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Created March 15, 2022 11:18
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Simplifies Date Parsing Process and displaying
import Foundation
// MARK: - Date Format & Components
extension Date {
// MARK: - Helper types
enum Format: String, CaseIterable {
/// 15/03/2022, 11:02 AM
case ddMMyyyyHHmmA = "dd/MM/yyyy, HH:mm a"
/// "18/10/1993"
case ddMMyyyySlashed = "dd/MM/yyyy"
/// "18/10/1993"
case mmDDyyyySlashed = "MM/dd/yyyy"
/// "18-10-1993"
case ddMMyyyyDashed = "dd-MM-yyyy"
/// "1993-10-18"
case yyyyMMddDashed = "yyyy-MM-dd"
/// 2020-09-17 07:41:51 +0000
case isoMilliSecondsFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
/// "17.09.2020"
case ddMMyyyyDotted = "dd.MM.yyyy"
/// 2021-03-22T04:08:00Z
case isoFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"
/// 17 September 2020 - 09:41
case ddMMyyyyHHmm = "dd MMMM yyyy - hh:mm"
/// 17 September 2020 - 09:41 AM
case ddMMyyyyHHmma = "dd MMMM yyyy - hh:mm a"
/// 09:59 PM
case hhmmA = "hh:mm a"
/// 9:59 PM
case hmmA = "h:mm a"
/// 9:59 PM
case mmss = "mm:ss"
/// Tuesday
case deliveryTypeFormatForDate = "EEEE"
/// 14:45
case deliveryTypeFormatForHour = "HH:mm"
/// 14:45:59
case HHmmss = "HH:mm:ss"
/// 2021-03-09 14:27:21
case yyyyMMddHHmmSS = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
/// 2021-03-09T14:27:21Z
case isoMilliSecondsFormatV2 = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZ"
enum Components: String {
/// 1997
case yearFull = "yyyy"
/// 97 (1997)
case yearShort = "yy"
/// 7
case monthDigit = "M"
/// 07
case monthDigitPadded = "MM"
/// Jul
case monthShort = "MMM"
/// July
case monthFull = "MMMM"
/// J (July)
case monthLetter = "MMMMM"
/// 5
case dayOfMonth = "d"
/// Sat
case weekdayShort = "EEE"
/// Saturday
case weekdayFull = "EEEE"
/// S (Saturday)
case weekdayLetter = "EEEEE"
/// Localized **13** or **1 PM**, depending on the locale.
case hour = "j"
/// 20
case minute = "m"
/// 08
case second = "ss"
/// CST
case timeZone = "zzz"
/// **Central Standard Time** or **CST-06:00** or if full name is unavailable.
case timeZoneFull = "zzzz"
// MARK: - Date Formatting
func format(
with components: [Components],
in timeZone: TimeZone? = .current,
using dateFormatter: DateFormatter = DateFormatter(),
locale: Locale = .current
) -> String? {
let template =\.rawValue).joined(separator: " ")
guard let localizedFormat = DateFormatter.dateFormat(fromTemplate: template, options: 0, locale: locale) else {
return nil
dateFormatter.timeZone = timeZone
dateFormatter.dateFormat = localizedFormat
return dateFormatter.string(from: self)
class DatePresenter {
func present(usingString date: String) -> DateStringInput {
DateStringInput(date: date)
func present(usingDate date: Date) -> DateStringOutput {
DateStringOutput(date: date)
protocol DateFormatterBuilderProtocol: AnyObject {
associatedtype Builder
var formatter: DateFormatter { get }
protocol SelfAdaptingDateFormatterBuilderProtocol: DateFormatterBuilderProtocol where Builder == Self { }
extension SelfAdaptingDateFormatterBuilderProtocol {
func using(format: String) -> Self {
formatter.dateFormat = format
return self
func using(format: Date.Format) -> Self {
formatter.dateFormat = format.rawValue
return self
func using(localizedTemplate: String) -> Self {
return self
func using(localizedTemplate: [Date.Components]) -> Self {
self.using(localizedTemplate:\.rawValue).joined(separator: ""))
func with(locale: Locale) -> Self {
formatter.locale = locale
return self
func adoptLocaleCalendar() -> Self {
formatter.calendar = formatter.locale.calendar
return self
func adoptLocaleTimeZone() -> Self {
formatter.timeZone = .init(identifier: formatter.locale.identifier)
return self
class DateFormatterBuilder: SelfAdaptingDateFormatterBuilderProtocol {
let formatter: DateFormatter = .init()
class DateStringInput: DateFormatterBuilder {
let date: String
init(date: String) { = date
func parse() -> DateStringOutput {
return .init(
date: date)!
class DateStringOutput: DateFormatterBuilder {
let date: Date
init(date: Date) { = date
func display() -> String {
return formatter.string(from: date)
// MARK: - Usage
let incomingDateFromBackend = DateStringInput(
date: "15/03/2022, 11:02 AM"
.using(format: .ddMMyyyyHHmmA)
let displayableToUser = incomingDateFromBackend
.using(localizedTemplate: [.hour, .minute, .monthFull])
print(displayableToUser) // March, 12:02 AM
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