lda_16[2] = 16711935;
lda_16[4] = 1993170;
lda_16[6] = 2139610;
lda_16[8] = 13458026;
lda_16[1] = LowerProjectionLineColour;
lda_16[3] = 2237106;
lda_16[5] = 32768;
lda_16[7] = 13850042;
lda_16[9] = 15570276;
lda_16[10] = 255;
lda_16[12] = 16711935;
lda_16[14] = 1993170;
lda_16[16] = 2139610;
lda_16[18] = 13458026;
lda_16[11] = 16711680;
lda_16[13] = 2237106;
lda_16[15] = 32768;
lda_16[17] = 13850042;
lda_16[19] = 15570276;
ai_0 += gi_148;
int li_28 = GetHighTD(ai_0);
int li_32 = GetNextHighTD(li_28);
int li_36 = GetLowTD(ai_0);
int li_40 = GetNextLowTD(li_36);
gd_160 = High[li_32] - (High[li_32] - High[li_28]) / (li_32 - li_28) * li_32;
gd_172 = Low[li_40] + (Low[li_36] - Low[li_40]) / (li_40 - li_36) * li_40;
if (li_28 < 0) ls_20 = ls_20 + "UTD no TD up-point \n";
else {
if (li_32 < 0) ls_20 = ls_20 + "UTD no TD point-upper then last one (" + DoubleToStr(High[li_28], li_4) + ")\n";
else {
ls_20 = ls_20 + "UTD " + DoubleToStr(High[li_32], li_4) + " " + DoubleToStr(High[li_28], li_4)
+ "\n";
if (li_36 < 0) ls_20 = ls_20 + "LTD no TD down-point \n";
else {
if (li_40 < 0) ls_20 = ls_20 + "LTD no TD point-lower then last one (" + DoubleToStr(Low[li_36], li_4) + ")\n";
else {
ls_20 = ls_20 + "LTD " + DoubleToStr(Low[li_40], li_4) + " " + DoubleToStr(Low[li_36], li_4)
+ "\n";
if (ai_0 == 1) ld_8 = 0;
else ld_8 = 2;
if (li_28 > 0 && li_32 > 0) {
if (TrendLine == TRUE) {
ObjectCreate("HL_" + ai_0, OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
TrendLineHighTD(li_28, li_32, ai_0, lda_16[ai_0 * 2 - 2]);
} else ObjectDelete("HL_" + ai_0);
if (HorizontLine == TRUE && ai_0 == 1) {
ObjectCreate("HHL_" + ai_0, OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet("HHL_" + ai_0, OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
HorizontLineHighTD(li_28, li_32, ai_0, ld_8, lda_16[ai_0 * 2 - 2]);
} else ObjectDelete("HHL_" + ai_0);
if (ProjectionLines == TRUE) {
ObjectCreate("HC1_" + ai_0, OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectCreate("HC2_" + ai_0, OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectCreate("HC3_" + ai_0, OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ls_20 = ls_20 + TakeProfitHighTD(li_28, li_32, ai_0, lda_16[ai_0 * 2 - 2]);
} else {
ObjectDelete("HC1_" + ai_0);
ObjectDelete("HC2_" + ai_0);
ObjectDelete("HC3_" + ai_0);
if (li_36 > 0 && li_40 > 0) {
if (TrendLine == TRUE) {
ObjectCreate("LL_" + ai_0, OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
TrendLineLowTD(li_36, li_40, ai_0, lda_16[ai_0 * 2 - 1]);
} else ObjectDelete("LL_" + ai_0);
if (HorizontLine == TRUE && ai_0 == 1) {
ObjectCreate("HLL_" + ai_0, OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet("HLL_" + ai_0, OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
HorizontLineLowTD(li_36, li_40, ai_0, ld_8, lda_16[ai_0 * 2 - 1]);
} else ObjectDelete("HLL_" + ai_0);
if (ProjectionLines == TRUE) {
ObjectCreate("LC1_" + ai_0, OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectCreate("LC2_" + ai_0, OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectCreate("LC3_" + ai_0, OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ls_20 = ls_20 + TakeProfitLowTD(li_36, li_40, ai_0, lda_16[ai_0 * 2 - 1]);
} else {
ObjectDelete("LC1_" + ai_0);
ObjectDelete("LC2_" + ai_0);
ObjectDelete("LC3_" + ai_0);
if (AlertsOn) {
if (Close[0] > gd_160 && gi_168 == FALSE) {
Alert("UTL Break>", gd_160, " on ", Symbol(), " ", Period(), " @ ", Bid);
gi_168 = TRUE;
if (Close[0] < gd_172 && gi_180 == FALSE) {
Alert("LTL Break<", gd_172, " on ", Symbol(), " ", Period(), " @ ", Bid);
gi_180 = TRUE;
return (ls_20);
int start() {
string ls_0 = "";
SetTDPoint(Bars - 1);
if (gi_144 == TRUE) {
SetIndexArrow(0, 217);
SetIndexArrow(1, 218);
} else {
SetIndexArrow(0, 160);
SetIndexArrow(1, 160);
if (gi_152 > 10) {
Comment("ShowingSteps readings 0 - 10");
return (0);
for (int li_8 = 1; li_8 <= gi_152; li_8++) ls_0 = ls_0 + TDMain(li_8);
ls_0 = ls_0 + "------------------------------------\nShowingSteps=" + gi_152
+ "\nBackSteps=" + gi_148;
if (gi_156 == TRUE) {
ls_0 = ls_0
+ "\nFractals";
} else {
ls_0 = ls_0
+ "\nTD point";
if (Comments == TRUE) Comment(ls_0);
else Comment("");
return (0);
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 7
#property indicator_color1 Blue
#property indicator_color2 DimGray
#property indicator_color3 Red
#property indicator_color4 Red
#property indicator_color5 DimGray
#property indicator_color6 LimeGreen
#property indicator_color7 LimeGreen
int Nmbr_Bars = 120;
int Order = 3;
double Ecart = 1.61803399;
double gda_92[];
double gda_96[];
double gda_100[];
double gda_104[];
double gda_108[];
double gda_112[];
double gda_116[];
double gda_120[20][20];
double gda_124[20];
double gda_128[20];
double gda_132[20];
int gi_136;
int gi_140;
int gi_144;
int gi_148;
int gi_152;
int gi_156;
int gi_160;
double gd_164;
double gd_172;
double gd_180;
double gd_188;
double gd_196;
int init() {
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_92);
SetIndexBuffer(1, gda_96);
SetIndexBuffer(2, gda_100);
SetIndexBuffer(3, gda_104);
SetIndexBuffer(4, gda_108);
SetIndexBuffer(5, gda_112);
SetIndexBuffer(6, gda_116);
return (0);
int deinit() {
return (0);
int start() {
if (Year() >= 2020) return (0);
datetime lt_0 = 0;
SetIndexDrawBegin(0, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);
