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SegmentedQueue test
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define N 1000
static size_t K_SIZE = 4;
static int64_t COMPLEXITY = 0;
static inline size_t min(size_t a, size_t b) {
if (a < b) return a; else return b;
typedef int element_t;
#define INVALID_ELEMENT (-1)
typedef struct node {
struct node *previous;
struct node *next;
size_t read_index;
size_t write_index;
element_t *elements;
} node_t;
typedef struct dll {
node_t *first;
node_t *last;
} dll_t;
static inline node_t *node_new(void) {
node_t *node = (node_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(node_t));
node->elements = (element_t *)calloc(K_SIZE, sizeof(element_t));
return node;
static inline size_t node_get_elements_count(const node_t *node) {
return node->write_index - node->read_index;
void node_elements_move(node_t *dst, size_t dst_index, node_t *src, size_t count) {
size_t src_index = src->read_index;
// sanity for debug
assert(dst_index + count <= (K_SIZE) && src_index + count <= src->write_index);
// NOTE: consider using memmove()
dst->write_index = dst_index + count;
src->read_index = src_index + count;
COMPLEXITY += count;
if (dst != src || dst_index < src_index) {
while (count--) {
dst->elements[dst_index++] = src->elements[src_index++];
else {
dst_index += count;
src_index += count;
while (count--) {
dst->elements[--dst_index] = src->elements[--src_index];
size_t node_elements_rebase(node_t *node, size_t base) {
const size_t count = node_get_elements_count(node);
assert(base + count <= (K_SIZE));
if (count) {
if (node->read_index != base) {
node_elements_move(node, base, node, count);
// anyway rebase indices
node->read_index = base;
node->write_index = base + count;
return count;
static inline dll_t *dll_new(void) {
return calloc(1, sizeof(dll_t));
void dll_node_remove(dll_t *dll, node_t *node) {
assert(node->write_index == node->read_index);
node_t *previous = node->previous;
node_t *next = node->next;
// relink list
if (next) next->previous = previous;
if (previous) previous->next = next;
// update root
if (dll->first == node) dll->first = next;
if (dll->last == node) dll->last = previous;
// free the node
void offer(dll_t *dll, element_t value) {
node_t *last = dll->last;
if (!last) {
dll->first = dll->last = last = node_new();
// check last is full
if (last->write_index >= (K_SIZE)) {
node_t *newbie = node_new();
last->next = newbie;
newbie->previous = last;
dll->last = last = newbie;
last->elements[last->write_index++] = value;
element_t poll(dll_t *dll) {
node_t *first = dll->first;
if (!first) {
element_t value = first->elements[first->read_index++];
size_t first_count = node_get_elements_count(first);
// sanity checks for debug, also treats read overrun as size_t is unsigned
assert(first_count <= (K_SIZE));
// check if the last node is empty and should be removed
if (!first_count) {
// sanity checks for debug
assert(first == dll->last && !first->previous && !first->next);
dll_node_remove(dll, first);
// check if the first node is half-empty and needs re-balancing
else if (first_count < ((K_SIZE) >> 1)) {
// check next two segments for re-balancing
node_t *second = first->next;
if (second) {
node_t *third = second->next;
size_t second_count = node_get_elements_count(second);
// anyway move first's elements to the beginning
node_elements_rebase(first, 0);
// if it is the first segment, and there exist two segments after,
// then proceed similarly to previous two cases;
if (third) {
// the sum m = size(si−1) + size(si) + size(si+1)
size_t third_count = node_get_elements_count(third);
size_t m = first_count + second_count + third_count;
// if the sum m < 2k, then replace these three segments with two segments of size m/2
if (m < ((K_SIZE) << 1)) {
m >>= 1;
// append elements from the second segment into the first
size_t move = min(m - first_count, second_count);
node_elements_move(first, first_count, second, move);
// move second's elements to the beginning is any exists
node_elements_rebase(second, 0);
// move all the third's segment elements into the second one
node_elements_move(second, second->write_index, third, third_count);
// remove third
dll_node_remove(dll, third);
// if the sum m >= 2k, then replace these three segments with tree segments of size m/3
else {
m /= 3;
size_t move = m - first_count;
if (move >= second_count) {
// move all the elements from the second to the first segment
node_elements_move(first, first_count, second, second_count);
// move rest elements from the third segment
node_elements_move(first, first_count + second_count, third, move - second_count);
// move elements from the third to the empty second
node_elements_move(second, 0, third, m);
// move third's elements to the beginning is any exists
node_elements_rebase(third, 0);
else {
// move elements from the second to the first segment
node_elements_move(first, first_count, second, move);
// move second's elements to the beginning
second_count = node_elements_rebase(second, 0);
if (second_count != m) {
if (second_count < m) {
// move elements from the third to the second
node_elements_move(second, second_count, third, m - second_count);
// move third's elements to the beginning
node_elements_rebase(third, 0);
else {
move = second_count - m;
// reserve space in the third segment
node_elements_rebase(third, move);
// move last elements from the second to the third
while (move--) {
third->elements[move] = second->elements[--second->write_index];
third->read_index = 0;
// if it is the first segment and only one segment after it exists,
// move as many elements from the last segment to the first one as possible;
else {
size_t move = (K_SIZE) - first_count;
if (move < second_count) {
node_elements_move(first, first_count, second, move);
node_elements_rebase(second, 0);
else {
node_elements_move(first, first_count, second, second_count);
// if the last segment becomes empty, remove it
dll_node_remove(dll, second);
return value;
void test_burst(void) {
dll_t *list = dll_new();
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
offer(list, i);
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
element_t value = poll(list);
// printf("%d ", value);
assert(value == i);
// printf("%zu\t%lu\n", K_SIZE, COMPLEXITY);
void test_random(uint seed) {
dll_t *list = dll_new();
element_t values_offered = 0;
element_t values_polled = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if ((values_polled == values_offered) || (rand_r(&seed) & 1)) {
offer(list, values_offered++);
else {
element_t value = poll(list);
assert(value == values_polled);
printf("%zu\t%lu\n", K_SIZE, COMPLEXITY);
int main() {
for (K_SIZE = 4; K_SIZE <= 1000; ++K_SIZE) {
// test_random(0x7357533D);
printf("%zu\t%ld\n", K_SIZE, COMPLEXITY);
return 0;
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