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Created March 18, 2022 15:30
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  • Save AVeryUncreativeUsername/adaae0bb1e8f111386ee14dc573d6d48 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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; allow INIs in the Tweaks\INIs folder to overwrite the main INI
bMultiINISupport = 1
; show [SECTION] SETTING when viewing subsettings in tweaks' menu
bShowSubsettingPaths = 0
; adds a button in the pause->settings menu for configuring Tweaks (you must restart game for changes to apply)
bTweaksMenuButton = 1
; sort the ini alphabetically
bSortAlphabetically = 0
; add new settings to the top of the ini
bPrependNewSettings = 1
; Modify Game-Settings (after ESPs have loaded)
fFirstPersonHandFollowMult = 1
iLevelsPerPerk = 1
fGunParticleCameraDistance = 20480
iHackingDumpRate = 1000
iHackingInputRate = 1000
iHackingOutputRate = 1000
iComputersDisplayRateMenus = 1000
iComputersDisplayRateNotes = 1000
fSittingMaxLookingDown = 60.0000
fWorldMapMinZoom = 0.25
fWorldMapMaxZoom = 10
fLocalMapMinZoom = 0.25
fLocalMapMaxZoom = 10
iBloodSplatterMaxCount = 0
fFallLegDamageMult = 0
iFallLegDamageChance = 0
fCheckPositionFallDistance = 0
fJumpFallHeightExponent = 0
fJumpFallHeightMin = 100000000
iAntiCheatDuration = 0
fCameraShakeExplosionDistMult = 0
fCameraShakeFadeTime = 0
fCameraShakeTime = 0
fCameraShakeDistFadeDelta = 0
fCameraShakeDistFadeStart = 0
fCameraShakeDistMin = 99999.000000
fVanityModeDelay = 9999999
;fAVDCarryWeightsBase = 100000
iTraitMenuMaxNumTraits = 100
fDamageToArmorPercentage = 0
fDamageToWeaponValue = 0
fVATSAutomaticMeleeDamageMult = 0
fVATSDamageToWeaponMult = 0
fWeaponConditionReloadJam1 = 0
fWeaponConditionReloadJam2 = 0
fWeaponConditionReloadJam3 = 0
fWeaponConditionReloadJam4 = 0
fWeaponConditionReloadJam5 = 0
fWeaponConditionReloadJam6 = 0
fWeaponConditionReloadJam7 = 0
fWeaponConditionReloadJam8 = 0
fWeaponConditionReloadJam9 = 0
fWeaponConditionReloadJam10 = 0
fWeaponConditionJam1 = 0
fWeaponConditionJam2 = 0
fWeaponConditionJam3 = 0
fWeaponConditionJam4 = 0
fWeaponConditionJam5 = 0
fWeaponConditionJam6 = 0
fWeaponConditionJam7 = 0
fWeaponConditionJam8 = 0
fWeaponConditionJam9 = 0
fWeaponConditionJam10 = 0
fVATSH2HWarpDistanceMult = 0.000000
fVATSMeleeMaxDistance = 100.000000
iAllyHitNonCombatAllowed = 99999
iAllyHitCombatAllowed = 99999
iFriendHitCombatAllowed = 99999
iFriendHitNonCombatAllowed = 99999
fGrabMaxWeightWalking = 99999
fGrabMaxWeightRunning = 99999
; see for keycodes
; replaces the vanilla hotkey (~)
iConsoleKey = 0
; disables player collision while held
iDisableCollisionKey = 0
; drops the equipped weapon
iDropEquippedWeaponKey = 0
; equip the last equipped weapon
iEquipLastWeaponKey = 0
; quits the game
iExitGameKey = 0
; exits to main menu
iExitToMainMenuKey = 0
; hide various HUD elements, see the Hide HUD Key section
iHideHUDKey = 23
; holster the current weapon, disables holding reload to holster weapon
iHolsterWeaponKey = 0
; select the next radio station
iNextRadioStationKey = 0
; open the PipBoy local map
iOpenLocalMapKey = 0
; open the PipBoy world map
iOpenMapKey = 0
; open the PipBoy quests tab
iOpenQuestsKey = 0
; open the PipBoy radios tab
iOpenRadioKey = 0
; replaces the vanilla hotkey (F3)
iPipboyDataKey = 0
; replaces the vanilla hotkey (F2)
iPipboyItemsKey = 0
; replaces the vanilla hotkey (F1)
iPipboyStatsKey = 0
; select the previous radio station
iPrevRadioStationKey = 0
; decrease the radio volume
iRadioVolumeDownKey = 74
; increase the radio volume
iRadioVolumeUpKey = 78
; continually presses the use key while held
iRepeatActivateKey = 0
; replaces the vanilla hotkey (Print Scrn)
iScreenshotKey = 0
; skip the current radio song or topic
iSkipRadioSongKey = 0
; toggles visibility of the crosshair
iToggleCrosshairKey = 24
; toggles the visibility of all menus
iToggleMenusKey = 0
; toggles the PipBoy light
iTogglePipboyLightKey = 0
; switch to using ##SightingNode2 if the weapon has one
iToggleSightingNodeHotkey = 0
; smoothens movements of the camera
iToggleSmoothCameraKey = 0
; toggles the sneak indicator visibility
iToggleSneakIndicatorKey = 0
; toggles True Ironsights mode
iToggleTrueIronSightsKey = 0
; replaces the vanilla hotkey (E)
iVATSAcceptKey = 0
; changes the PipBoy clock to be in 12 hour format
b12HourPipboyClock = 1
; changes the sleep/wait clock to be in 24 hour format
b24HourSleepWaitClock = 0
; require moving to stand up when seated
bActivatingDoesntStandUp = 1
; adds hotkey 'Q' to drop the currently selected item from the Pip-Boy menu
bAddInventoryDropItemHotkey = 1
; use the item icon (if it exists) in 'added to inventory' messages (you will need an icon replacer or they will be off-centered)
bAddItemUsesItemIcon = 0
; pressing the iTogglePipboyLight key while aiming with a night vision weapon toggles the night vision effect
bAddNightVisionToggle = 0
; add RGB sliders for the main HUD color to the settings menu
bAddRGBSliders = 1
; allows scroll-wheel to zoom while using a scope
bAdjustableScopeZoom = 1
; scale jump height based on agility
bAgilityScalesJumpHeight = 0
; NPC and player movement speed is scaled by their agility
bAgilityScalesMovementSpeed = 0
; remove the movement penalty while aiming
bAimingSpeed = 1
; unholster weapons when aiming
bAimingUnholstersWeapons = 0
; allows activating while performing another action, e.g. start reloading, open a door and finish reloading on the other side
bAllowActivateWhileAnimPlays = 1
; allow using stimpaks at max health
bAllowAidAtMaxHealth = 0
; allows firing weapons while lower body animations are playing
bAllowFiringWhileLanding = 1
; allow use of keyboard and mouse to move around while a controller is connected
bAllowKeyboardAndMouseWithControllerConnected = 1
; allows opening of Pip-Boy while the screen shakes (it may look offcentered)
bAllowOpenPipboyDuringCameraShake = 1
; allow pickpocketing even if you've already been caught
bAllowPickpocketIfAlreadyCaught = 1
; show the number hotkeys in the Controls menu
bAllowRebindNumkeys = 1
; allows sleep/waiting while max health is reduced by effects
bAllowSleepWaitWithReducedMaxHealth = 0
; allow teammates to use the meltdown effect if the player has the Meltdown perk
bAllowTeammatesUseMeltdown = 0
; allows fast traveling from indoors (you need to take care not to travel out of scripted areas)
bAllowUnsafeFastTravel = 0
; allow entering VATS while animations play (e.g. while jumping)
bAllowVATSWhileAnimsPlay = 1
; open the PipBoy and use weapon hotkeys while reloading
bAllowWeaponHotkeysAndPipBoyWhileReloading = 1
; use weapon hotkeys while switching weapons
bAllowWeaponHotkeysWhileEquipping = 1
; use weapon hotkeys while firing
bAllowWeaponHotkeysWhileFiring = 1
; play an alternate levelup sound every N levels
bAlternateLevelupSounds = 0
; use the longer name for ammo on the HUD (will clip with other HUD elements)
bAmmoLabelUseLongName = 0
; print which anims are currently active into the console, type TDT to see them with console closed
bAnimDebugging = 0
; automatically continue game at the start menu
bAutoContinueGame = 0
; allows firing automatic weapons even if they are animating already (e.g. miniguns spinning up)
bAutoWeaponNoFiringDelay = 1
; make vendors obey their Buy/Sell flags, restricting which items they accept
bBarterCheckActorBuySellFlags = 0
; show the total price of the selected quantity menu items when bartering
bBarterQuantityMenuShowsPrice = 1
; moving left or right no longer cancels auto-walk
bBetterAutoWalk = 1
; add hotkeys to rotate the flycam camera, and increase the run speed
bBetterFlycam = 0
; zoom in where the cursor is instead of the center of the map
bBetterMapZoom = 1
; show the value and weight for a whole stack of items while looting and indicate the weight in red if it would overencumber you
bBetterPickupPrompt = 1
; allow adjusting the max walking, jumping and autowalk angles
bBillyGoatMode = 0
; prevent bloody mess dismembering/exploding limbs that weren't hit
bBloodyMessGibTargetedLimbOnly = 0
; speed up the quest and note menus by only recreating them if your quest/notes state has changed
bCacheQuestAndNoteMenu = 1
; cap the levelup menu max skill values based on SPECIAL skills
bCapSkillsBySPECIAL = 0
; scroll to the top when changing container/barter categories
bChangingContainerCategoryScrollsToTop = 1
; stops NPC and player scale affecting their melee damage
bCharacterMeleeDamageIgnoresScale = 0
; stops NPC and player scale affecting their non-melee damage
bCharacterNonMeleeDamageIgnoresScale = 0
; add an AP penalty for performing charged unarmed/melee attacks
bChargedAttacksCostAP = 0
; clicking on the current PipBoy inventory tab toggles sorting/filtering
bClickingActiveTabTogglesSorting = 0
; clicking instantly displays the rest of a note page
bClickingShowsTerminalText = 1
; prevents firing if you don't have enough ammo for one burst
bClipSizeMatters = 0
; colors various HUD elements e.g. HP bar when health is low
bColoredHUDBars = 1
; show map markers added this session in red
bColorRecentlyAddedMapMarkers = 1
; customise the color of companions on the compass, see [Companion HUD Color]
bCompanionPipColorChange = 1
; use the same font as locations for companions on the map
bCompanionsUseLocationFontOnMap = 0
; show - and + on armor DT and DR relative to the equipped armors
bCompareArmorStats = 1
; show - and + on weapon DPS/DAM relative to the equipped weapon
bCompareWeaponStats = 1
; fade icons for NPCs, doors etc. on the left side of the compass
bCompassFadeLeftSide = 1
; fade the compass location markers based on distance to the player
bCompassLocationDistanceBasedAlpha = 0
; fade the compass NPC markers based on distance to the player
bCompassNPCDistanceBasedAlpha = 0
; use custom icons to show whether an NPC is above or below the player