SetIndexDrawBegin(1, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);
SetIndexDrawBegin(2, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);
SetIndexDrawBegin(3, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);
SetIndexDrawBegin(4, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);
SetIndexDrawBegin(5, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);
SetIndexDrawBegin(6, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);
if (lt_0 != Time[0]) {
lt_0 = Time[0];
gi_152 = Order + 1;
gda_124[1] = Nmbr_Bars + 1;
for (gi_160 = 1; gi_160 <= gi_152 * 2 - 2; gi_160++) {
gd_164 = 0;
for (gi_156 = 0; gi_156 <= Nmbr_Bars; gi_156++) gd_164 += MathPow(gi_156, gi_160);
gda_124[gi_160 + 1] = gd_164;
for (gi_160 = 1; gi_160 <= gi_152; gi_160++) {
gd_164 = 0;
for (gi_156 = 0; gi_156 <= Nmbr_Bars; gi_156++) {
if (gi_160 == 1) gd_164 += (High[gi_156] + Low[gi_156]) / 2.0;
else gd_164 += (High[gi_156] + Low[gi_156]) / 2.0 * MathPow(gi_156, gi_160 - 1);
gda_128[gi_160] = gd_164;
for (gi_140 = 1; gi_140 <= gi_152; gi_140++) {
for (gi_136 = 1; gi_136 <= gi_152; gi_136++) {
gi_144 = gi_136 + gi_140 - 1;
gda_120[gi_136][gi_140] = gda_124[gi_144];
for (gi_144 = 1; gi_144 <= gi_152 - 1; gi_144++) {
gi_148 = 0;
gd_188 = 0;
for (gi_136 = gi_144; gi_136 <= gi_152; gi_136++) {
if (MathAbs(gda_120[gi_136][gi_144]) > gd_188) {
gd_188 = MathAbs(gda_120[gi_136][gi_144]);
gi_148 = gi_136;
if (gi_148 == 0) return (0);
if (gi_148 != gi_144) {
for (gi_140 = 1; gi_140 <= gi_152; gi_140++) {
gd_196 = gda_120[gi_144][gi_140];
gda_120[gi_144][gi_140] = gda_120[gi_148][gi_140];
gda_120[gi_148][gi_140] = gd_196;
gd_196 = gda_128[gi_144];
gda_128[gi_144] = gda_128[gi_148];
gda_128[gi_148] = gd_196;
for (gi_136 = gi_144 + 1; gi_136 <= gi_152; gi_136++) {
gd_180 = gda_120[gi_136][gi_144] / gda_120[gi_144][gi_144];
for (gi_140 = 1; gi_140 <= gi_152; gi_140++) {
if (gi_140 == gi_144) gda_120[gi_136][gi_140] = 0;
else gda_120[gi_136][gi_140] = gda_120[gi_136][gi_140] - gd_180 * gda_120[gi_144][gi_140];
gda_128[gi_136] = gda_128[gi_136] - gd_180 * gda_128[gi_144];
gda_132[gi_152] = gda_128[gi_152] / gda_120[gi_152][gi_152];
for (gi_136 = gi_152 - 1; gi_136 >= 1; gi_136--) {
gd_196 = 0;
for (gi_140 = 1; gi_140 <= gi_152 - gi_136; gi_140++) {
gd_196 += (gda_120[gi_136][gi_136 + gi_140]) * (gda_132[gi_136 + gi_140]);
gda_132[gi_136] = 1 / gda_120[gi_136][gi_136] * (gda_128[gi_136] - gd_196);
for (gi_156 = 0; gi_156 <= Nmbr_Bars; gi_156++) {
gd_164 = 0;
for (gi_144 = 1; gi_144 <= Order; gi_144++) gd_164 += (gda_132[gi_144 + 1]) * MathPow(gi_156, gi_144);
gda_92[gi_156] = gda_132[1] + gd_164;
gd_172 = iStdDev(NULL, 0, Nmbr_Bars, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_HIGH, 0) * Ecart;
for (gi_156 = 0; gi_156 <= Nmbr_Bars; gi_156++) {
gda_104[gi_156] = gda_92[gi_156] + gd_172;
gda_100[gi_156] = gda_92[gi_156] + (gda_104[gi_156] - gda_92[gi_156]) / 1.382;
gda_96[gi_156] = gda_92[gi_156] + (gda_100[gi_156] - gda_92[gi_156]) / 1.618;
gda_116[gi_156] = gda_92[gi_156] - gd_172;
gda_112[gi_156] = gda_92[gi_156] - (gda_92[gi_156] - gda_116[gi_156]) / 1.382;
gda_108[gi_156] = gda_92[gi_156] - (gda_92[gi_156] - gda_112[gi_156]) / 1.618;
ObjectCreate("REG", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], gda_92[0]);
ObjectSet("REG", OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue);
ObjectCreate("X1", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], gda_96[0]);
ObjectSet("X1", OBJPROP_COLOR, DimGray);
ObjectCreate("X2", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], gda_100[0]);
ObjectSet("X2", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
ObjectCreate("X3", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], gda_104[0]);
ObjectSet("X3", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
ObjectCreate("Z1", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], gda_108[0]);
ObjectSet("Z1", OBJPROP_COLOR, DimGray);
ObjectCreate("Z2", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], gda_112[0]);
ObjectSet("Z2", OBJPROP_COLOR, LimeGreen);
ObjectCreate("Z3", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], gda_116[0]);
ObjectSet("Z3", OBJPROP_COLOR, LimeGreen);
return (0);
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_color1 Red
#property indicator_color2 SkyBlue
#property indicator_color3 CLR_NONE
int MALength = 80;
double Separation = 5.0;
int BuyArrowCharacter = 217;
int SellArrowCharacter = 218;
bool EnableBuyAlertSound = TRUE;
bool EnableSellAlertSound = TRUE;
string BuyWAV = "alert.wav";
string SellWAV = "alert.wav";
bool EnableBuyAlertPopup = FALSE;
bool EnableSellAlertPopup = FALSE;
string sPlotOnOpenOfBar = "true = Plot on the bar after the signal bar, false = on the signal bar itself";
bool PlotOnOpenOfBar = TRUE;
double gda_140[];
double gda_144[];
double gda_148[];
int gi_152 = -1;
int gi_156;
int gi_272;
int init() {
if ((!SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_140)) && !SetIndexBuffer(1, gda_144) && (!SetIndexBuffer(2, gda_148))) Print("cannot set indicator buffers!");
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 3);
SetIndexArrow(0, SellArrowCharacter);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 3);
SetIndexArrow(1, BuyArrowCharacter);
SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
gi_156 = MALength;
SetIndexDrawBegin(0, gi_156);
SetIndexDrawBegin(1, gi_156);
