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Last active February 25, 2019 11:19
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A function to calculate and plot Jacobson-Truax based reliable clinical change. Here as a gist rather than a package because it has not been fully checked yet (especially for crit B and C). Input & comments welcome!
JT_RCC <- function(x.pre,, norm.M = NA, norm.SD = NA, RC.crit ="auto", reliability, ppid, plot = T, plottype = "JT", higherIsBetter = F) {
SEmeasurement <- sd(x.pre) * sqrt(1-reliability) # standard error of measurement based on the sd of the pre measurement/baseline
Sdiff<- sqrt(2*SEmeasurement^2) # the SD of the SEm for a difference score
# determine the criterion to determine recovery:
### C is preferred, followed by B, then A..
if(| { # if no norm data is available, only crit A is possible
crittype <- "crit A"
crit <- mean(x.pre) - 1.96 * sd(x.pre) # #The level of functioning at post should fall outside the range of the clinical population (more than 1.96 standard deviation in the 'more healthy' direction).
else { # if norm data is availabe:
if (norm.M + 3* norm.SD < mean(x.pre) - 3* sd(x.pre)) { # if the pre/clinical sample does not overlap with the norm sample, use criterion C
crittype <- "crit C"
crit <- ( (sd(x.pre) * norm.M) + (norm.SD * mean(x.pre)) ) /(sd(x.pre) + norm.SD) #The level of functioning at post should place the patient closer to the mean of the comparison norm data than the mean of the clinical norm data / pre measurement - weigted by SD of both clin and norm "
else { # if the distributions of the pre/clinical sample overlaps with the norm distribution, use criterion B:
crittype <- "crit B"
crit <- norm.M + 1.96 * norm.SD # The level of functioning at post should fall within the range of the comparison non-clinical group,i.e. within 1.96 standard deviation of the mean of the comparison norm data
# see ->
# time to compute things:
JTdf <- NULL
JTdf$ppid <- ppid
x.pre <- as.numeric(x.pre) <- as.numeric(
JTdf$pre <- x.pre
JTdf$post <-
JTdf <-
if(higherIsBetter) {JTdf$change <- JTdf$pre - JTdf$post } else
{JTdf$change <- JTdf$post - JTdf$pre}
# write values to JTdf:
JTdf$SEmeasurement <- SEmeasurement
JTdf$Sdiff<- Sdiff
JTdf$crittype <- crittype
JTdf$crit <- crit
# compute Reliable Change Index:
JTdf$RCI <- JTdf$change / Sdiff
# compute Jacobson-Truax classification:
JTdf$JTclass_RCI <- NA
JTdf$JTclass_RCI [JTdf$post <= crit & JTdf$RCI <= -1.96 ] <- "recovered"
JTdf$JTclass_RCI [JTdf$post <= crit & JTdf$RCI > -1.96 ] <- "non reliably recovered"
JTdf$JTclass_RCI [JTdf$post > crit & JTdf$RCI <= -1.96 ] <- "improved"
JTdf$JTclass_RCI [JTdf$post > crit & JTdf$RCI > -1.96 ] <- "unchanged"
JTdf$JTclass_RCI [JTdf$RCI >= 1.96 ] <- "deteriorated"
JTdf$JTclass_RCI <- factor(JTdf$JTclass_RCI, levels = rev(c("recovered", "non reliably recovered", "improved", "unchanged", "deteriorated")))
cat("Jacobson-Truax classification: \n")
# previous version also computed Wise table 1 ( based classifications but I've cut them out for the moment.
JTdf <<- JTdf
if(plot) {
if (plottype == "JT") {
JTdf$JTclassPlot <- JTdf$JTclass_RCI
for (l in 1: length(levels(JTdf$JTclassPlot))) {
levels(JTdf$JTclassPlot)[l] <- paste0(levels(JTdf$JTclassPlot)[l], ": ", table(JTdf$JTclassPlot)[[l]])
# created vector of plot colours linked to specific level names:
cols <- c("orchid3", "olivedrab3", "skyblue3", "coral1", "palevioletred3")
names(cols) <- c(levels(JTdf$JTclassPlot)[grep("^recovered", levels(JTdf$JTclassPlot))], levels(JTdf$JTclassPlot)[grep("improved", levels(JTdf$JTclassPlot))], levels(JTdf$JTclassPlot)[grep("unchanged", levels(JTdf$JTclassPlot))], levels(JTdf$JTclassPlot)[grep("deteriorated", levels(JTdf$JTclassPlot))], levels(JTdf$JTclassPlot)[grep("non reliably", levels(JTdf$JTclassPlot))])
if(sum($post > 0))) {
warning( sum($post)), " cases have missing post data - these are ommitted from the plot") }
ggplot(JTdf[!($post > 0)),], aes(x=pre, y=post, colour = JTclassPlot)) +
geom_point( size = 2.5) +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
geom_abline(intercept = sqrt(2*SEmeasurement^2) * 1.96 , slope = 1, linetype =3) +
geom_abline(intercept = sqrt(2*SEmeasurement^2) * -1.96 , slope = 1, linetype =3) +
geom_hline(yintercept = crit, linetype = 2) +
theme_classic() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "gray95")) +
labs(title = "Jacobson-Truax plot", x = "pre", y = "post", colour = "Jacobson-Truax \n Classification:") +
scale_colour_manual(values = cols)
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