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Last active October 7, 2018 08:18
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Sample implementation
package Other
import scalaz.Functor
import scala.language.higherKinds
object exampleList {
sealed trait mList
case object mNil extends mList
case class mCons(head: Int, tail: mList) extends mList
object mList {
def foldList[A](onNil: A, onCons: (Int, A) => A): mList => A = {
case `mNil` => onNil
case mCons(h, t) => onCons(h, foldList(onNil, onCons)(t))
def length(ls: mList): Int = foldList[Int](0, (_, len) => len + 1)(ls)
def prettyPrint(ls: mList): String = foldList[String]("Nil", (h, s) => s"$h :: " + s)(ls)
def multiply(ls: mList): Long = foldList[Long](1, (h, product) => h * product)(ls)
import mList._
val data = mCons(3, mCons(4, mCons(5, mCons(6, mNil))))
object recursionSchemes extends App {
/*------Recursion Schemes------------*/
type Coalgebra[F[_], A] = A => F[A]
type Falgebra[F[_], A] = F[A] => A
// Generic Sum Type Structure
sealed trait ListF[_]
case class NilF[A]() extends ListF[A]
case class ConsF[A](head: Int, tail: A) extends ListF[A]
// implicit Functor instance for generic structure
implicit val listFFunctor: Functor[ListF] = new Functor[ListF] {
override def map[A, B](fa: ListF[A])(f: A => B): ListF[B] = {
fa match {
case NilF() => NilF()
case ConsF(h, a) => ConsF(h, f(a))
//Recursion schemes for generic recursive structure
object Schemes {
def cata[F[_], R, A](out: R => F[R], algebra: F[A] => A)(r: R)
(implicit F: Functor[F]): A = algebra(, algebra)))
def ana[F[_], R, A](in: F[R] => R, coalgebra: A => F[A])(a: A)
(implicit F: Functor[F]): R = in(, coalgebra)))
def hylo[F[_], A, B](coalgebra: A => F[A],
algebra: F[B] => B)(a: A)
(implicit F: Functor[F]): B = algebra(, algebra)))
//Concrete ListF F-Algebra Implementations
object ListFAlgebra {
def multiplyAlgebra: Falgebra[ListF, BigInt] = {
case NilF() => 1
case ConsF(h, t) => h * t
def stringAlebgra: Falgebra[ListF, String] = {
case NilF() => "Nil"
case ConsF(h, t) => s"$h :: " + t
def lengthAlgebra: Falgebra[ListF, Int] = {
case NilF() => 0
case ConsF(_, t) => t + 1
object ListFCoalgebra {
def charCoalgebra: Coalgebra[ListF, Char] = {
case a if a.toInt >= 128 => NilF()
case b => ConsF(b, (b.toInt + 1).toChar)
def intCoalgebra: Coalgebra[ListF, Int] = {
case n if n <= 0 => NilF()
case n => ConsF(n, n - 1)
import exampleList._
object ListF {
import Schemes._
import ListFAlgebra._
import ListFCoalgebra._
// specific implementations of a morphism in an out of the alegbra
def in: ListF[mList] => mList = {
case NilF() => mNil
case ConsF(h, t) => mCons(h, t)
def out: mList => ListF[mList] = {
case mCons(h, t) => ConsF(h, t)
case _ => NilF[mList]()
// catamorphisms
def catas[A](algebra: Falgebra[ListF, A]): mList => A = cata(out, algebra)
def multiply: mList => BigInt = catas(multiplyAlgebra)
def prettyPrint: mList => String = catas(stringAlebgra)
def length: mList => Int = catas(lengthAlgebra)
// anamorphisms
def anas[A](coalgebra: Coalgebra[ListF, A]): A => mList = ana(in, coalgebra)
def rangeChar[A]: Char => mList = anas(charCoalgebra)
def rangeInt[A]: Int => mList = anas(intCoalgebra)
// hylomorphism
def factorialHylo: Int => BigInt = hylo(intCoalgebra, multiplyAlgebra)
// Enrichment classes
implicit class mListCataOps(data: mList) {
def product = multiply(data)
def mkString = prettyPrint(data)
def size = length(data)
implicit class intOps(int: Int) {
def range = rangeInt(int)
def factorial = factorialHylo(int)
implicit class charOps(char: Char) {
def range = rangeChar(char)
object RecursionSchemeUsage {
import ListF._
val data = mCons(3, mCons(4, mCons(5, mCons(6, mNil))))
val char = 'Z'
val int = 25
object fixPoint {
// Fix Point definition
case class Fix[F[_]](unfix: F[Fix[F]])
object FixpointSchemes {
def cata[F[_], A](algebra: F[A] => A)(r: Fix[F])
(implicit F: Functor[F]): A = algebra(
def ana[F[_], A](coalgebra: A => F[A])(a: A)
(implicit F: Functor[F]): Fix[F] = Fix(
def hylo[F[_], A, B](coalgebra: A => F[A], algebra: F[B] => B)(r: A)
(implicit F: Functor[F]): B = algebra(, algebra)))
//Same algebras
import ListFAlgebra._
import ListFCoalgebra._
import FixpointSchemes._
def fixMultiply: Fix[ListF] => BigInt = cata(multiplyAlgebra)
def fixPrettyPrint: Fix[ListF] => String = cata(stringAlebgra)
def fixLength: Fix[ListF] => Int = cata(lengthAlgebra)
def fixIntRange: Int => Fix[ListF] = ana(intCoalgebra)
def fixCharRange: Char => Fix[ListF] = ana(charCoalgebra)
def fixFactorial: Int => BigInt = hylo(intCoalgebra, multiplyAlgebra)
implicit class fixCataOps(data: Fix[ListF]) {
def product = fixMultiply(data)
def mkString = fixPrettyPrint(data)
def size = fixLength(data)
implicit class fixIntOps(int: Int) {
def range = fixIntRange(int)
def factorial = fixFactorial(int)
implicit class fixCharOps(char: Char) {
def range = fixIntRange(char)
import fixPoint._
val fixData = Fix[ListF](ConsF(1, Fix(ConsF(2, Fix(ConsF(10, Fix(ConsF(-2, Fix(NilF())))))))))
val fixInt = 20
val fixChar = 'Z'
object treeExample {
// Generic Sum Type Structure
sealed trait TreeF[_]
case class LeafF[A](a: Int) extends TreeF[A]
case class BranchF[A](left: A, right: A) extends TreeF[A]
// implicit Functor instance for generic structure
implicit val treeFFunctor: Functor[TreeF] = new Functor[TreeF] {
override def map[A, B](fa: TreeF[A])(f: A => B): TreeF[B] = {
fa match {
case LeafF(a) => LeafF(a)
case BranchF(l, r) => BranchF(f(l), f(r))
object TreeFAlgebra {
def lengthAlgebra: Falgebra[TreeF, Int] = {
case LeafF(a) => 1
case BranchF(l, r) => l + r
def sumAlgebra: Falgebra[TreeF, Int] = {
case LeafF(a) => a
case BranchF(l, r) => l + r
import fixPoint._
object TreeF {
import FixpointSchemes._
def size: Fix[TreeF] => Int = cata(TreeFAlgebra.lengthAlgebra)
def sum: Fix[TreeF] => Int = cata(TreeFAlgebra.sumAlgebra)
import treeExample._
val data = Fix[TreeF](
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