IndicatorDigits(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS) + 1.0);
IndicatorShortName("Pegasus(" + MALength + ")");
SetIndexLabel(0, "Pegasus Sell");
SetIndexLabel(1, "Pegasus Buy");
SetIndexLabel(2, "Pegasus MA(");
return (0);
int start() {
bool li_20;
double ld_24;
bool li_32;
int li_8 = IndicatorCounted();
bool li_12 = li_8 == 0;
int li_4 = 0;
if (li_8 < 1) {
for (li_4 = 0; li_4 < Bars; li_4++) {
gda_140[li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;
gda_144[li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;
gda_148[li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;
if (li_8 > 0) li_8--;
int li_0 = Bars - li_8;
int li_16 = 0;
gda_140[Bars - 1] = EMPTY_VALUE;
gda_144[Bars - 1] = EMPTY_VALUE;
gda_148[0] = iMA(NULL, 0, MALength, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
for (li_4 = 1; li_4 <= li_0; li_4++) {
if (gda_148[li_4] == EMPTY_VALUE) gda_148[li_4] = iMA(NULL, 0, MALength, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, li_4);
li_20 = Close[li_4 + li_16] < Open[li_4 + li_16];
li_20 = li_20 && Close[li_4 + 1 - li_16] > Open[li_4 + 1 + li_16];
li_20 = li_20 && Close[li_4 + li_16] > gda_148[li_4 + li_16];
if (li_20) {
ld_24 = iATR(NULL, 0, 15, li_4) * Separation / 10.0;
if (!PlotOnOpenOfBar) gda_144[li_4 + li_16] = Low[li_4 + li_16] - ld_24;
else gda_144[li_4 - 1] = Low[li_4 + li_16] - ld_24;
li_32 = Close[li_4 + li_16] > Open[li_4 + li_16];
li_32 = li_32 && Close[li_4 + 1 + li_16] < Open[li_4 + 1 + li_16];
li_32 = li_32 && Close[li_4 + li_16] < gda_148[li_4 + li_16];
if (li_32) {
ld_24 = iATR(NULL, 0, 15, li_4) * Separation / 10.0;
if (!PlotOnOpenOfBar) {
gda_140[li_4 + li_16] = High[li_4 + li_16] + ld_24;
gda_140[li_4 - 1] = High[li_4 + li_16] + ld_24;
if (!li_12 && gi_152 != Bars) {
if (gda_144[1] != EMPTY_VALUE) {
if (EnableBuyAlertPopup) Alert("Pegasus BUY on " + Symbol() + " " + Period() + "-min");
if (EnableBuyAlertSound && BuyWAV != "") PlaySound(BuyWAV);
if (gda_140[1] != EMPTY_VALUE) {
if (EnableSellAlertPopup) Alert("Pegasus SELL on " + Symbol() + " " + Period() + "-min");
if (EnableSellAlertSound && SellWAV != "") PlaySound(SellWAV);
gi_152 = Bars;
return (0);
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
int forced_tf = 0;
bool use_narrow_bands = false;
bool kill_retouch = true;
color TopColor = Gold;
color BotColor = CornflowerBlue;
int Price_Width = 1;
double BuferUp[];
double BuferDn[];
double iPeriod=13;
int Dev=8;
int Step=5;
datetime t1,t2;
double p1,p2;
string pair;
double point;
int digits;
int tf;
string TAG;
double up_cur,dn_cur;
int init()
if(forced_tf != 0) tf = forced_tf;
else tf = Period();
point = Point;
digits = Digits;
if(digits == 3 || digits == 5) point*=10;
TAG = "II_SupDem"+tf;
int deinit()
int start() {
void Draw()
int i;
string s;
if(BuferDn[i] > 0.0)
t1 = iTime(pair,tf,i);
t2 = Time[0];
if(use_narrow_bands) p2 = MathMax(iClose(pair,tf,i),iOpen(pair,tf,i));
else p2 = MathMin(iClose(pair,tf,i),iOpen(pair,tf,i));
p2 = MathMax(p2,MathMax(iLow(pair,tf,i-1),iLow(pair,tf,i+1)));
s = TAG+"UPAR"+tf+i;
ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_TIME1, t2);
ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_PRICE1, p2);
s = TAG+"UPFILL"+tf+i;
if(BuferUp[i] > 0.0)
t1 = iTime(pair,tf,i);
t2 = Time[0];
if(use_narrow_bands) p2 = MathMin(iClose(pair,tf,i),iOpen(pair,tf,i));
else p2 = MathMax(iClose(pair,tf,i),iOpen(pair,tf,i));
if(i>0) p2 = MathMin(p2,MathMin(iHigh(pair,tf,i+1),iHigh(pair,tf,i-1)));
s = TAG+"DNAR"+tf+i;
ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_TIME1, t2);
ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_PRICE1, p2);
s = TAG+"DNFILL"+tf+i;
bool NewBar() {
static datetime LastTime = 0;
if (iTime(pair,tf,0) != LastTime) {
LastTime = iTime(pair,tf,0);
return (true);
} else
return (false);
void ObDeleteObjectsByPrefix(string Prefix)
int L = StringLen(Prefix);
int i = 0;
while(i < ObjectsTotal())
string ObjName = ObjectName(i);
if(StringSubstr(ObjName, 0, L) != Prefix)
int CountZZ( double& ExtMapBuffer[], double& ExtMapBuffer2[], int ExtDepth, int ExtDeviation, int ExtBackstep )
int shift, back,lasthighpos,lastlowpos;
double val,res;
double curlow,curhigh,lasthigh,lastlow;
int count = iBars(pair,tf)-ExtDepth;
for(shift=count; shift>=0; shift--)
val = iLow(pair,tf,iLowest(pair,tf,MODE_LOW,ExtDepth,shift));
if(val==lastlow) val=0.0;
if((iLow(pair,tf,shift)-val)>(ExtDeviation*Point)) val=0.0;
for(back=1; back<=ExtBackstep; back++)
if((res!=0)&&(res>val)) ExtMapBuffer[shift+back]=0.0;
//--- high
if(val==lasthigh) val=0.0;
if((val-iHigh(pair,tf,shift))>(ExtDeviation*Point)) val=0.0;
for(back=1; back<=ExtBackstep; back++)
if((res!=0)&&(res<val)) ExtMapBuffer2[shift+back]=0.0;
// final cutting
lasthigh=-1; lasthighpos=-1;
lastlow=-1; lastlowpos=-1;
for(shift=count; shift>=0; shift--)
if((curlow==0)&&(curhigh==0)) continue;
if(lasthigh<curhigh) ExtMapBuffer2[lasthighpos]=0;
else ExtMapBuffer2[shift]=0;
if(lasthigh<curhigh || lasthigh<0)
if(lastlow>curlow) ExtMapBuffer[lastlowpos]=0;
else ExtMapBuffer[shift]=0;
for(shift=iBars(pair,tf)-1; shift>=0; shift--)
if(shift>=count) ExtMapBuffer[shift]=0.0;
if(res!=0.0) ExtMapBuffer2[shift]=res;
void GetValid()
up_cur = 0;
int upbar = 0;
dn_cur = 0;
int dnbar = 0;
double cur_hi = 0;
double cur_lo = 0;
double last_up = 0;
double last_dn = 0;
double low_dn = 0;
double hi_up = 0;
int i;