bCompassNPCHeightIndicator = 1
; use custom icons to show whether a quest marker is above or below the player
bCompassQuestHeightIndicator = 1
; append the count to consecutive duplicate single line console messages
bCompressDuplicateConsoleMessages = 1
; adds a background to the console
bConsoleBackground = 1
; don't save sent commands to history if they are identical to the last sent command
bConsoleHistoryNoStoreDuplicates = 1
; add support for the numpad buttons /*-+., enter and 0-9 to be used in console
bConsoleNumpadSupport = 1
; include a timestamp in console messages
bConsolePrintsIncludeTimestamp = 0
; darken and add a faint shadow to console output text
bConsoleTextShadow = 1
; hold shift to store all visible items in the current container
bContainerMenuStoreAllHotkey = 1
; add a warning in the subtitles bar if the opened container is set to respawn
bContainerRespawnsMessage = 1
; prevent the 'take all' button closing the container
bContainerTakeAllDoesntCloseMenu = 1
; DEBUG OPTION for mod developers, adding a hotkey 'R' to load the last save from the start menu
bContinueGameHotkey = 0
; prevents the controller back button closing the PipBoy
bControllerBackButtonDoesntClosePipBoy = 0
; holding the attack button for grenades decreases their detonation timer
bCookableGrenades = 1
; don't scale crit chance for automatic weapons by their fire rate
bCritChanceIgnoresFireRate = 0
; include the limb name in critical hit messages
bCriticalHitMessagesIncludeLimbName = 1
; allows crouching while (un)equipping weapons
bCrouchWhileEquippingWeapons = 0
; customise the length of time the 'Added to inventory' message is shown
bCustomAddToInventoryMessageTimer = 0
; allow a custom scale applied to armor DR/DT based on their condition
bCustomArmorConditionPenalty = 0
; use a custom formula for hacking answer length
bCustomHackingAnswerLength = 0
; automatically convert taken screenshots into various formats e.g. jpg
bCustomScreenshotFormat = 1
; set a custom total number of SPECIAL points to allocate, minimum is 7 (one in each skill)
bCustomSpecialPoints = 0
; modify how far away general subtitles are shown
bCustomSubtitleDistance = 0
; show cheat info at the lockpick menu
bDebugLockpickMenu = 1
; half the 500ms delay before allowing clicking in the dialogue menu
bDecreasedDialogueClickDelay = 1
; add a 3s delay after combat before the LevelUp menu will show
bDelayPostCombatLevelUp = 1
; delay the reputation change popup dialog till 3s after combat
bDelayPostCombatReputationPopup = 1
; add the marker location name to the "Marker Added" notification at the HUD
bDescriptiveMarkerAddedMessage = 1
; hotkeying an item to the same slot it already has will remove the hotkey
bDeselectHotkeys = 1
; show the names of actors detecting you while sneaking
bDetectedByWhom = 1
; scale NPC-NPC damage independent of the fDiffMultHPByPC gamesetting
bDifficultyDoesntAffectNPCToNPCDamage = 0
; disable steam/gog achievements
bDisableAchievements = 1
; disables the character recreation script that runs when leaving the spawn area
bDisableCharacterRespec = 1
; prevent combat music playing
bDisableCombatMusic = 0
; disables the killcam for companion kills
bDisableCompanionKillcam = 1
; disable the alpha effect given to markers on the right edge of compass
bDisableCompassEdgeAlpha = 0
; set the controller thumbstick deadzones under [Controller Deadzone]
bDisableControllerDeadzones = 0
; disables the radial blur when an explosion occurs nearby
bDisableExplosionInFaceIMOD = 1
; disable fast travel
bDisableFastTravel = 0
; disable godmode when loading a save
bDisableGodmodeOnLoad = 0
; removes the grenade indicator from the HUD
bDisableGrenadeIndicator = 0
; disables the radial blur when damaged (optionally only when in god-mode)
bDisableHitShader = 1
; disables zooming when aiming with a weapon holstered
bDisableHolsteredWeaponFOVZoom = 0
; prevents the vaultboy showing on the HUD when a limb is crippled (not the 'LMB' text)
bDisableHUDCrippledLimbIndicator = 1
; removes fog from interiors
bDisableInteriorFog = 1
; removes the tips from the loading screens
bDisableLoadingScreenTips = 0
; disables the messages when hardcore needs and radiation levels increase/decrease
bDisableNeedsMessages = 0
; allow movement outside world borders, showing the 'Leaving Region' warning
bDisableRegionBordersKeepMessage = 0
; prevents reloading if the weapon's clip is not empty
bDisableReloadingNonEmptyClip = 0
; removes the ability to sell items in the barter menu
bDisableSellingItems = 0
; disable the functionality of the "Show Location" button on the quest menu
bDisableShowQuestLocation = 0
; disables hardcoded one-time tutorial messages, e.g. hacking, lockpick, pipboy
bDisableTutorialMessages = 1
; disables zooming when aiming with non-scoped weapons
bDisableWeaponFOV = 0
; automatically pick up explosives after disarming them
bDisarmingMinesPicksThemUp = 1
; add a distance, beyond which quest markers are hidden
bDistanceBasedQuestMarkerVisibilty = 0
; don't allow opening console till initial loading is finished
bDontAllowConsoleTillLoadingIsDone = 1
; don't set the current quest when completing objectives without having a quest active
bDontSetQuestWhenCompletingObjectives = 1
; don't set the current quest when gaining a new objective with no quest active
bDontSetQuestWhenObjectivesAdded = 1
; stop the container menu showing automatically when opening with lock-pick or a key
bDontShowContainerAfterLockpick = 1
; change ammo types when reload is pressed twice in quick succession
bDoubleTapReloadToChangeAmmoType = 1
; drain action points before taking damage when drowning
bDrowningDrainsAP = 1
; include grabbed item weight when determining if player is overencumbered
bEncumbranceIncludesGrabbedItems = 0
; add an AP penalty for entering VATS
bEnteringVATSCostsAP = 0
; allow equipping of broken items
bEquipBrokenItems = 1
; push targets away from explosions instead of the actor who created them
bExplosionKnockbackDirectionFix = 1
; make explosion knockdown avoidance chance based on strength instead of agility
bExplosionKnockdownAvoidanceUsesStrength = 0
; prevent explosions moving items if they're collectible
bExplosionsDontPushTakeableItems = 1
; increase controller rotation speed to half of sensitivity when looking around with POV held
bFasterControllerPOVRotate = 0
; speed up the animation for entering the lockpick menu
bFasterEnterLockpickMenu = 1
; decrease the delay after a successful hack by 2.5 seconds
bFasterHackingTransition = 1
; removes a hard-coded 3 second delay before menu closing when saving using the pause menu
bFasterSaveMenuClose = 1
; increase the hour countdown speed while waiting or sleeping
bFasterSleepWait = 1
; remove the wait for the Fallout New Vegas logo to be at full alpha
bFasterTitleMenu = 1
; makes fast travel cost 1 Nuka-Cola Quantum, Quartz or Victory
bFastTravelCostsSpecialNukaBottles = 0
; allow fast travel when over-encumbered, as the Long Haul perk does
bFastTravelOverencumbered = 0
; allow fast travel while enemies are nearby
bFastTravelWithEnemiesNearby = 1
; make fatal non-sneak critical hits always explode or dismember limbs
bFatalNonSneakCritsAlwaysGib = 0
; allows firing weapons while starting to aim
bFireWhileAiming = 1
; forces first person for VATS camera shots
bFirstPersonVATS = 0
; fixes a bug in the Enhanced Camera mod where the player would sink into the ground when changing from first to third person
bFixEnhancedCameraGroundSinkBug = 1
; use the last weapon that damaged an NPC instead of the currently equipped weapon for kill challenges
bFixKillChallengeSourceWeapon = 1
; use 1st person (high-res) models for NPCs' weapons
bForceHiResWeaponModels = 1
; failing a lockpick force attempt breaks a bobby pin instead of the lock
bForceLockpickNoBreakLock = 1
; prevents the leg crippled sound in godmode
bGodmodePreventsLegCrippleSound = 1
; make grabbing owned items carry the same faction penalty as stealing
bGrabbingItemsIsCrime = 0
; allow hacking terminals of any level
bHackTerminalsWithoutSkill = 1
; toggle individual hardcore features independently of the hardcore setting
bHardcoreTweaks = 0
; hide the clip/remaining label
bHideAmmoLabel = 0
; hide completed quests in the PipBoy
bHideCompletedQuests = 1
; hides the crosshair in first person
bHideCrosshairInFirstPerson = 0
; hide the crosshair during killcams
bHideCrosshairInKillcams = 1
; hides the crosshair in third person
bHideCrosshairInThirdPerson = 1
; hides the cursor while in dialog
bHideCursorInDialog = 1
; hide the enemy markers from the compass
bHideEnemyMarkers = 0
; hides equipped items in the barter menu
bHideEquippedItemsInBarter = 1
; hides equipped items in the container menu
bHideEquippedItemsInContainers = 1
; hide the grenade indicator for projectiles whose explosions do no damage
bHideGrenadeIndicatorForNoDamageExplosions = 1
; hide the healthbar during killcams
bHideHealthbarInKillcams = 1
; hides hotkeyed items in the barter menu
bHideHotkeyedItemsInBarter = 1
; hides hotkeyed items in the container menu
bHideHotkeyedItemsInContainers = 1
; hide hotkeyed items in the item repair menu
bHideHotkeyedItemsInRepairLists = 1
; only show unvisited locations on the compass if they are marked on the map
bHideInvisibleUndiscoveredLocations = 1
; hide the faction reputation from map markers on the world map
bHideMapMarkerFactionReputation = 0
; hide quest items in the misc PipBoy page
bHideMiscQuestItems = 1
; hide 'Ranks' in the description for traits in the Trait menu
bHideRanksInTraitMenu = 1
; hide read notes in the notes menu
bHideReadNotes = 0
; prevent the red crosshair when mousing over invisible enemies in the distance
bHideRedCrosshairOnDistantInvisibleTargets = 0
; hide the Stats menu reputation tab and button if you don't have any faction reputations
