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Last active April 19, 2021 23:53
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#/ Get the counts from GTEx via recount as a SummarizedExperiment
#/ => 1.3GB file
download_study("SRP012682", type = "rse-gene")
load(file.path("SRP012682", "rse_gene.Rdata"))
#/ remove whitespaces in tissue names:
rse_gene$tissue <- gsub(" ", "_", rse_gene$smts)
#/ see the tissues included:
#/ make DGEList
y <- DGEList(counts = assay(rse_gene, "counts"),
group = rse_gene$tissue)
#/ Subset the entire dataset to three tissues to make the process faster and less
#/ memory intensive, for the sake of this post:
y <- y[,y$samples$group %in% c("Heart", "Lung", "Pancreas")]
#/ filter lowly-expressed genes:
y <- y[filterByExpr(y, group=y$samples$group),]
#/ naive CPMs, corrected only for library size:
cpm_by_group_naive <- edgeR::cpmByGroup(y, log=TRUE)
#/ and with the TMMs, corrected for composition:
y <- calcNormFactors(y)
cpm_by_group_TMM <- edgeR::cpmByGroup(y, log=TRUE)
#/ Lets look at lung vs pancreas:
naive <- cpm_by_group_naive[,c("Lung", "Pancreas")]
TMM <- cpm_by_group_TMM[,c("Lung", "Pancreas")]
#/ Make the MA-plot using smoothScatter:
for(i in c("naive", "TMM")){
g1 <- get(i)[,1]
g2 <- get(i)[,2]
smoothScatter(x = 0.5 * (g1+g2), # average expr
y = g1-g2, # fold change
xlab = "average log expression",
ylab = "log fold change",
main = i,
abline(h=0, col="red")
abline(h=log2(2), col="red", lty=2)
abline(h=-log2(2), col="red", lty=2)
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