if(BuferUp[i] > 0)
up_cur = BuferUp[i];
cur_lo = BuferUp[i];
last_up = cur_lo;
if(BuferDn[i] > 0)
dn_cur = BuferDn[i];
cur_hi = BuferDn[i];
last_dn = cur_hi;
for(i=0;i<iBars(pair,tf);i++) // remove higher lows and lower highs
if(BuferDn[i] >= last_dn)
last_dn = BuferDn[i];
dnbar = i;
else BuferDn[i] = 0.0;
if(BuferDn[i] <= dn_cur && BuferUp[i] > 0.0) BuferDn[i] = 0.0;
if(BuferUp[i] <= last_up && BuferUp[i] > 0)
last_up = BuferUp[i];
upbar = i;
else BuferUp[i] = 0.0;
if(BuferUp[i] > up_cur) BuferUp[i] = 0.0;
low_dn = MathMax(iOpen(pair,tf,dnbar),iClose(pair,tf,dnbar));
hi_up = MathMin(iOpen(pair,tf,upbar),iClose(pair,tf,upbar));
low_dn = MathMin(iOpen(pair,tf,dnbar),iClose(pair,tf,dnbar));
hi_up = MathMax(iOpen(pair,tf,upbar),iClose(pair,tf,upbar));
for(i=MathMax(upbar,dnbar);i>=0;i--) // work back to zero and remove reentries into s/d
if(BuferDn[i] > low_dn && BuferDn[i] != last_dn) BuferDn[i] = 0.0;
else if(use_narrow_bands && BuferDn[i] > 0)
low_dn = MathMax(iOpen(pair,tf,i),iClose(pair,tf,i));
last_dn = BuferDn[i];
else if(BuferDn[i] > 0)
low_dn = MathMin(iOpen(pair,tf,i),iClose(pair,tf,i));
last_dn = BuferDn[i];
if(BuferUp[i] <= hi_up && BuferUp[i] > 0 && BuferUp[i] != last_up) BuferUp[i] = 0.0;
else if(use_narrow_bands && BuferUp[i] > 0)
hi_up = MathMin(iOpen(pair,tf,i),iClose(pair,tf,i));
last_up = BuferUp[i];
else if(BuferUp[i] > 0)
hi_up = MathMax(iOpen(pair,tf,i),iClose(pair,tf,i));
last_up = BuferUp[i];
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Aqua
#property indicator_color2 Gold
int RISK = 4;
double g_ibuf_80[];
double g_ibuf_84[];
int gi_88 = 0;
int gi_92 = 0;
int init() {
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
SetIndexArrow(0, 159);
SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_80);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
SetIndexArrow(1, 159);
SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_84);
return (0);
int deinit() {
return (0);
int start() {
double ld_0;
double ld_8;
int l_count_16;
int li_20;
int li_24;
int li_28;
double ld_32;
double ld_40;
double ld_48;
double ld_56;
double lda_64[500][2];
double ld_68 = 10;
double ld_76 = 70;
double ld_84 = 30;
int li_92 = IndicatorCounted();
ld_68 = RISK * 2 + 3;
ld_76 = RISK + 67;
ld_84 = 33 - RISK;
double l_period_96 = ld_68;
if (li_92 < 0) return (-1);
if (li_92 > 0) li_92--;
int li_104 = Bars - li_92 - 1;
for (int li_108 = li_104; li_108 > 0; li_108--) {
li_20 = li_108;
ld_32 = 0;
ld_40 = 0;
for (li_20 = li_108; li_20 <= li_108 + 9; li_20++) ld_40 += MathAbs(High[li_20] - Low[li_20]);
ld_32 = ld_40 / 10.0;
li_20 = li_108;
l_count_16 = 0;
while (li_20 < li_108 + 9 && l_count_16 < 1) {
if (MathAbs(Open[li_20] - (Close[li_20 + 1])) >= 2.0 * ld_32) l_count_16++;
if (l_count_16 >= 1) li_24 = li_20;
else li_24 = -1;
li_20 = li_108;
l_count_16 = 0;
while (li_20 < li_108 + 6 && l_count_16 < 1) {
if (MathAbs(Close[li_20 + 3] - Close[li_20]) >= 4.6 * ld_32) l_count_16++;
if (l_count_16 >= 1) li_28 = li_20;
else li_28 = -1;
if (li_24 > -1) l_period_96 = 3;
else l_period_96 = ld_68;
if (li_28 > -1) l_period_96 = 4;
else l_period_96 = ld_68;
ld_0 = 100 - MathAbs(iWPR(NULL, 0, l_period_96, li_108));
lda_64[li_108][0] = li_108;
lda_64[li_108][1] = ld_0;
ld_48 = 0;
ld_56 = 0;
ld_8 = 0;
if (ld_0 < ld_84) {
for (int li_112 = 1; lda_64[li_108 + li_112][1] >= ld_84 && lda_64[li_108 + li_112][1] <= ld_76; li_112++) {
if (lda_64[li_108 + li_112][1] > ld_76) {
ld_8 = High[li_108] + ld_32 / 2.0;
ld_48 = ld_8;
if (ld_0 > ld_76) {
for (li_112 = 1; lda_64[li_108 + li_112][1] >= ld_84 && lda_64[li_108 + li_112][1] <= ld_76; li_112++) {
if (lda_64[li_108 + li_112][1] < ld_84) {
ld_8 = Low[li_108] - ld_32 / 2.0;
ld_56 = ld_8;
if (ld_56 != 0.0 && gi_88 == FALSE) {
g_ibuf_80[li_108] = ld_56 - 1.0 * Point;
gi_88 = TRUE;
gi_92 = FALSE;
if (li_104 <= 2) Alert(Symbol(), " ", Period(), "M ReadyFire BUY ");
if (ld_48 != 0.0 && gi_92 == FALSE) {
g_ibuf_84[li_108] = ld_48 + 1.0 * Point;
gi_92 = TRUE;
gi_88 = FALSE;
if (li_104 <= 2) Alert(Symbol(), " ", Period(), "M ReadyFire SELL ");
return (0);
#property indicator_chart_window
extern string QQ = "";
int eiPercent = 5;
int eiOffsetY = 120;
int eiStepY = 12;
int eiX1Row = 30;
int eiX2Row = 165;
int eiX3Row = 180;
int eiX4Row = 180;
int eiX5Row = 275;
color ecText = White;
color ecProfit = GreenYellow;
color ecLoss = Red;
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
void init() {
if (QQ == ".. . . ") {
eiX4Row = 245;
eiX5Row = 335;
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function |
void deinit() {
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
void start() {
datetime d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8;
d0=StrToTime(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE));
while (TimeDayOfWeek(d0)<1 || TimeDayOfWeek(d0)>5) d0-=24*60*60;
while (TimeDayOfWeek(d1)<1 || TimeDayOfWeek(d1)>5) d1-=24*60*60;
while (TimeDayOfWeek(d2)<1 || TimeDayOfWeek(d2)>5) d2-=24*60*60;
while (TimeDayOfWeek(d3)<1 || TimeDayOfWeek(d3)>5) d3-=24*60*60;
while (TimeDayOfWeek(d4)<1 || TimeDayOfWeek(d4)>5) d4-=24*60*60;
double tu=GetProfitOpenPosInPoint();
double u0=GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, -1, d0);
double u1=GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, -1, d1)-u0;
double u2=GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, -1, d2)-u1-u0;