bHideReputationTabIfEmpty = 1
; hide unavailable radios in the PipBoy
bHideUnavailableRadios = 1
; hide NPC names on the prompt if they haven't spoken to the player
bHideUnknownNPCNames = 0
; use non-ironsight anims and recoil patterns for scoped weapons to prevent weapons staying in your face when unscoping while firing
bHipFireAnimsWhileScoped = 1
; prevents weapons being damaged when shot at
bHittingWeaponsDoesntDamageThem = 0
; allow hold/releasing for throwables similar to grenades
bHoldAndReleaseThrowables = 1
; makes sneaking holdable rather than toggleable
bHoldCrouchToSneak = 0
; prevents activating certain object types unless the key is held
bHoldToActivate = 1
; hold the wait key to show the Wait menu
bHoldWaitKeyToShowMenu = 1
; make all NPCs on the compass use the hud color even if they are hostile
bHostilesUseNeutralColorOnCompass = 0
; pressing the hotkey for the current equipped weapon will holster or draw instead of unequipping
bHotkeyHolstersWeaponIfEquipped = 0
; adds a fatigue indicator similar to the FOD and H2O labels in hardcore
bHUDFatigueIndicator = 1
; move the compass when rotating while holding the POV button for the vanity camera
bHUDRotatesWithVanityCam = 1
; show interior cell names in the HUD region text where the 'Mojave Wasteland' text is
bHUDShowRegionNames = 1
; show the current weapon name above AP when it's equipped
bHUDWeaponNameLabel = 1
; remove companions from VATS
bIgnoreCompanionsVATS = 1
; use incremental save slots for autosave, optionally fullsaving every rotation
bImprovedAutoSave = 1
; improves various aspects of the Hacking mini-game
bImprovedHacking = 1
; allow panning the camera with right click or Y on controller and increase min zoom
bImprovedRaceMenu = 1
; show weight and value for an individual item when viewing stacks of items
bIndividialItemStats = 0
; optimises some vanilla functions to decrease loading times and improve general performance
bInlineVanillaFunctions = 1
; skip the "Continue from your last saved game?" prompt when clicking continue game
bInstantContinueButton = 1
; inverts the direction of category change when using scrollwheel on the container title
bInvertContainerTitleScrollwheelDirection = 0
; place low condition items at the top of the repair list
bInvertPipboyRepairMenuSorting = 0
; make jumping cost action points
bJumpingCostsAP = 0
; stops the grabbed item being dropped when jumping
bJumpingDoesntDropGrabbedItem = 1
; remove the block on jumping while aiming
bJumpWhileAiming = 1
; allow jumping while over-encumbered
bJumpWhileOverencumbered = 1
; prevent the message when a weapon breaks and keep it equipped
bKeepBrokenItemsEquipped = 1
; keep the crosshair on the screen when aiming with non-scoped weapons
bKeepCrosshairWhenAiming = 1
; don't stop the current holotape when viewing other notes
bKeepHolotapePlayingWhenSelectingOtherNotes = 1
; retain the Pip-Boy light status when entering an exterior cell
bKeepPipboyLightOnCellChange = 1
; don't reset the bet amount to 1 after playing roulette
bKeepRouletteBetAmount = 1
; remembers the selected ref when closing the console (provided it is still loaded)
bKeepSelectedConsoleRef = 1
; don't hide the XP bar when closing menus (e.g. when hacking/lockpicking)
bKeepXPBarWhenClosingMenus = 1
; earn Action Points when killing outside of VATS
bKillsRewardAP = 1
; makes left/right movement keys cancel each other if both are held
bLeftAndRightCancelEachOther = 1
; add a minimum interval between player pain sounds
bLessFrequentPlayerPainSounds = 0
; allow dequeuing actions and exiting vats while zooming in/out
bLessRestrictiveVATSMenu = 1
; makes kill XP depend on the level difference between the player and killed actor
bLevelDifferenceAffectsCombatXP = 0
; adds scrollwheel support when allocating skill points
bLevelUpScrollWheelSupport = 1
; show damage resistance when using the living anatomy perk, remove decimal places and hide DR/DT if they're zero
bLivingAnatomyShowDR = 1
; show respawned cells as red, and visited cells as white on the local map
bLocalMapRespawnedCellIndicator = 1
; make melee and unarmed damage use body part damage multipliers
bLocationalMeleeDamage = 0
; display the location discovered text as a corner message
bLocationDiscoveredCornerMessage = 1
; add the name of the required key to the end of the "sImpossibleLock" message
bLockNeedsKeyShowName = 1
; allow the use of left clicking to rotate during lock-pick
bLockpickAllowMouse = 1
; show the current lockpick/hacking skill levels in their popup messages
bLockpickHackingMessageShowsCurrentSkill = 1
; use left/right movement to control the bobby pin
bLockPickMenuKeyboardMovement = 1
; allows unconscious actors to be looted
bLootUnconsciousVictims = 0
; removes the luck skill's effect on gambling
bLuckDoesntAffectGambling = 0
; stop the player's automatic reloading when the clip is emptied
bManualReload = 0
; show the faction name underneath the map marker name
bMapMarkersShowFactionName = 1
; show unconscious companions on the map, in red
bMapShowUnconsciousCompanions = 1
; permanently reveal location markers on the pipboy map when passing nearby
bMarkNearbyLocationsOnMap = 0
; use the player's weapon max range to determine the max VATS targeting distance
bMaxVATSDistanceUsesWeaponRange = 0
; make menu fading in/out ignore timescale
bMenuFadesIgnoreTimescale = 1
; add a hotkey 'Ctrl-F' to filter various menus
bMenuSearch = 1
; allow fast travel in mid air
bMidairFastTravel = 1
; only show blood splatters above a minimum health damage threshold
bMinBloodSplatterHealthDamage = 0
; play the XP gained sound when hacking or lockpicking at max player level
bMinigamesPlayXPSoundAtMaxLevel = 0
; prepend [MODNAME.esp] when a mod prints to console
bModConsolePrintsIncludeName = 1
; modify skill points earned on levelup under [Skill Points]
bModifySkillPointsEarned = 0
; calculate actor light levels (used for sneaking) more frequently
bMoreFrequentNPCLightUpdates = 0
; display radiation level to more decimal places
bMorePreciseRadMeter = 1
; add mousewheel to scroll through hotkeyed weapons
bMousewheelScrollsWeaponHotkeys = 0
; allow movement during the open PipBoy anim
bMoveDuringOpenPipboyAnim = 1
; allow movement during VATS kill-cams
bMoveDuringVATSPlayback = 1
; adds a configurable movement penalty for when the player is moving backwards or aiming
bMovementPenalties = 0
; prevent opening the pause menu when switching the game via Alt-Tab
bNoAltTabPause = 1
; stops shooting earning the player ammo casings
bNoAmmoCasings = 0
; don't earn extra ammo when taking an NPCs weapon
bNoAmmoFromTakingNPCWeapon = 0
; scales AP regeneration while overencumbered
bNoAPRegenWhileOverencumbered = 0
; eliminate NPC speech distortion caused by head-wear
bNoAudioDistortion = 1
; stops dialog with NPCs being skipped automatically
bNoAutoContinueDialog = 0
; stops the container category titles being capitalised
bNoCapitaliseContainerCategories = 0
; prevents bans from casinos
bNoCasinoBans = 1
; don't reward XP for companion kills
bNoCompanionKillXP = 0
; hide NPCs on the compass ticks if you aren't in [Danger]
bNoCompassPipsIfNotInDanger = 0
; stop the messages when crippling/critical hitting an enemy
bNoCrippleCriticalMessages = 1
; don't damage melee weapons when hitting dead NPCs
bNoDamageMeleeWeaponIfTargetDead = 1
; prevent stuck projectiles despawning if you're facing them
bNoDespawnVisibleStuckProjectiles = 1
; prevent teammates from being disarmed in combat
bNoDisarmCompanions = 1
; prevent the unequip sound when the player dies
bNoDropWeaponSoundOnPlayerDeath = 1
; remove the movement penalty when holding a weapon
bNoEquippedWeaponMovementPenalty = 1
; skip the exit confirmation when clicking Quit Game in the main menu
bNoExitConfirm = 1
; don't allow exiting the hacking menu if an attempt has been made
bNoExitHacking = 0
; removes load screen backgrounds when exiting interiors
bNoExteriorLoadScreens = 0
; prevent fast travel if legs are crippled
bNoFastTravelIfLegsCrippled = 0
; don't progress time or hardcore needs when fast traveling
bNoFastTravelTimeChange = 1
; prevents the 'worn off' message for food items
bNoFoodWornOffMessage = 1
; set a minimum cost for buying free items (e.g. ammo casings)
bNoFreeBarterItems = 0
; disallows grabbing of owned items
bNoGrabOwnedItems = 0
; remove the delay between hacking attempt
bNoHackingRetryDelay = 1
; prevent use of healing items in [Danger]
bNoHealingInCombat = 0
; prevents the hotkey wheel showing when holding a hotkey
bNoHUDHotkeyPopup = 0
; remove the black loading screen when loading an interior cell, and prevent actors being faded in
bNoInteriorBlackLoadingScreen = 1
; modify when good/bad karma messages and sounds occur
bNoKarmaMessages = 1
; removes the Quest Added sound when a cinematic killcam plays
bNoKillcamKillSound = 1
; disables the player being knocked over in godmode
bNoKnockdownInGodmode = 1
; stop the Location Discovered notification at the HUD
bNoLocationPopup = 0
; don't freeze the level of encounter zones when they are first visited
bNoLockEncounterZoneLevels = 1
; don't lock terminals after too many hacking attempts
bNoLockFailedTerminals = 1
; remove the LT/RT from the Pip-Boy texture when a controller is connected
bNoLTRTOnPipboy = 0
; disables the Map Marker Added popup
bNoMapMarkerAddedPopup = 0
; remove the max bet in casinos and make increments above 1500 increase by 500 (from 100 default)
bNoMaxCasinoBet = 1
; remove minimum distance companions are shown on the world map
bNoMinCompanionMapDistance = 1
; prevents the player being selected when clicking in console
bNonSelectablePlayerInConsole = 1
; prevent the pipboy idle (sway) anims playing
bNoPipboyIdleAnims = 1
; disallow use of the Pip-Boy during combat
bNoPipBoyInCombat = 0
; prevent opening the Pip-Boy menu when switching the game via Alt-Tab
