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Last active January 17, 2024 18:59
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# Load data
```{r loadData}
parseProperly <- function(x){
x <- x[,-c(ncol(x)-1,ncol(x))]
# Read data drectly from GEO
m1 <- ""
m2 <- ""
m3 <- ""
method1 <- parseProperly(fread(m1, data.table=FALSE))
method2 <- parseProperly(fread(m2, data.table=FALSE))
method3 <- parseProperly(fread(m3, data.table=FALSE))
# Combine into a single table
counts <- Reduce(function(x, y) full_join(x, y, by="id"), list(method1, method2, method3))
# Replace NAs by zero
counts[] <- 0
##Move "ids" to rownames to have a ure count matrix:
rownames(counts) <- counts$id
counts$id <- NULL
# Setup edgeR
```{r setup}
# Make a DGEList and add metadata
y <- DGEList(counts = counts)
y$samples$kit <- c(rep("Pico", 6), rep("Illumina", 6), rep("V4", 6))
y$samples$treatment <- rep(c(rep("treated", 3), rep("untreated", 3)), 3)
# Normalize and obtain logcounts for QC
y <- calcNormFactors(y)
logCPMs <- cpm(y, log = TRUE)
```{r pca1}
# Calculate rowwise variance
rv <- apply(logCPMs, 1, var)
# Sort decreasingly and take top 1000
o <- order(rv, decreasing=TRUE)
top1000 <- head(o, 1000)
# From the logCPMs subset for the top-1000
logCPM_top1000 <- logCPMs[top1000,]
# Run PCA
pca <- prcomp(t(logCPM_top1000))
# Combine PCA coordinates with the metadata from the DGEList
to_plot <- data.frame(pca$x, y$samples)
# Calculate how many % of total variance is explained by each principal component
percentVar <- pca$sdev^2 / sum( pca$sdev^2 )*100
# We focus here on PC1 and PC2
use.pcs <- c(1,2)
labs <- paste0(paste0("PC", use.pcs, " - "), paste0("Var.expl = ", round(percentVar[use.pcs], 2), "%"))
ggplot(to_plot, aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, color=kit, shape=treatment)) +
geom_point(size=3) +
xlab(labs[1]) + ylab(labs[2])
# Batch correction
```{r batch}
# correct for the batch which here is the "kit"
batch <- factor(y$samples$kit)
logCPMs_corrected <- limma::removeBatchEffect(logCPMs, batch = batch)
# repeat PCA as before, using the same genes
logCPM_corrected_top1000 <- logCPMs_corrected[top1000,]
# Run PCA
pca <- prcomp(t(logCPM_corrected_top1000))
# Combine PCA coordinates with the metadata from the DGEList
to_plot <- data.frame(pca$x, y$samples)
# Calculate how many % of total variance is explained by each principal component
percentVar <- pca$sdev^2 / sum( pca$sdev^2 )*100
# We focus here on PC1 and PC2
use.pcs <- c(1,2)
labs <- paste0(paste0("PC", use.pcs, " - "), paste0("Var.expl = ", round(percentVar[use.pcs], 2), "%"))
ggplot(to_plot, aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, color=kit, shape=treatment)) +
geom_point(size=3) +
xlab(labs[1]) + ylab(labs[2])
# Differential analysis
```{r de}
# Design accounting for kit (=batch)
design <- model.matrix(~kit+treatment, y$samples)
# QLF workflow from edgeR
y <- estimateDisp(y, design)
fit <- glmQLFit(y, design)
# see head(design) => the fourth column is treatment which is what we want to test
fit <- glmQLFTest(fit, coef = 4)
# get stats as a data.frame
tt <- data.frame(topTags(fit, n=Inf))
# Classify genes into significantly up and down
tt_modified <- tt %>%
mutate(status=factor(case_when(logFC>0 & FDR<0.05 ~ "up",
logFC<0 & FDR<0.05 ~ "down",
TRUE ~ "not.signif"),
levels=c("up", "not.signif", "down")))
# MA-plot
ggplot(tt_modified, aes(x=logCPM, y=logFC, color=status)) +
geom_point(size=1) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("firebrick", "grey", "dodgerblue"))
# Volcano (logFC vs -log10(pvalue -- I prefer FDR))
ggplot(tt_modified, aes(x=logFC, y=-log10(FDR), color=status)) +
geom_point(size=1) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("firebrick", "grey", "dodgerblue"))
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