double u3=GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, -1, d3)-u2-u1-u0;
double u4=GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, -1, d4)-u3-u2-u1-u0;
double u5=GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, -1, d5);
double u6=GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, -1, d6);
double u7=GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, -1, d7);
double u8=GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, -1, d8);
double tb=AccountBalance(), tp=AccountProfit();
double p0=GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, d0);
double p1=GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, d1)-p0;
double p2=GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, d2)-p1-p0;
double p3=GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, d3)-p2-p1-p0;
double p4=GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, d4)-p3-p2-p1-p0;
double p5=GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, d5);
double p6=GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, d6);
double p7=GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, d7);
double p8=GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, d8);
string st;
switch (eiPercent) {
case 0 : st="情報" ; break;
case 1 : tb-=p0; st="情報" ; break;
case 2 : tb-=p5; st="情報" ; break;
case 3 : tb-=p6; st="情報" ; break;
case 4 : tb-=p7; st="情報"; break;
default: tb-=p8; st="情報" ; break;
double tr=tp*100/tb;
double r0=p0*100/tb;
double r1=p1*100/tb;
double r2=p2*100/tb;
double r3=p3*100/tb;
double r4=p4*100/tb;
double r5=p5*100/tb;
double r6=p6*100/tb;
double r7=p7*100/tb;
double r8=p8*100/tb;
if (QQ == ".. . . ") {
double l=GetSumLot("",-1,-1);
double lu=NormalizeDouble(l,2);
double l0=GetLotFromDate("", -1, -1, d0);
double l1=GetLotFromDate("", -1, -1, d1)-l0;
double l2=GetLotFromDate("", -1, -1, d2)-l1-l0;
double l3=GetLotFromDate("", -1, -1, d3)-l2-l1-l0;
double l4=GetLotFromDate("", -1, -1, d4)-l3-l2-l1-l0;
double l5=GetLotFromDate("", -1, -1, d5);
double l6=GetLotFromDate("", -1, -1, d6);
double l7=GetLotFromDate("", -1, -1, d7);
double l8=GetLotFromDate("", -1, -1, d8);
SetLabel("iProfit08", "Lots", ecText, eiX3Row, eiOffsetY+105);
SetLabel("iProfit15", DoubleToStr(lu, 2), ColorOnSign(tp), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY+1*eiStepY+120);
SetLabel("iProfit25", DoubleToStr(l0, 2), ColorOnSign(l0), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY+2*eiStepY+125);
SetLabel("iProfit35", DoubleToStr(l1, 2), ColorOnSign(l1), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY+3*eiStepY+130);
SetLabel("iProfit45", DoubleToStr(l2, 2), ColorOnSign(l2), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY+4*eiStepY+135);
SetLabel("iProfit55", DoubleToStr(l3, 2), ColorOnSign(l3), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY+5*eiStepY+140);
SetLabel("iProfit65", DoubleToStr(l4, 2), ColorOnSign(l4), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY+6*eiStepY+145);
SetLabel("iProfit75", DoubleToStr(l5, 2), ColorOnSign(l5), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY+7*eiStepY+150);
SetLabel("iProfit85", DoubleToStr(l6, 2), ColorOnSign(l6), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY+8*eiStepY+155);
//SetLabel("iProfit95", DoubleToStr(l7, 2), ColorOnSign(l7), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY+9*eiStepY+160);
SetLabel("iProfit95", DoubleToStr(l8, 2), ColorOnSign(l8), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY+9*eiStepY+160);
SetLabel("iProfit05", DoubleToStr(l8+lu, 2), ColorOnSign(l8+lu), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY+10*eiStepY+165);
SetLabel("iProfit09", "Score % based ", ecText, eiX1Row-28, eiOffsetY+105);
SetLabel("iProfit07", "SCORE IN$", ecText, eiX4Row, eiOffsetY+105);
SetLabel("iProfit10", "SCORE IN%", ecText, eiX5Row, eiOffsetY+105);
SetLabel("iProfit11", "Score for open trades", ecText, eiX1Row-28, eiOffsetY+1*eiStepY+120);
SetLabel("iProfit21", "Score for today", ecText, eiX1Row-28, eiOffsetY+2*eiStepY+125);
SetLabel("iProfit31", "Score for"+TimeToStr(d1, TIME_DATE), ecText, eiX1Row-28, eiOffsetY+3*eiStepY+130);
SetLabel("iProfit41", "Score for"+TimeToStr(d2, TIME_DATE), ecText, eiX1Row-28, eiOffsetY+4*eiStepY+135);
SetLabel("iProfit51", "Score for"+TimeToStr(d3, TIME_DATE), ecText, eiX1Row-28, eiOffsetY+5*eiStepY+140);
SetLabel("iProfit61", "Score for"+TimeToStr(d4, TIME_DATE), ecText, eiX1Row-28, eiOffsetY+6*eiStepY+145);
SetLabel("iProfit71", "Score for the week", ecText, eiX1Row-28, eiOffsetY+7*eiStepY+150);
SetLabel("iProfit81", "Score for the month", ecText, eiX1Row-28, eiOffsetY+8*eiStepY+155);
SetLabel("iProfit91", "Score for the time", ecText, eiX1Row-28, eiOffsetY+9*eiStepY+160);
SetLabel("iProfit01", "Score for net profit", ecText, eiX1Row-28, eiOffsetY+10*eiStepY+165);
SetLabel("iProfit13", DoubleToStr(tp, 2), ColorOnSign(tp), eiX4Row, eiOffsetY+1*eiStepY+120);
SetLabel("iProfit23", DoubleToStr(p0, 2), ColorOnSign(p0), eiX4Row, eiOffsetY+2*eiStepY+125);
SetLabel("iProfit33", DoubleToStr(p1, 2), ColorOnSign(p1), eiX4Row, eiOffsetY+3*eiStepY+130);
SetLabel("iProfit43", DoubleToStr(p2, 2), ColorOnSign(p2), eiX4Row, eiOffsetY+4*eiStepY+135);
SetLabel("iProfit53", DoubleToStr(p3, 2), ColorOnSign(p3), eiX4Row, eiOffsetY+5*eiStepY+140);
SetLabel("iProfit63", DoubleToStr(p4, 2), ColorOnSign(p4), eiX4Row, eiOffsetY+6*eiStepY+145);