bNoPipboyOnAltTab = 1
; don't show the Place/Remove marker when placing markers on the map
bNoPlaceMarkerPopup = 1
; remove the limit on the number of characters in the player's name
bNoPlayerNameLimit = 1
; disable player stagger animations when limbs are crippled
bNoPlayerStaggerAnims = 1
; remove the confirmation prompt when poisoning a weapon
bNoPoisonConfirm = 0
; remove quest added notification
bNoQuestAddedPopup = 0
; remove quest completed notification
bNoQuestCompletedPopup = 0
; stop the 'Quest Failed' message showing upon failing a quest, optionally only show if the quest was started
bNoQuestFailedPopup = 1
; prevent 'recurring' challenges from resetting their progress when completed
bNoRecurringChallenges = 0
; stops the crosshair turning red on enemies
bNoRedCrosshairOnEnemies = 0
; disables the reputation popups and messages
bNoReputationMessages = 1
; don't scale damage by NPCs based on their weapon condition
bNoScaleNpcDamageByCondition = 0
; don't scale armor damage resistance based on condition when worn by NPCs
bNoScaleNpcDamageResistanceByCondition = 0
; don't scale armor damage threshold based on condition when worn by NPCs
bNoScaleNpcDamageThresholdByCondition = 0
; stop the "Screenshot Created" message, optionally printing the message to console instead
bNoScreenshotPopup = 1
; stop scroll-wheel changing point of view from 1st->3rd or vice versa
bNoScrollwheelPOVChange = 1
; prevents damage from your own explosions
bNoSelfExplosionDamage = 0
; prevent consumption of books if skill level is already at 100
bNoSkillBooksAbove100 = 1
; prevent the 'skill increased by 0' if reading a book with no bonus
bNoSkillMessageIfIncreaseIsZero = 1
; remove the skill requirement prefix from dialog topics
bNoSkillTags = 0
; disables sneak attack criticals
bNoSneakAttacksCriticals = 0
; remove the "Loading extra content..." pop-up at the start menu
bNoStartMenuDLCPopup = 1
; show the scroll menu when clicking on a note in the PipBoy - requires Book Menu Restored
bNoteMenuShowSeparateMenu = 1
; suppress player turning anims to prevent the glide when stopping while turning
bNoTurningAnim = 1
; stop the "Actor is now unconscious" message
bNoUnconciousMessage = 1
; disallow targeting invisible enemies in VATS without EDE's perk
bNoVATSTargetInvisible = 1
; weapons always deal their max damage regardless of condition
bNoWeaponConditionDamagePenalty = 0
; delay XP popups till the end of combat
bNoXPBarInCombat = 1
; disable XP messages/sounds
bNoXPMessages = 0
; allows NPCs to disarm the player
bNPCsCanDisarmPlayer = 0
; allows NPCs to land sneak attack criticals on the player
bNPCsCanSneakCritPlayer = 0
; make crippling/killing an enemy mid-throw cause them to drop a live grenade
bNPCsDropLiveGrenades = 0
; allow NPCs to drop weapons on death even if they are not out
bNPCsDropWeaponHolsteredWeapon = 0
; make NPCs earn ammo casings when firing their weapons
bNPCsEarnAmmoCasings = 0
; adds hotkeys 0-9 to select options in the computers menu
bNumberedComputerHotkeys = 1
; adds hotkeys 0-9 to select options in the dialog menu (recommended use with VUI+'s numbered topics setting)
bNumberedDialogHotkeys = 1
; only allow waiting while sitting
bOnlyAllowWaitWhileSitting = 0
; scrolling only changes camera height if the 'Change View' key is held
bOnlyChangeCameraHeightIfPOVKeyHeld = 1
; open the PipBoy to the Inventory tab when using the PipBoy key
bOpenPipboyToInventoryByDefault = 0
; enable running and jumping for Action Points while over-encumbered
bOverencumberedTweak = 0
; add support for 'partial' reload anims when reloading with a non-empty clip
bPartialReloads = 0
; add an asterisk to the entrance prompt of unvisited interiors, and a plus for respawned interiors
bPatchUnseenCellName = 1
; automatically pause the game when a save is loaded
bPauseOnSaveLoad = 1
; require pressing reload N times to load N rounds for looping reload weapons
bPerBulletLoopingReloads = 0
; holding shift allows picking a lock even if you have the key
bPickLocksEvenWithKey = 1
; allow picking locks of any level
bPickLocksWithoutSkill = 1
; alters the pickpocket formula to take into account item weight, target perception and detection value
bPickpocketOverhaul = 0
; allows pickpocketing items NPCs have equipped
bPickpocketWornItems = 1
; make using PipBoy light or holster hotkeys not take longer when time is slowed down
bPipboyLightAndHolsteringIgnoreTimescale = 1
; add an indicator whether the player placed marker is above or below if the marker is in another cell
bPlacedMarkerHeightIndicator = 1
; places map markers right at hovered locations
bPlaceMarkersAtLocations = 1
; stops player scale affecting melee damage
bPlayerMeleeDamageIgnoresScale = 0
; stops player scale affecting non-melee damage
bPlayerNonMeleeDamageIgnoresScale = 0
; stops popup menus moving the mouse to the center of the screen
bPopupMenusDontMoveCursor = 1
; allow wearing power armor without the Power Armor Training perk
bPowerArmorNeedsNoTraining = 0
; wearing power armor scales fall damage (see [Power Armor])
bPowerArmorScalesFallDamage = 0
; remove the melee power attack delay while blocking
bPowerAttackIfBlocking = 0
; allow melee power attacks while overencumbered
bPowerAttackWhileOverencumbered = 0
; prevent sounds playing when walking through bushes
bPreventBushPassthroughSounds = 0
; prevent scrollwheel affecting windows outside NV
bPreventInactiveWindowScrolling = 1
; prevent the sNoFastTravelUndiscovered mesasge when clicking on an undiscovered map marker
bPreventNoFastTravelMessage = 0
; prevent NPCs commenting when you knock over objects, look at locked containers etc.
bPreventNPCComments = 0
; prevent repairing items if not at a workbench
bPreventRepairIfNotAtWorkbench = 0
; place caps in merchant containers instead of their inventory when using repair services
bPreventStealingCapsAfterRepair = 0
; always show the perk screen when leveling up even if you have no points to assign
bPreviewPerksOnLevelUp = 1
; print vanilla debug errors to console
bPrintErrorsToConsole = 0
; don't hide the quest/location added text while aiming
bQuestTextVisibleWhileAiming = 1
; pressing holster weapon while animations play will holster when the anims finish
bQueueWeaponHolsteringWhileAnimsPlay = 1
; add hotkeys to instantly equip the cross-hair and container selections
bQuickUse = 1
; make songs quieter when static is playing near the edge of a radio's range
bRadioStaticDecreasesSongVolume = 0
; randomly alternate between cinematic/player view killcams
bRandomizeKillcamMode = 0
; shows recently killed NPCs on the compass until they have been moused over
bRecentlyDeadNPCIndicator = 1
; add an indicator that a challenge is recurring when viewed in the PipBoy
bRecurringChallengeIndicator = 1
; adds a configurable scale to all earned XP
bReduceXP = 0
; reloading with a full clips switches ammo type
bReloadingWithFullClipSwitchesAmmoType = 1
; make reload jams affected by reload speed multipliers
bReloadJamsAffectedByAgility = 0
; scale reload sound pitch and length based on the game time multiplier
bReloadSoundsAffectedByTimescale = 1
; allow reloading while firing anims play
bReloadWhileFiring = 1
; remember the bobby pin health between locks (works through saves)
bRememberBobbyPinHealth = 0
; stores/restores console history to ConsoleHistory.txt
bRememberConsoleHistory = 1
; store PipBoy scroll positions between sessions (per save)
bRememberPipboyScrollPositions = 1
; remember ammo type and count for all player weapons
bRememberWeaponAmmos = 1
; removes the chem worn off screen effect
bRemoveChemWarnOffIMOD = 1
; remove queued cripple/critical messages for dead NPCs
bRemoveDeadNPCCrippleCriticalMessages = 1
; remove the useless downloads button from the main menu
bRemoveDownloadsButton = 1
; prevents companions saying when they are injured, needing ammo, weapons etc.
bRemoveFollowerTopics = 0
; stops the landing animation playing
bRemoveLandingAnim = 1
; hides the quest objective text from the main HUD
bRemoveQuestObjectiveAddedText = 0
; remove the [HIDDEN] etc. label from the HUD
bRemoveSneakLabel = 0
; remove the damage buffer provided for weapons above 75% condition
bRemoveWeaponDamageBuffer = 0
; show the items a weapon/armor can be repaired with by holding ALT while opening the repair menu
bRepairItemsPreview = 1
; disallow repairing if repair skill is less than the weapon's skill requirement
bRepairRequiresWeaponSkill = 0
; scale initial health of crafted items based on repair skill
bRepairScalesCraftingCondition = 0
; earn XP when repairing items
bRepairsRewardXP = 1
; holding the jump button repeatedly jumps
bRepeatJumping = 1
; restore the '2' weapon hotkey
bRestore2Hotkey = 1
; make right clicking the category change to the previous category in container/barter/recipe menus
bRightClickChangesToPreviousContainerCategory = 0
; heal robotic companions with scrap metal instead of stimpaks
bRobotCompanionsHealWithScrapMetal = 0
; only use the fActionPointsRunAndGunMult gamesetting when in combat
bRunAndGunAPInCombatOnly = 0
; adds an AP cost for running
bRunningCostsAP = 0
; scale movement speed when wading through water
bRunSlowerInWater = 0
; add a character selector for filtering the save/load menu
bSaveCharacterSelector = 1
; keep the pause menu open after saving
bSavingDoesntClosePauseMenu = 1
; multiply critical damage for all weapons
bScaleCriticalDamage = 0
; scale the camera/HUD shake caused by explosions
bScaleExplosionShake = 0
; scale the volume of background music during dialogue
bScaleMusicVolumeDuringDialogue = 0
; scale the player's melee distance
bScalePlayerMeleeReach = 0
; scale the volume of songs during dialogue
bScaleRadioSongVolumeDuringDialogue = 1
; holding shift decreases scope wobble at the cost of Action Points
bScopeHoldBreath = 1