SetLabel("iProfit73", DoubleToStr(p5, 2), ColorOnSign(p5), eiX4Row, eiOffsetY+7*eiStepY+150);
SetLabel("iProfit83", DoubleToStr(p6, 2), ColorOnSign(p6), eiX4Row, eiOffsetY+8*eiStepY+155);
SetLabel("iProfit93", DoubleToStr(p8, 2), ColorOnSign(p8), eiX4Row, eiOffsetY+9*eiStepY+160);
SetLabel("iProfit03", DoubleToStr(p8+tp, 2), ColorOnSign(p8+tp), eiX4Row, eiOffsetY+10*eiStepY+165);
SetLabel("iProfit14", DoubleToStr(tr, 2)+" %", ColorOnSign(tr), eiX5Row, eiOffsetY+1*eiStepY+120);
SetLabel("iProfit24", DoubleToStr(r0, 2)+" %", ColorOnSign(r0), eiX5Row, eiOffsetY+2*eiStepY+125);
SetLabel("iProfit34", DoubleToStr(r1, 2)+" %", ColorOnSign(r1), eiX5Row, eiOffsetY+3*eiStepY+130);
SetLabel("iProfit44", DoubleToStr(r2, 2)+" %", ColorOnSign(r2), eiX5Row, eiOffsetY+4*eiStepY+135);
SetLabel("iProfit54", DoubleToStr(r3, 2)+" %", ColorOnSign(r3), eiX5Row, eiOffsetY+5*eiStepY+140);
SetLabel("iProfit64", DoubleToStr(r4, 2)+" %", ColorOnSign(r4), eiX5Row, eiOffsetY+6*eiStepY+145);
SetLabel("iProfit74", DoubleToStr(r5, 2)+" %", ColorOnSign(r5), eiX5Row, eiOffsetY+7*eiStepY+150);
SetLabel("iProfit84", DoubleToStr(r6, 2)+" %", ColorOnSign(r6), eiX5Row, eiOffsetY+8*eiStepY+155);
SetLabel("iProfit94", DoubleToStr(r8, 2)+" %", ColorOnSign(r7), eiX5Row, eiOffsetY+9*eiStepY+160);
SetLabel("iProfit04", DoubleToStr(r8+tr, 2)+" %", ColorOnSign(r8+tr), eiX5Row, eiOffsetY+10*eiStepY+165);
color ColorOnSign(double nu) {
color lcColor=ecText;
if (nu>0) lcColor=ecProfit;
if (nu<0) lcColor=ecLoss;
datetime DateBeginQuarter(int nk=0) {
int ye=Year()-MathFloor(nk/4);
nk=MathMod(nk, 4);
int mo=Month()-MathMod(Month()+2, 3)+3*nk;
if (mo<1) {
if (mo>12) {
datetime DateOfMonday(int no=0) {
datetime dt=StrToTime(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE));
while (TimeDayOfWeek(dt)!=1) dt-=24*60*60;
void DeleteObjects() {
string st="iProfit";
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
for (j=1; j<=10; j++)
double GetProfitFromDateInCurrency(string sy="", int op=-1, int mn=-1, datetime dt=0)
double p=0;
int i, k=OrdersHistoryTotal();
if (sy=="0") sy=Symbol();
for (i=0; i<k; i++) {
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) {
if ((OrderSymbol()==sy || sy=="") && (op<0 || OrderType()==op)) {
if (OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL) {
if (mn<0 || OrderMagicNumber()==mn) {
if (dt<OrderCloseTime()) {
double GetProfitFromDateInPoint(string sy="", int op=-1, int mn=-1, datetime dt=0)
double p=0, po;
int i, k=OrdersHistoryTotal();
if (sy=="0") sy=Symbol();
for (i=0; i<k; i++) {
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) {
if ((OrderSymbol()==sy || sy=="") && (op<0 || OrderType()==op)) {
if (OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL) {
if (mn<0 || OrderMagicNumber()==mn) {
if (dt<OrderCloseTime()) {
po=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT);
if (po==0) if (StringFind(sy, "JPY")<0) po=0.0001; else po=0.01;
if (OrderType()==OP_BUY) {
if (OrderType()==OP_SELL) {
int GetProfitOpenPosInPoint(string sy="", int op=-1, int mn=-1) {
double p;
int i, k=OrdersTotal(), pr=0;
if (sy=="0") sy=Symbol();
for (i=0; i<k; i++) {
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {
if ((OrderSymbol()==sy || sy=="") && (op<0 || OrderType()==op)) {
if (mn<0 || OrderMagicNumber()==mn) {
p=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT);
if (p==0) if (StringFind(OrderSymbol(), "JPY")<0) p=0.0001; else p=0.01;
if (OrderType()==OP_BUY) {
pr+=(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID)-OrderOpenPrice())/p;
if (OrderType()==OP_SELL) {
pr+=(OrderOpenPrice()-MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK))/p;
void SetLabel(string nm, string tx, color cl, int xd, int yd, int cr=0, int fs=9) {
if (ObjectFind(nm)<0) ObjectCreate(nm, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0,0);
ObjectSetText(nm, tx, fs);
ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_COLOR , cl);
ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, xd);
ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, yd);
ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_CORNER , cr);
ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE , fs);
double GetSumLot(string sy="", int op=-1, int mn=-1)
double b=0,s=0,p=0;
int i;
if (sy=="0") sy=Symbol();
for (i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++) {
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {
if ((OrderSymbol()==sy || sy=="") && (op<0 || OrderType()==op)) {
if (mn<0 || OrderMagicNumber()==mn) {
if (OrderType()==OP_BUY) {
if (OrderType()==OP_SELL) {
double GetLotFromDate(string sy="", int op=-1, int mn=-1, datetime dt=0)
double p=0;
int i, k=OrdersHistoryTotal();
if (sy=="0") sy=Symbol();
for (i=0; i<k; i++) {
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) {
if ((OrderSymbol()==sy || sy=="") && (op<0 || OrderType()==op)) {
if (OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL) {
if (mn<0 || OrderMagicNumber()==mn) {
if (dt<OrderCloseTime()) {
#property indicator_chart_window
int eiPercent = 6;
int gi_80 = 180;
int gi_84 = 16;
int gi_88 = 3;
int gi_92 = 295;
int gi_96 = 390;
color ecText = White;
color ecProfit = GreenYellow;
color ecLoss = Red;
void init() {
void deinit() {
void start() {
string ls_136;
for (int li_0 = StrToTime(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE)); TimeDayOfWeek(li_0) < 1 || TimeDayOfWeek(li_0) > 5; li_0 -= 86400) {
for (int li_4 = li_0 - 86400; TimeDayOfWeek(li_4) < 1 || TimeDayOfWeek(li_4) > 5; li_4 -= 86400) {
for (int li_8 = li_4 - 86400; TimeDayOfWeek(li_8) < 1 || TimeDayOfWeek(li_8) > 5; li_8 -= 86400) {
for (int li_12 = li_8 - 86400; TimeDayOfWeek(li_12) < 1 || TimeDayOfWeek(li_12) > 5; li_12 -= 86400) {
for (int li_16 = li_12 - 86400; TimeDayOfWeek(li_16) < 1 || TimeDayOfWeek(li_16) > 5; li_16 -= 86400) {
int li_20 = DateOfMonday();
int li_24 = StrToTime(Year() + "." + Month() + ".01");
int li_28 = DateBeginQuarter();
int li_32 = StrToTime(Year() + ".01.01");
int li_36 = StrToTime("1901.01.01");
double ld_40 = AccountBalance();
double ld_48 = AccountProfit();
double ld_56 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, li_0);
double ld_64 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, li_4) - ld_56;
double ld_72 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, li_8) - ld_64 - ld_56;
double ld_80 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, li_12) - ld_72 - ld_64 - ld_56;
double ld_88 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, li_16) - ld_80 - ld_72 - ld_64 - ld_56;
double ld_96 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, li_20);
double ld_104 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, li_24);
double ld_112 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, li_28);
double ld_120 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, li_32);
double ld_128 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, -1, li_36);
switch (eiPercent) {
case 0:
ls_136 = "current account balance";
case 1:
ld_40 -= ld_56;
ls_136 = "balance at the beginning of the day";
case 2:
ld_40 -= ld_96;
ls_136 = "balance at the beginning of the week";
case 3:
ld_40 -= ld_104;
ls_136 = "balance at the beginning of the month";
case 4:
ld_40 -= ld_112;
ls_136 = "balance at the beginning of the quarter";
case 5:
ld_40 -= ld_120;
ls_136 = "balance at the beginning of the year";
case 6:
ld_40 -= ld_128;
ls_136 = "the account opening capital";
double ld_148 = 100.0 * ld_48 / ld_40;
double ld_156 = 100.0 * ld_56 / ld_40;
double ld_164 = 100.0 * ld_64 / ld_40;
double ld_172 = 100.0 * ld_72 / ld_40;
double ld_180 = 100.0 * ld_80 / ld_40;
double ld_188 = 100.0 * ld_88 / ld_40;
double ld_196 = 100.0 * ld_96 / ld_40;
double ld_204 = 100.0 * ld_104 / ld_40;
double ld_212 = 100.0 * ld_112 / ld_40;
double ld_220 = 100.0 * ld_120 / ld_40;
double ld_228 = 100.0 * ld_128 / ld_40;
SetLabel("iProfit0", "Score % based on " + ls_136, ecText, gi_88, gi_80 +1* gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit11", "目前戰況", ecText, gi_88, gi_80+3* gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit21", "今日擄獲外星戰俘數量", ecText, gi_88, gi_80 +4* gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit31", "擄獲外星戰俘數量 " + TimeToStr(li_4, TIME_DATE), ecText, gi_88, gi_80 + 5* gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit41", "擄獲外星戰俘數量 " + TimeToStr(li_8, TIME_DATE), ecText, gi_88, gi_80 + 6 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit51", "擄獲外星戰俘數量 " + TimeToStr(li_12, TIME_DATE), ecText, gi_88, gi_80 + 7 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit61", "擄獲外星戰俘數量 " + TimeToStr(li_16, TIME_DATE), ecText, gi_88, gi_80 + 8 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit71", "周擄獲外星戰俘數量", ecText, gi_88, gi_80 + 9 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit81", "月擄獲外星戰俘數量", ecText, gi_88, gi_80 + 10 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit91", "季擄獲外星戰俘數量", ecText, gi_88, gi_80 + 11 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit01", "年擄獲外星戰俘數量", ecText, gi_88, gi_80 + 12 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit111", "擄獲外星戰俘數量總計", ecText, gi_88, gi_80 + 13 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit2", "SCORE IN $", ecText, gi_92, gi_80 + 1* gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit12", DoubleToStr(ld_48, 2), ColorOnSign(ld_48), gi_92, gi_80+3* gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit22", DoubleToStr(ld_56, 2), ColorOnSign(ld_56), gi_92, gi_80 +4* gi_84 );
SetLabel("iProfit32", DoubleToStr(ld_64, 2), ColorOnSign(ld_64), gi_92, gi_80 + gi_84 * 5);
SetLabel("iProfit42", DoubleToStr(ld_72, 2), ColorOnSign(ld_72), gi_92, gi_80 + 6 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit52", DoubleToStr(ld_80, 2), ColorOnSign(ld_80), gi_92, gi_80 + 7 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit62", DoubleToStr(ld_88, 2), ColorOnSign(ld_88), gi_92, gi_80 + 8 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit72", DoubleToStr(ld_96, 2), ColorOnSign(ld_96), gi_92, gi_80 + 9 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit82", DoubleToStr(ld_104, 2), ColorOnSign(ld_104), gi_92, gi_80 + 10 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit92", DoubleToStr(ld_112, 2), ColorOnSign(ld_112), gi_92, gi_80 + 11 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit02", DoubleToStr(ld_120, 2), ColorOnSign(ld_120), gi_92, gi_80 + 12 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit112", DoubleToStr(ld_128, 2), ColorOnSign(ld_128), gi_92, gi_80 + 13 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit3", "SCORE IN %", ecText, gi_96, gi_80 + 1* gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit13", DoubleToStr(ld_148, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(ld_148), gi_96, gi_80+3* gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit23", DoubleToStr(ld_156, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(ld_156), gi_96, gi_80 + 4* gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit33", DoubleToStr(ld_164, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(ld_164), gi_96, gi_80 + gi_84 * 5);