; delay display of the scope overlay when aiming in, and optionally prevent scoped aiming while reloading
bScopeVisibilityDelay = 1
; adjust visibility of HUD elements while scoped
bScopeVisibleAPHP = 1
; allow selecting unavailable radios to use when back in range
bSelectUnavailableRadios = 0
; use a separate slider for horizontal/vertical sensitivity
bSeparateHorizontalSensitivity = 0
; holding shift ignores friendly NPCs when entering VATS
bShiftIgnoresFriendlyVATS = 1
; holding shift when taking a screenshot hides the menus
bShiftScreenshotHidesMenus = 1
; make the show quest notes button show notes for all started, non-completed quests
bShowActiveQuestNotesShowsAllStartedQuests = 1
; show a * beside ammo count if you have any alternate ammos
bShowAlternateAmmoTypesAvailableInMenus = 1
; show the total barter amount when the total is more than the merchant's caps
bShowBarterTotalWhenOverSellLimit = 1
; show book effects when viewing them in the PipBoy
bShowBookEffects = 1
; show faction currencies in the misc page for containers, and show Caps in the PipBoy misc tab
bShowCurrencyInContainers = 0
; show nearby doors on the compass
bShowDoorsOnCompass = 1
; add a button to sort/filter the inventory
bShowInventorySortButton = 0
; always show the nearest undiscovered location on the compass or map
bShowNearestUndiscoveredLocation = 0
; unhide quest items and armors with no DR or DT from the repair services menu
bShowQuestAndNoDRDTItemsInRepairMenu = 0
; show the sneak indicator while standing
bShowSneakLabelWhileStanding = 0
; show 'Use Password' on terminals if you have the password note
bShowUsePasswordOnTerminalsWithNote = 1
; show the amount of ammo a weapon uses per shot, e.g. Tri-Beam MF Cell x 3
bShowWeaponAmmoUseInMenus = 1
; include weapon poison effects when viewing weapons in the PipBoy
bShowWeaponPoisonEffects = 1
; make melee/unarmed power attacks silent if sneaking
bSilentSneakPowerAttacks = 0
; Adds a hot-key 'Left-Alt' to instantly end the player death-cam
bSkipDeathcamHotkey = 1
; skips the main menu video once loading is finished
bSkipIntroVideo = 1
; skip the assign skill points screen if you have no points to assign
bSkipSkillMenuIfNoPointsToAssign = 1
; skip to the vigor tester review page
bSkipVigorTesterSpecialPages = 1
; allow sleeping in owned beds
bSleepInOwnedBeds = 1
; allow sleeping/waiting in combat, midair or trespassing (configurable)
bSleepWaitAnywhere = 1
; holding W will continually spin the slot machine
bSlotsAutoSpinHotkey = 1
; slowly regenerate breath when not underwater
bSlowBreathRegen = 0
; smooth the ironsights animation by interpolating between the non-aiming and aiming camera positions
bSmoothIronsightsCameraTransition = 1
; allow sneak attacks on enemies if you're undetected but not sneaking
bSneakAttackWithoutCrouching = 0
; only allow sneak attack criticals to the head
bSneakCriticalsHeadshotsOnly = 0
; only allow sneak attack criticals with melee weapons
bSneakCriticalsOnlyMeleeWeapons = 0
; allow melee/unarmed non-power attacks while sneaking
bSneakingDoesntForcePowerAttacks = 0
; sort the misc stats page of the Stats menu
bSortMiscStats = 1
; sort the level up menu perks
bSortPerkMenu = 1
; sort the PipBoy Notes tab
bSortPipboyNotes = 1
; sort the PipBoy Quests tab
bSortPipboyQuests = 1
; sort the recipe menu
bSortRecipeMenu = 1
; sort the repair services menu alphabetically and by condition, with worn items at the top
bSortRepairServicesMenu = 1
; fix a vanilla bug where unavailable radios aren't sorted to the bottom of the list
bSortUnavailableRadiosToBottom = 1
; scale jump height based on character speedmult actor value
bSpeedMultScalesJumpHeight = 0
; fixes a bug where attack loop weapons would not play their attack sound when briefly stopped
bSpinWeaponsSoundFix = 1
; show XP in the Stats Menu as a percentage
bStatsMenuPercentageXP = 0
; show the time remaining for temporary status effects in the Stats Menu
bStatsMenuShowEffectTimeRemaining = 1
; don't alert actors when stealing their items (excludes pickpocketing)
bStealingSendsNoAlarm = 0
; allow swapping ammo types while weapon is holstered
bSwapAmmoWithWeaponHolstered = 0
; swap the Y and Z keys
bSwapKeyboardYZKeys = 0
; synchronize the left/right item categories like in Fallout 4
bSynchronizeContainerCategories = 1
; add hotkey Tab to go back in the start/pause menu
bTabBackInStartMenu = 1
; add hotkey Tab to close terminals
bTabClosesTerminals = 1
; show a confirmation message when taking all items from a container
bTakeAllConfirmation = 1
; show the 'Take All' button when viewing companion inventories
bTakeAllInCompanionContainers = 1
; makes holding shift talk to an npc instead of pickpocketing them while sneaking
bTalkWhileSneakingIfShiftIsHeld = 1
; adds hotkeys shift and right mouse button to instantly display the current terminal text
bTerminalInstantDisplayHotkey = 1
; allow clicking or pressing A to toggle keyboard/controller
bToggleControllerIfAttackPressed = 0
; allows turning to 230 degrees from vanilla 180 and 360 degrees in third person
bTurnFurtherWhileSeated = 1
; scale look speed while aiming
bTurnSlowerWhileAiming = 0
; use the UK keyboard layout
bUKKeyboard = 0
; fixes a black rectangle when loading and incorrect FOV in some menus when in (21:9) resolution
bUltrawideSupport = 0
; automatically unequip armor when it breaks
bUnequipBrokenArmor = 0
; allow unequipping weapon mods
bUnequipWeaponMods = 1
; add a * to the prompt for NPCs who haven't been spoken to
bUnspokenNPCIndicator = 1
; allow use of anim variants, similar to firing animation variants - requires both 1st and 3rd person anim files
bUseAnimVariants = 0
; automatically set an output file for the console
bUseConsoleOutputFile = 1
; set custom buy/sell multipliers for each item type
bUseCustomBarterPriceMultipliers = 0
; set how quickly scoped weapons zoom under [Scope Zoom]
bUseCustomSniperZoomRate = 0
; alter masked NPC audio distortion to be similar to Fallout 3
bUseFallout3AudioDistortion = 0
; always use the first person sound when attempting to fire with an empty clip
bUseFirstPersonEmptyClipSound = 1
; allow use of WASD keys as arrows in menus, and space to accept
bUseWASDAsArrowKeys = 1
; gain XP when using keys on locks
bUsingKeysRewardsXP = 1
; automatically target the head when entering VATS
bVATSAutoTargetHead = 0
; press the PipBoy key to instantly end the VATS killcam
bVatsExitKey = 1
; hip fire in VATS if you weren't aiming when entering it (does not affect accuracy)
bVATSHipFire = 1
; stop firing the current burst if the target is already dead
bVATSStopBurstIfTargetDead = 1
; use left/right dpad to cycle weapon hotkeys
bWeaponCycleUpDownHotkeys = 0
; don't allow equipping of weapons without the required strength and skill
bWeaponRequirementsMatter = 0
; keep weapon visible while in dialogue
bWeaponVisibleDuringDialogue = 0
; makes aid items weightless in non-hardcore
bWeightlessAidItems = 1
; makes items weightless, options for each category
bWeightlessItems = 0
; makes armor weightless while it is worn
bWeightlessWornArmor = 1
; worn power armor is weightless
bWeightlessWornPowerArmor = 1
; set the condition of the items returned from crafting (default is 80%)
fCraftedItemHealthPct = 80.000000
; date format for PipBoy and sleep/wait menu - 0: MM.DD.YY, 1: DD.MM.YY, 2: YY.MM.DD
iDateFormat = 0
; set the maximum number of NPC ticks on the compass, overriding the vanilla gamesetting
iHUDMaxCompassNPCTicks = 0
; sets the max player level and disables the hard-coded +5 per DLC
iMaxCharacterLevel = 0
; number of perk points in the Add Perks screen when leveling up to a 'perk-level'
iPerksPerLevel = 0
[Container Respawn Warning]
; Warning message for respawning containers
sWarningText = Storing items here seems unsafe.
[Take All Confirmation]
; minimum number of items for the message to appear
iMinItemCount = 10
; confirmation message for taking all items
sMessageText = Are you sure you want to take all items?
[Repeated Activate Key]
; don't activate objects, only take items when the key is held
bOnlyTakeItems = 0
[Screenshot Popup]
; print the message to console
bPrintToConsole = 1
[Quest Marker]
; maximum exterior distance from which to show quest markers
fMaxExteriorQuestMarkerDistance = 5000.000000
; maximum interior distance from which to show quest markers
fMaxInteriorQuestMarkerDistance = 1400.000000
[Karma Messages]
; prevent the evil karma message
bRemoveEvilMessage = 1
; prevent the evil karma sound
bRemoveEvilSound = 0
; prevent the good karma message
bRemoveGoodMessage = 1
; prevent the good karma sound
bRemoveGoodSound = 0
; ignore karma messages and sounds if the change in karma is below this value
iKarmaDecreaseThreshold = 0
; ignore karma messages and sounds if the change in karma is below this value
iKarmaIncreaseThreshold = 0
; prevent a bad karma sound if played within this time (in milliseconds) of another bad karma sound
iRepeatKarmaSoundIgnoreTime = 0
[Cripple-Critical Messages]
bPatchCripple = 1
bPatchCritical = 1
[Aiming Speed]
; remove melee penalty
bPatchMelee = 1
; remove non-melee penalty
bPatchNonMelee = 1
[Audio Distortion]
; distorts all sounds
bDeepFried = 0
[Scrollwheel POV]
bDisableFirstToThird = 1
bDisableThirdToFirst = 1
[Sleep Wait]
; makes the wait time unaffected by the sgtm command
bDontScaleWithTimescale = 1
; show a message when waiting is prevented
bSitWaitShowMessage = 1
; show a message with the current time when waiting is prevented
bSitWaitShowTime = 0
iWaitTimeMS = 300.000000
sSitToWaitMessage = You cannot wait while standing!
[No Pipboy In Combat]
bAllowPipboyUsingActionPoints = 0
bShowMessage = 1
iPipboyAPCost = 50
; message shown if opening the pipboy isn't allowed
sNotAllowedMessage = You cannot use your PipBoy in combat!
; message shown if you don't have enough Action Points
sNotEnoughAPMessage = Not enough AP to use PipBoy in combat!