SetLabel("iProfit43", DoubleToStr(ld_172, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(ld_172), gi_96, gi_80 + 6 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit53", DoubleToStr(ld_180, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(ld_180), gi_96, gi_80 + 7 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit63", DoubleToStr(ld_188, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(ld_188), gi_96, gi_80 + 8 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit73", DoubleToStr(ld_196, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(ld_196), gi_96, gi_80 + 9 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit83", DoubleToStr(ld_204, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(ld_204), gi_96, gi_80 + 10 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit93", DoubleToStr(ld_212, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(ld_212), gi_96, gi_80 + 11 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit03", DoubleToStr(ld_220, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(ld_220), gi_96, gi_80 + 12 * gi_84);
SetLabel("iProfit113", DoubleToStr(ld_228, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(ld_220), gi_96, gi_80 + 13 * gi_84);
int ColorOnSign(double ad_0) {
int li_8 = ecText;
if (ad_0 > 0.0) li_8 = ecProfit;
if (ad_0 < 0.0) li_8 = ecLoss;
return (li_8);
int DateBeginQuarter(int ai_0 = 0) {
int li_4 = Year() - MathFloor(ai_0 / 4);
ai_0 = MathMod(ai_0, 4);
int li_8 = Month() - MathMod(Month() + 2, 3) + 3 * ai_0;
if (li_8 < 1) {
li_8 += 12;
if (li_8 > 12) {
li_8 -= 12;
return (StrToTime(li_4 + "." + li_8 + ".01"));
int DateOfMonday(int ai_0 = 0) {
for (int li_4 = StrToTime(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE)); TimeDayOfWeek(li_4) != 1; li_4 -= 86400) {
li_4 += 60 * (60 * (24 * (7 * ai_0)));
return (li_4);
void DeleteObjects() {
string ls_0 = "iProfit";
for (int li_8 = 0; li_8 < 10; li_8++) for (int li_12 = 1; li_12 < 4; li_12++) ObjectDelete(ls_0 + li_8 + li_12);
double GetProfitFromDateInCurrency(string as_0 = "", int ai_8 = -1, int ai_12 = -1, int ai_16 = 0) {
double ld_20 = 0;
int li_32 = OrdersHistoryTotal();
if (as_0 == "0") as_0 = Symbol();
for (int li_28 = 0; li_28 < li_32; li_28++) {
if (OrderSelect(li_28, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) {
if (OrderSymbol() == as_0 || as_0 == "" && ai_8 < OP_BUY || OrderType() == ai_8) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
if (ai_12 < 0 || OrderMagicNumber() == ai_12)
if (ai_16 < OrderCloseTime()) ld_20 += OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap();
return (ld_20);
void SetLabel(string as_0, string as_8, color ai_16, int ai_20, int ai_24, int ai_28 = 0, int ai_32 = 9) {
if (ObjectFind(as_0) < 0) ObjectCreate(as_0, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText(as_0, as_8, ai_32);
ObjectSet(as_0, OBJPROP_COLOR, ai_16);
ObjectSet(as_0, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, ai_20);
ObjectSet(as_0, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, ai_24);
ObjectSet(as_0, OBJPROP_CORNER, ai_28);
ObjectSet(as_0, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, ai_32);
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Aqua
#property indicator_color2 Red
int period = 80;
int method = 3;
int price = 0;
double gda_88[];
double gda_92[];
double gda_96[];
int init() {
SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_88);
SetIndexBuffer(1, gda_92);
SetIndexBuffer(2, gda_96);
ArraySetAsSeries(gda_96, TRUE);
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
IndicatorShortName("Slope Direction Line(" + period + ")");
return (0);
int deinit() {
return (0);
double WMA(int ai_0, int ai_4) {
return (iMA(NULL, 0, ai_4, 0, method, price, ai_0));
int start() {
double lda_16[];
double lda_20[];
int li_0 = IndicatorCounted();
if (li_0 < 0) return (-1);
int li_4 = 0;
int li_8 = MathSqrt(period);
int li_12 = Bars - li_0 + period + 1;
if (li_12 > Bars) li_12 = Bars;
ArrayResize(lda_16, li_12);
ArraySetAsSeries(lda_16, TRUE);
ArrayResize(lda_20, li_12);
ArraySetAsSeries(lda_20, TRUE);
for (li_4 = 0; li_4 < li_12; li_4++) lda_16[li_4] = 2.0 * WMA(li_4, period / 2) - WMA(li_4, period);
for (li_4 = 0; li_4 < li_12 - period; li_4++) gda_96[li_4] = iMAOnArray(lda_16, 0, li_8, 0, method, li_4);
for (li_4 = li_12 - period; li_4 >= 0; li_4--) {
lda_20[li_4] = lda_20[li_4 + 1];
if (gda_96[li_4] > gda_96[li_4 + 1]) lda_20[li_4] = 1;
if (gda_96[li_4] < gda_96[li_4 + 1]) lda_20[li_4] = -1;
if (lda_20[li_4] > 0.0) {
gda_88[li_4] = gda_96[li_4];
if (lda_20[li_4 + 1] < 0.0) gda_88[li_4 + 1] = gda_96[li_4 + 1];
gda_92[li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;
} else {
if (lda_20[li_4] < 0.0) {
gda_92[li_4] = gda_96[li_4];
if (lda_20[li_4 + 1] > 0.0) gda_92[li_4 + 1] = gda_96[li_4 + 1];
gda_88[li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;
return (0);
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