[Jumping Costs AP]
bJumpWithoutEnoughAP = 1
iJumpAPCost = 20
[Combat XP]
iCombatXPDelayMS = 3000
[NPC Names]
; show names on dead NPCs even if they haven't spoken to the player
bShowNameOnDeadNPCs = 1
[No Skill Tags]
; add a % symbol for percentage based skill checks (TTW)
bAddPercentSymbol = 0
; don't show 'Speech Successes' and 'Speech Failures' in stats menu and challenge update corner messages
bHideMiscStats = 0
; don't show XP bar for XP earned in dialogue
bNoXPPopupInDialogue = 0
; remove the [SUCCESS] and [FAILED] responses
bRemoveFailedSuccessText = 1
; remove red outline on dialog options that would fail
bRemoveRedOutline = 1
; setting: 0 keeps the entire skill tag, 1 removes the tag, and 2 keeps the skill but not the number, i.e. [Speech]
iRemoveTags = 1
[Slower Backpedaling]
iAimSpeedPercentage = 70.000000
iBackLeftSpeedPercentage = 75.000000
iBackRightSpeedPercentage = 75.000000
iBackSpeedPercentage = 60.000000
iFrontLeftSpeedPercentage = 100.000000
iFrontRightSpeedPercentage = 100.000000
iLeftStrafeSpeedPercentage = 100.000000
iMeleeAimSpeedPercentage = 70.000000
iRightStrafeSpeedPercentage = 100.000000
[Hardcore Tweaks]
; use hardcore ammo weight
bAmmoWeight = 1
; make (hired) companions essential
bEssentialCompanions = 0
; make sleeping heal the player
bSleepingHeals = 0
[Over Encumbered]
; always allow running but continue to drain AP
bAllowRunWithoutEnoughAP = 0
bJumpWithoutEnoughAP = 1
bRemoveEncumbranceMessage = 0
; scale the AP drain based on the degree of encumberance
bWeightBasedAPPenalty = 0
; speed multiplier applied while running overencumbered
fRunSpeedMult = 1.000000
iAPDrainCost = 1
iAPDrainIntervalMS = 100.000000
iJumpAPCost = 5
[No Quest Failed]
; stop the "Quest Failed" message only if the quest wasn't started
bQuestFailedOnlyIfStarted = 1
[Menu WASD]
; always allow movement with the WASD keys by ignoring WASD + E XML hotkeys
bAlwaysAllowWASD = 0
; defaults the selection to be on the right hand container
bContainerDefaultToRightSide = 0
; stops the inventory selection disappearing when activating an item
bInventorySelectionAlwaysVisible = 1
; make pressing up/down while at the top/bottom of a container jump to the bottom/top
bListWraparound = 0
; holding alt moves the map menu, up/down zooms
bMapMenuWASD = 1
; using map menu WASD resets the selection reticle to the center of the screen
bMapMenuWASDCentersSelectionReticle = 1
; stops the space-bar key closing container menus
bNoSpaceClosesContainer = 1
; WASD menu buttons always work but conflict with vanilla bindings
bOldMenuWASD = 0
; make the 'E' key behave like space-bar in menus
bSelectWithEKey = 0
; holding shift scales the arrow key scroll speed in containers
bShiftScalesContainerArrowKeys = 1
; holding shift scales the zoom speed
bShiftScalesMapZoomSpeed = 1
; holding shift scales the mouse-wheel scroll by 4 for all menus
bShiftScalesMousewheel = 0
; make tab return to the Inventory rather than closing the PipBoy for the Weapon Mod and Repair menus
bTabReturnsToInventory = 0
; holding a WASD key repeats the action, as with the arrow keys
bWASDKeysRepeat = 1
[Compass Height Indicator]
iHeightThreshold = 200
[Player Placed Marker]
; use for doors
bUseDoorIcon = 1
[Unvisited Cell Indicator]
; show a + on respawned cells
bPatchRespawnedCellName = 1
; show a * on visited cells
bShowVisitedCellsPrompt = 0
; show a * on unvisited cells
bUnnameUnvisitedCells = 0
[Entering VATS Costs AP]
; charge AP if exiting VATS without selecting a target
bChargeOnVATSNoTargetsExit = 0
; only charge AP if there were no targets found
bFailOnly = 0
bNoVATSIfNotEnoughAP = 1
iEnterVATSAPCost = 10
[Save Manager]
; internal counter for autosave index, do not edit
_iAutoSaveIndex =2
; internal counter for incremental save index, do not edit
_iIncrementalSaveIndex = 0
; hide the mod and vanilla autosave messages
bHideAutosaveMessage = 0
; fullsave every time the max slot is reached
bPeriodicFullsave = 1
; prevent timed autosaves if in [Danger]
bPreventAutosaveInCombat = 1
; prevent saving from scripts
bPreventScriptedSaves = 0
; replaces the 'Continue' button with a button to create an incremental save
bReplaceContinueWithQuicksave = 0
; create a save when exiting the game
bSaveOnExitGame = 1
; autosave when discovering a new location
bSaveOnLocationDiscovered = 1
; autosave when closing the container menu after successfully pickpocketing
bSaveOnPickpocket = 1
; autosave when completing a quest
bSaveOnQuestCompleted = 1
; create a save before the levelup menu is shown
bSavePreLevelUp = 1
; delay between autosaves in seconds
iAutoSaveTimer = 180
; hotkey to create a fullsave
iCreateSaveKey = 62
; hotkey to create an incremental save
iIncrementalSaveKey = 0
; only increase the incremental save slot if it's been this long since last slot change (in seconds)
iIncrementalSaveSlotChangeInterval = 0
; number of autosave slots, when the max slot is reached it will begin overwriting from slot 0
iMaxAutoSaveCount = 15
; number of incremental save slots
iMaxIncrementalSaveCount = 5
; prevent autosaves within this time of each other (in seconds)
iMinAutosaveInterval = 0
; hotkey to reload the current loaded save (as if the player died)
iReloadCurrentSaveKey = 0
[Charged Attacks]
; extra action points per point of weight for the current weapon
fChargedAttackWeaponWeightAPMult = 2.000000
; base AP cost for charged attacks
iChargedAttackAPCost = 5
; max AP cost for charged attacks
iChargedAttackAPCostMax = 30
[Scope Zoom]
; also zoom out at the modified rate
bZoomOutAtSameRate = 0
; rate at which scoped weapons will zoom in, vanilla is 0.25, setting to 0 zooms instantly
fScopeFOVTimeChange = 0.250000
[Quick Use]
; adds support for books
bBookSupport = 1
; add a hotkey 'F' to use the selected item in a container (excludes armor)
bContainerHotkey = 0
; right clicking an inventory item in a container will use the item (excludes armor)
bContainerRightClick = 0
; show the Book Menu when shift activating notes - requires Book Menu Restored
bNoteSupport = 1
; holding shift will equip/use the cross-hair item during gameplay
bRealtimeQuickUse = 1
; show item stats e.g. DPS, DAM, DT and DR
bShowItemStats = 1
; show 'Re-read' on the prompt for notes that have already been read
bShowReReadOnSeenNotes = 0
[Quest Added]
; hides the quest completed objective text
bHideCompletedObjectivePopup = 0
; max number of commands to store
iSentHistoryMaxSize = 200
[VATS Exit Key]
; instantly end the vats playback rather than waiting for the current action to end
bInstantEnd = 1
[Terminal Exit]
; locks out of the terminal if exiting after making an attempt
bFailOnEarlyExit = 0
[Better Autowalk]
; allows backwards autowalking
bAllowBackwardsAutowalk = 0
[Barter Prices]
; don't scale the price of purified water
bConstantPurifiedWaterPrice = 0
fBuyMultAid = 1.000000
fBuyMultAmmo = 1.000000
; buy multipliers
fBuyMultArmor = 1.000000
fBuyMultMisc = 1.000000
fBuyMultWeapon = 1.000000
fBuyMultWeaponMod = 1.000000
fSellMultAid = 1.000000
fSellMultAmmo = 1.000000
; sell multipliers
fSellMultArmor = 1.000000
fSellMultMisc = 1.000000
fSellMultWeapon = 1.000000
fSellMultWeaponMod = 1.000000
[Hit Shader]
bOnlyDisableInGodmode = 0
; adds the hotkey 'reload' to enable a smooth camera
bSmoothCamera = 1
; speed multiplier applied while aiming
fAimSpeedMult = 0.500000
; rotation speed multiplier (Z and C keys)
fRotateSpeedMult = 1.000000
; speed multiplier applied while running
fRunSpeedMult = 2.000000
; multiplier for scroll-wheel affecting fly speed
fScrollSpeedScale = 1.000000
; reset the current bobby pin health when failing to force a lock
bLockpickForceResetPinHealth = 0
; prevent use of Lockpick Menu with no bobby pins
bPreventUseLockWithNoBobbyPins = 1
sBobbyPinBreakMessage = The Bobby Pin has been broken.
[Dialog Hotkeys]
; display list numbers for topics in dialog
bPrependDialogNumberHotkeys = 0
; add hotkey 'Tab' to select the last option
bTabClicksLastTopic = 0
[Controller Deadzone]
; deadzone value, set above zero if your character moves without the sticks being moved
iControllerDeadzone = 0
[Skill Points]
; skill points per intelligence
fPointsPerInt = 0.500000
; base skill points to be added before Intelligence bonus
iSkillPointBase = 10
[Dialog Hide Mouse]
; only hide the cursor while the NPC is talking
bOnlyWhenNPCSpeaks = 1
[Adjustable Zoom]
; only allow zooming with binoculars
bBinocularsOnly = 0
; resets the current zoom when changing weapons
bResetZoomOnWeaponChange = 1
; apply smoothing to the change in zoom
bSmoothScrollZoom = 1
; allow zooming on non-scoped weapons
bZoomableNonScopedWeapons = 0
; maximum scope FOV (min-zoom)
fMaxFOV = 75.000000
; maximum multiplier applied to weapon FOV (min-zoom)
fMaxFOVMult = 10.000000
; minimum scope FOV (max-zoom)
fMinFOV = 7.500000
; minimum multiplier applied to weapon FOV (max-zoom)
fMinFOVMult = 0.000000
; multiplier applied to zoom rate while shift is held
fShiftZoomModifier = 2.000000
; rate at which weapons are zoomed
fZoomRate = 0.025000
; resets the current zoom if unscoped for this long, set to 0 to disable
iScopeResetTimeMS = 0
; key to zoom in
iZoomInKey = 0
; key to zoom out
iZoomOutKey = 0
[Hold Breath]
; only allow holding breath if you have the required weapon skill
bRequireWeaponSkill = 0
; only allow holding breath if you have the required weapon strength
bRequireWeaponStrength = 0
; wobble multiplier while breath is held
fScopeHoldBreathWobbleMult = 0.100000
; keyboard key to hold breath
iHoldBreathKey = 42
; AP cost for holding breath
iScopeHoldBreathAPDrain = 2
; time between decreasing AP
iScopeHoldBreathAPDrainIntervalMS = 80.000000
[Night Vision]
; enables night vision during the day
bAllowNightVisionDuringDay = 0
; default state for night vision toggle
bDisableVisionByDefault = 0
[Power Armor]
; only affect the player
bPlayerOnly = 0
; fall damage multiplier when wearing Power Armor
fFallDamageMult = 0.000000
[Double Reload Swaps Ammo Type]
; pressing Reload additional times will swap the ammo type
bAllowMultipleQuickChanges = 1
; time in milliseconds that the Reload key must be pressed within to swap ammo types
iAmmoSwapTimeMS = 200
[Agility Scales Movement Speed]
; scale NPC movement speeds
bNPCs = 1
; scale player movement speeds
bPlayer = 1
; additional movement multiplier per agility point
fAgilityMovementSpeedMult = 0.020000
[Weapon Requirements Matter]
; ignore strength requirement for weapons that aren't of type 2HL or 2HH
bIgnoreNonHeavyStrengthRequirement = 0
; ignore skill requirement
bIgnoreSkillRequirement = 0
; ignore strength requirement
bIgnoreStrengthRequirement = 0
; ignore requirements for throwables and mines
bIgnoreThrowables = 0
sSkillAndStrengthRequiredMessage = You are too weak and inexperienced to use this weapon.
sSkillRequiredMessage = You are too inexperienced to use this weapon.
sStrengthRequiredMessage = You are too weak to use this weapon.
; prints guesses as a single line without the 'Entry denied', e.g. HORIZON (1/7)
bCompactGuesses = 1
; turn incorrect guesses into .....
bMarkGuessesAsDuds = 0
; prevent attempts at guessing the same word
bNoAllowRepeatWords = 1
; make 'Dud removed.' ignore guessed words (unless they're the only words left)
bNoRemoveGuessedWords = 0
; prevent single character attempts, i.e. clicking on "/" won't use an attempt
bNoSingleCharacterAttempts = 1
; don't print the clicked on string with the "Dud removed" and "Allowance replenished" messages
bNoSpecialInputPrinting = 0
; make scrolling to the edge of the screen wrap around to the other side
bOverscroll = 0
; remove a dud instead of replenishing allowance if allowance is already full
bRemoveDudIfAllowanceFull = 1
; print vanilla errors
bGeneralErrors = 1
; print general messages
bGeneralMessages = 0
; print havok errors
bHavokErrors = 0
; print 'Old hkpRigidBody' errors
bHavokOldRigidBodyErrors = 0
; print save/load errors
bSaveLoadErrors = 0
[Hide Misc Items]
; show Sunset Sarsaparilla Star caps
bDontHideStarCaps = 1
[Pickpocket Overhaul]
; only lose karma when reverse pickpocketing if it's a live explosive
bReversePickpocketPenaltyLiveGrenadesOnly = 0
; gain XP from successful pickpocketing
bRewardXP = 1
; add the pickpocket success chance to the bottom of the container menu
bShowPickpocketSuccessRate = 0
fBaseChance = 40.000000
fDetectionValueMult = 0.100000
fItemValueMult = 0.015000
fItemWeightMult = 1.500000
fPlayerAgilityMult = 0.000000
fPlayerLuckMult = 0.000000
fPlayerSneakMult = 0.900000
fTargetPerceptionMult = 8.000000
; multiplier applied to items that are currently worn
fWornItemChanceMult = 1.000000
; message shown at the bottom of the container menu
sSuccessMessage = Success Rate: %d%%
; XP rewarded for repairing items
iRepairRewardXP = 1
[Kill AP Reward]
; AP rewarded for kills
iKillRewardAmount = 0
[Region Names]
; show the name of map markers when approaching them
bRegionNamesUpdateNearMapMarkers = 0
[Companion Kill XP]
; companion hits count towards the iXPDeathRewardHealthThreshold after the player has hit the NPC
bCompanionHitsCountAfterPlayerDamage = 1
; prevent the top left corner messages when gaining reputation
bHideGainMessages = 0
; prevent the top left corner messages when losing reputation
bHideLossMessages = 0
; prevent gain popup and message only if already at the max reputation and if the change was not from a script command
bHideNonScriptedGainsIfAtMax = 1
; prevent loss popup and message only if already at the min reputation and if the change was not from a script command
bHideNonScriptedLossesIfAtMin = 1
; prevent the popup menus
bHidePopups = 1
; hold shift to show friendlies in VATS
bHideFriendliesByDefault = 1
; show enemies who are firing on the compass
bShowFiringEnemies = 0
[Clip Rounds]
; show the total ammo count instead of clip/remaining
bShowTotalRemaining = 0
[Inventory Button]
; add the button/hotkey to Barter
bBarter = 1
; add the button/hotkey to Containers
bContainer = 1
; add the button/hotkey to the PipBoy
bPipBoy = 1
; brighten the sort button icon while sorting/filtering is active
bUseAlphaForEnabledIndicator = 0
; weight under which items will be hidden for hide weight modes
fHideWeightThreshold = 0.000000
; hotkey for cycling button modes
iControllerCycleModeKey = 17
; hotkey for controller mode (see readme for keys)
iControllerHotkey = 18
; button mode, see readme for details
iMode = 0
[Overencumbered AP]
; apply the scale to AP regen only if the player is moving
bWhileMovingOnly = 0
; scale applied to the Action Points regen rate while overencumbered
fOverencumberedAPRegenScale = 0.000000
[Detected By Whom]
; names to show (maximum of 8)
iMaxNameCount = 5
sActors = [Detected by %d actors]
sDetected = [Detected by:
sOthers = %sand %d other%s]
sPlural = s
[Reduced XP]
; multiplier applied to XP, the result is rounded up
fXPMultiplier = 0.500000
[Running Costs AP]
; always allow running but continue to drain AP
bAllowRunWithoutEnoughAP = 0
; base action points cost
fAPDrainCostBase = 2.000000
; endurance multiplier, formula is "iAPDrainCostBase + fRunAPEnduranceMult * (Endurance - 5)"
fRunAPEnduranceMult = 0.150000
; time between AP reductions
iAPDrainIntervalMS = 100.000000
[Wait Key]
; time required to hold the wait key before showing the wait menu
iKeyHoldTimeMS = 1000
[Place Marker Popup]
; right clicking always places the map marker, holding shift and right clicking removes it
bPlaceMarkerShiftToReset = 0
[Activate Key]
; prevents auto-pickup of items that would encumber the player, unless the player is already encumbered
bAutoPickupEncumbranceThreshold = 0
bContainers = 1
bCrafting = 1
bFurniture = 1
; delay stealing the first item within an interval
bStealing = 0
; automatically take items while the activate key is held
bTakeItemsWhileKeyHeld = 0
bTerminals = 0
bWater = 1
; time the key must be held before activating
iActivateKeyHoldTimeMS = 200
; time the key must be held before taking items
iActivateKeyTakeItemsHoldTimeMS = 300
; interval (in milliseconds) after stealing where no delay is required to steal again
iStealTimerMS = 10000
[Sleep Wait Anywhere]
bCombat = 1
bInRadiation = 1
bMidair = 1
bTakingDamage = 1
bTrespassing = 1
bUnderwater = 1
[Interior Transition]
bFadeIn = 1
[Armor Condition Penalty]
; scale applied to DR/DT when below the condition threshold
fScale = 1.000000
[Computer Hotkeys]
; display list numbers for menu options
bPrependOptionNumber = 0
[Ultrawide Support]
; fov scale applied to menus and scope zoom, vanilla is 0.75
fMenuFOVScale = 0.997200
[Manual Reload]
; automatically reload semi-fire weapons
bAutoWeaponsOnly = 0
; play the empty clip sound when the clip is emptied for automatic weapons
bAutoWeaponsPlayEmptyClipSound = 1
; prevents the automatic reload when ammo is picked up and your weapon is empty
bNoReloadOnAmmoPickup = 1
; prevents the firing animation when the clip is emptied
bPreventFiringAnimWhenEmpty = 1
; reload when trying to fire with an empty clip
bReloadWhenFiringWithEmptyClip = 0
; weapons with clips this size and below will reload automatically
iAutoReloadClipSizeThreshold = 0
[Map Hotkey]
; bring up the local map when in an interior
bShowLocalMapInInteriors = 0
[Water Breath]
; show the breath meter when not underwater
bShowBreathMeterOutOfWater = 1
; rate at which breath is restored to max
fBreathRegainRate = 0.200000
[Note Menu]
; require the shift key to be held to show the note menu
bRequireShiftHeld = 1
[Turn Speed]
; scale applied to X axis rotation while aiming
fAimingScaleX = 0.600000
; scale applied to Y axis rotation while aiming
fAimingScaleY = 0.600000
[Weightless Worn Power Armor]
; make power armor only weightless for player/teammates if they have the Power Armor Training perk
bRequirePowerArmorTraining = 1
; make power armor helmets only weightless if torso power armor is also equipped
bRequireTorsoArmorForWeightlessHelmet = 0
; multiplier applied to worn power armor weight
fWeightMult = 0.000000
[Weightless Worn Armor]
; multiplier applied to worn armor weight
fWeightMult = 0.000000
[Robot Companion Healing]
; base health restored per scrap metal
fBase = 30.000000
; bonus health restored per player repair skill
fRepairMult = 0.250000
; bonus health restored if the player has the robotics expert perk
fRoboticsExpertBonus = 20.000000
[Screenshot Format]
; copies the screen-shot to the clipboard
bCopyToClipboard = 1
; jpg quality (0-100)
iJpgQuality = 100
; tiff color depth
iTiffColorDepth = 32
; format - jpg, tiff, bmp, png
sExtension = Jpg
; tiff compression - None, Rle, LZW
sTiffCompression = None
[Mod Console Prints]
; prepend the script ID instead of the mod name
bIncludeScriptID = 0
; timestamp format
sTimeFormat = [%02d:%02d:%02d.%04d] %s
[Radio Volume]
; multiplier applied to song volume when in conversation
fDialogueSongVolumeMult = 0.200000
[Music Volume]
; multiplier applied to music volume when in conversation
fDialogueMusicVolumeMult = 0.200000
[Item Commands]
; refresh the inventory menu when calling the commands from console
bRefreshInventory = 1
[Weapon FOV]
; only disable the weapon FOV for weapons that have iron-sights
bExcludeNonSightedWeapons = 0
[Critical Hits]
; multiplier applied to weapon damage for critical hits
fCriticalDamageMult = 1.000000
[Equip Last Weapon Hotkey]
; don't set the last equipped weapon to be a thrown weapon
bIgnoreThrowables = 0
; add mousewheel to change weapons
bMousewheelSupport = 0
[Cookable Grenades]
; always throw grenades the same distance regardless of time held
bDisableGrenadeDistanceIncrease = 1
; overcooked grenades will explode in your hand
bOvercookedGrenadesExplode = 1
; play a sound every second a grenade is held
bPlaySound = 1
; play the sound for the last 3 seconds of the timer
bTimerCountdown = 1
; minimum detonation timer for thrown grenades
fMinGrenadeTimer = 0.000000
; editor ID of the sound to play
sSoundName = WPNThisMachineReloadPt3
; editor ID of the sound to play for the final second when using countdown
sSoundNameAlt = WPNThisMachineReloadPt1
[Menu Search]
bBarterMenu = 1
; clear the input string when focusing the search-bar
bClearInputWhenReopeningSearch = 1
bContainerMenu = 1
bInventoryMenu = 1
bLevelUpMenuSearch = 1
bMapMenu = 1
; include completed objectives in search
bQuestIncludeCompletedObjectives = 1
; also search objective text when filtering quests
bQuestIncludeObjectives = 1
bRecipeMenuSearch = 1
; refresh the menu when closing the search - set to 0 if you want to use keyboard hotkeys to navigate the filtered menus
bRemoveFilterWhenClosingSearch = 1
bSaveMenuSearch = 1
bStatsMenu = 1
[Console Output]
; filename for the console output
sFilename = ConsoleOut.txt
[Book Effects]
; prefix before the 'Skill +1' text shown under Effects
sPrefix = Permanent
[Smooth Iron Sights Camera]
; time taken to transition between the camera positions
iAimTransitionTimeMS = 225.000000
; which easing function will be applied to the movement (listed in the readme)
iEasingFunction = 1
[Disable Needs Messages]
bDehydration = 1
bHunger = 1
bRadiation = 1
bSleep = 1
[Recently Dead NPC Indicator]
; only show actors damaged by the player
bPlayerDamagedOnly = 0
; only show actors killed by the player or companions
bPlayerOrTeammateKillsOnly = 0
; lifetime for dead NPC ticks
iDeadActorMaxTimerMS = 0
; red/green/blue color in hexadecimal, e.g. 0xFF0088
uRGB = 0x7f7f73
[Companion HUD Color]
; red/green/blue color in hexadecimal, e.g. 0xFF0088
uRGB = 0xffffff
[No Firing Delay]
; ignores the need for heavy weapons to spin up before firing
bIncludeHeavyWeapons = 1
[Blood Splatters]
; minimum health damage of an attack for blood splatters to show
fMinHealthDamage = 2.000000
[Weightless Items]
bAid = 1
bAmmo = 1
bArmor = 1
bMisc = 1
bWeapons = 1
[XP Formula]
fXPLevelDifferenceScale = 2.000000
iXPRewardBase = 10
[Colored HUD Bars]
; threshold ratio of current/max Action Points for coloring AP bar red
fRedActionPointsThreshold = 0.330000
; threshold ratio of current/max Health for coloring HP bar red
fRedHealthThreshold = 0.330000
[Note Sorting]
; sorting mode, see readme for details
iNoteSortingMode = 2
[Quest Sorting]
; sorting mode, see readme for details
iQuestSortingMode = 2
[Perk Sorting]
; sorting mode, see readme for details
iPerkSortingMode = 2
[Recipe Sorting]
; sorting mode, see readme for details
iRecipeSortingMode = 3
[Extra Console Details]
; show the current cell editor ID
bCellEditorId = 1
; show the current cell name
bCellName = 1
; show the mesh path of the selected ref
bMeshPath = 1
; show the extra details from ToggleFullHelp (attached scripts etc.)
bUseFullHelp = 1
[NPC Damage]
; multiplier for damage dealt by companions to NPCs
fDamageByTeammateMult = 1.000000
; multiplier for damage dealt to companions by NPCs
fDamageToTeammateMult = 1.000000
; damage multiplier for NPCs hitting each other
fNPCToNPCDamageMult = 1.000000
[Weapon Modding]
; hide the mod button for non-moddable weapons
bHideModButtonForNonModdableWeapons = 1
; show unowned weapon mods
bItemModMenuShowUnownedMods = 1
; only allow weapon modding if at a workbench
bRequireWorkbench = 0
; editor ID of the sound to play when removing weapon mods
sRemoveItemModSound = UIItemGunsSmallUp
; distance to show subtitles from - vanilla is 500 units
fSubtitleDistance = 1000.000000
[Scoped Weapons]
; forces the 'uses 1st person iron sights anims' flag on all weapons
bAlwaysShowWeaponAnimation = 0
; delay scopes in 3rd person
bDelayInThirdPerson = 0
; aim out while reloading or weapon jams
bStopAimingWhileReloading = 0
; required aiming time before the scope overlay is shown
iScopeVisibilityDelayMS = 150.000000
[Message Times]
; time the 'added to inventory' message is shown (in seconds)
fAddItem = 1.000000
[RGB Sliders]
; make terminals copy the HUD color
bTerminalsUseHUDColor = 1
[Respawned Cell Indicator]
; color respawned cells in red
bColorRespawnedCells = 1
; color unvisited cells in white
bColorUnvisitedCells = 1
[Critical Hits Gib]
; prevent non-critical hits exploding or dismembering limbs
bOnlyCritsGib = 0
[Barter Items]
; cost for buying items with no value (e.g. ammo casings)
fFreeItemCost = 1.000000
[Remember Weapon Ammos]
; remember ammo count as well as type for all weapons
bIncludeCount = 1
; forget stored ammo/type when weapons are dropped or transferred
bInventoryOnly = 1
[SPECIAL Points]
; number of SPECIAL points to allocate
iNumPointsToAllocate = 35
[Unsafe Fast Travel]
; show a warning when traveling from restricted areas
bShowWarning = 1
[Weapon Hotkeys]
; scancode of the keyboard hotkey
iSecondSlotKey = 3
[Hacking Formula]
; base word length
fBaseWordLength = 4.000000
; characters removed from answer if you have the computer whiz perk
fComputerWhizLengthBonus = 0.000000
; multiplier applied on difficulty before adding to word length
fDifficultyWordLengthMult = 2.000000
; characters added to answer if terminal ref ID is odd
fOddTerminalIDBonus = 1.000000
; max guesses
iMaxAttempts = 4
; max answer length (maximum 12)
iMaxWordLength = 12
; min guesses
iMinAttempts = 4
; min answer length (minimum 2)
iMinWordLength = 4
[Compass Doors]
; scale the door icon's alpha based on distance to the player
bFadeIconByDistance = 0
; color visited cells
bVisitedIndicator = 1
; max distance to show doors in exteriors
iExteriorMaxDistance = 2750
; max distance to show doors in interiors
iInteriorMaxDistance = 1750
; visited cell red/green/blue color in hexadecimal, e.g. 0xFF0088
uVistedRGB = 0x7f7f73
[Melee Locational Hits]
; use hit multiplier for attacks by NPCs on the player
bNonPlayerAttacks = 1
; use hit multiplier for NPC-NPC attacks
bNpcToNpcAttacks = 1
; use hit multiplier for attacks by the player
bPlayerAttacks = 1
[Scope HUD Visibility]
; visibility flags, see readme or in-game menu for more information
iFlags = 0xb
[Alt Levelup Sound]
; Play sSoundA every iLevelA levels
iLevelA = 5
; Play sSoundB every iLevelB levels
iLevelB = 10
; editor ID of sound to play every iLevelA levels
sSoundA = MUSMysteriousStrangerA01
; editor ID of sound to play every iLevelB levels
sSoundB = MUSMysteriousStrangerA02
[Holdable Throwables]
; allow holding mines before throwing them
bMineSupport = 1
[Anim Variants]
; allow aim/aimIS variants
bAims = 0
; allow equip/unequip variants
bEquips = 0
; allow reload variants
bReloads = 1
[Water Scales Movement Speed]
; max movement speed penalty when wading through water
fWadingMovementMult = 0.000000
[Agility Affects Jump Height]
; multiplier added per agility point above 1
fAgilityMult = 0.050000
[Disable XP Messages]
bDiscoverLocation = 1
bHacking = 1
bKills = 1
bLockPick = 1
bRewardXPCommand = 1
bSpeechChallenges = 1
[Interior Fog Remover]
; distance over which far fog is removed - setting too low will cause visual bugs in some caves - Default 2700.000000
fFogFarDistanceThreshold = 0
[Key XP Reward]
; multiplier applied to lock reward XP
fLockRewardXPScale = 1
; base XP rewarded for using a key on a container/door
iUseKeyRewardXP = 0
[VATS Uses Weapon Distance]
; maximum range to check for targets
fMaxDistance = 5000.000000
; minimum range to check for targets
fMinDistance = 1500.000000
; multiplier applied to the weapon's max range
fRangeMult = 1.200000
[Combat Sounds]
; minimum time between player pain sounds (in ms)
iMinPlayerPainSoundIntervalMS = 10000
[Detection Light Timer]
; time between updates (in seconds), vanilla is 3 seconds
fIntervalTimer = 0.250000
[Show Closest Location]
; show the closest undiscovered location on the compass
bCompass = 1
; show the closest undiscovered location on the map
bMapMenu = 1
[Item Cycle Keys]
; ignore armors/aid etc.
bWeaponsOnly = 1
[Lockpick Menu Movement]
; base speed for left/right keyboard movement
fBaseSpeed = 8.000000
; scale while ctrl is held
fCtrlScale = 0.400000
; scale while shift is held
fShiftScale = 2.500000
[Unequip Broken Armor]
; UI message when armor breaks
sArmorBreakMessage = Your %s has broken
[Character Selector]
; text to display in the Save/Load menu while character filter isn't applied
sAllText = Characters
[Current Weapon Hotkey]
; pressing the weapon key for an already equipped weapon will do nothing
bDontHolsterWeapon = 0
[Improved Race Menu]
; prevent the player swaying while in the menu
bNoAnims = 1
; scale the camera X direction movement speed
fPanXScale = 1.000000
; scale the camera Y direction movement speed
fPanYScale = 1.000000
[Map Marker Factions]
; only show location reputations if you have reputation with that faction
bRequireReputation = 1
[Living Anatomy]
; show the targeted NPC's healthbar even if they have max health
bAlwaysShowHealth = 0
[Synchronized Container Categories]
; prevent the category automatically changing when transferring the last item in a category
bPreventSwitchWhenEmptyingCategory = 0
[Lockpick/Hacking Messages]
; message shown if hacking requirements aren't met
sHackingMessage = You have %d/%d science skill required to hack this terminal.
; message shown if lockpick requirements aren't met
sLockpickMessage = You have %d/%d lockpick skill required to pick this lock.
[Slope Climbing]
; maximum angle while automove is enabled
fAutoWalkAngle = 85.000000
; maximum jumping angle
fJumpAngle = 75.000000
; maximum walking angle in degrees, vanilla is 47
fWalkAngle = 60.000000
[Place Marker At Location]
; add support for doors on the local map
bLocalMapDoors = 1
[SPECIAL Caps Skills]
; multiplier applied to luck
fLuckMult = 0.500000
; base value
fSkillBase = 50.000000
; multiplier applied to SPECIAL skills
fSPECIALMult = 5.000000
; max value for skills
iSkillCap = 100
[Skill Books]
; message shown when trying to read a book at max skill
sReadBookSkillTooHighMessage = Your %s skill is maxed out.
[Fast Travel Costs Items]
; message shown when items are removed upon fast travel
sItemRemovedMessage = %s removed
; message shown when trying to fast travel without the required items
sItemRequiredMessage = You need limited edition Nuka-Cola bottles to fast travel!
[Fast Travel Crippled Limbs]
sLimbsCrippledMessage = You cannot fast travel with crippled legs!
[No Healing In Combat]
sNoHealingItemsInCombatMessage = You cannot use healing items in combat!
[Container Store All]
; replacement label for 'Take All' when shift is held
sStoreAll = Store All
[Ammo Label]
; use the shorthand name for ammo (e.g. MF Cell instead of Microfusion Cell)
bUsePipboyName = 1
[Looping Reloads]
; max number of bullets to queue by pressing reload multiple times, set to 0 for no limit
iMaxQueueLength = 0
[Hacking HUD Prompt]
; prompt when you already have the terminal's password note
sUsePassword = Use Password
[Melee Range]
; maximum reach multiplier
fMaxReach = 0.000000
; minimum reach multiplier
fMinReach = 0.000000
; reach multiplier for player attacks
fReachMult = 1.000000
[RAD Meter]
sFormat = +%.2f
[Disable Reloading Non-Empty Clip]
; only prevent reloading for weapons that use the energy weapons skill
bEnergyWeaponsOnly = 0
; allow reloading non-empty weapons if they use a looping reload
bExcludeLoopingReloadWeapons = 0
[Explosion Shake]
; multiplier applied to camera shake
fCameraMult = 0.000000
; multiplier applied to HUD shake
fHUDMult = 0.000000
[Talk While Sneaking]
; require holding shift to pickpocket
bInvert = 0
[Add Nearby Markers To Map]
; radius of circle around player to add markers
fDistance = 20000.000000
[Pipboy Light Cell Change]
; turn the pipboy light off if it's daytime in the exterior
bCheckNight = 1
[Ignore Companions in VATS]
; allow targeting companions in VATS if outside combat
bCombatOnly = 0
[No Stealing After Repair]
; destroy the caps if the merchant has no vendor container
bRemoveIfNoVendorContainer = 0
[Prevent NPC Topics]
; topic flags, see readme or in-game menu for more information
iFlags = 0x880
[Allow Aid At Max Health]
bDoctorsBags = 0
bStimpaks = 1
bSuperStimpaks = 0
[Prevent No Fast Travel Message]
; play a 'cancel' sound when trying to click on an undiscovered marker
bPlaySound = 1
[Separate Sensitivity Sliders]
; vertical sensitivity
fVerticalSensitivity = 0.000000
[Default Pipboy Tab]
; default category and tab to open (see readme)
iTab = 21
[Hide HUD Key]
; hide the ammo/AP
bHideAmmo = 1
; hide the hud when loading a save
bHideByDefault = 0
; hide the compass and health bar
bHideCompass = 1
; hide H2O, FOD and SLP indicators
bHideHardcoreNeeds = 1
; hide sneak indicator
bHideSneak = 0
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