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Created May 29, 2014 10:55
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Generates the collision shape of a model in Panda3D
import itertools
from panda3d.core import NodePath
from panda3d.core import TransformState
from panda3d.core import Vec3
from panda3d.bullet import BulletBoxShape
from panda3d.bullet import BulletConeShape
from panda3d.bullet import BulletConvexHullShape
from panda3d.bullet import BulletCylinderShape
from panda3d.bullet import BulletSphereShape
from panda3d.bullet import BulletTriangleMesh
from panda3d.bullet import BulletTriangleMeshShape
class Entity():
def calcSize(model):
entityModel = loader.loadModel(model)
return Entity.calcNodeSize(entityModel)
def calcNodeSize(node):
bottomLeft, topRight = node.getTightBounds()
width = topRight.x - bottomLeft.x
depth = topRight.y - bottomLeft.y
height = topRight.z - bottomLeft.z
return Vec3(width, depth, height)
def calcTransform(nodePath, root):
bottomLeft, topRight = nodePath.getTightBounds()
shapeOrigin = (bottomLeft + topRight)/2
originOffset = shapeOrigin - nodePath.getPos()
if root is None:
# We only needed to calculate the shape offset
return TransformState.makePos(originOffset)
# Combine the shape offset with nodePath's transform to the root node
transform = nodePath.getTransform(root)
return transform.setPos(transform.getPos() + originOffset)
def calcCollisionShape(shape, model):
if shape == "geometry":
return Entity.calcCollisionGeometryShapes(model)
modelNode = loader.loadModel(model).find('**/+GeomNode')
return Entity.calcNodeCollisionShape(shape, modelNode, None)
def calcNodeCollisionShape(shape, nodePath, root):
width, depth, height = Entity.calcNodeSize(nodePath)
transform = Entity.calcTransform(nodePath, root)
if shape == "box":
return [(BulletBoxShape(Vec3(width/2, depth/2, height/2)), transform)]
elif shape == "sphere":
return [(BulletSphereShape(width/2), transform)]
elif shape == "cylinder":
return [(BulletCylinderShape(width/2, height, 2), transform)]
elif shape == "cone":
return [(BulletConeShape(width/2, height), transform)]
elif shape == "hull":
geom = nodePath.node().getGeom(0)
hull = BulletConvexHullShape()
return [(hull, TransformState.makeIdentity())]
elif shape == "mesh":
geom = nodePath.node().getGeom(0)
mesh = BulletTriangleMesh()
return [(BulletTriangleMeshShape(mesh, dynamic=False), TransformState.makeIdentity())]
raise AttributeError('Collision type ' + str(shape) + ' does not exist!')
def calcCollisionGeometryShapes(model):
root = loader.loadModel(model)
shapes = []
# Find any collider geometry and transform it into a collision shape
for shape in ["box", "sphere", "cylinder", "cone", "hull", "mesh"]:
for child in root.findAllMatches('**/collision_{0}_*'.format(shape)):
shapes = itertools.chain(shapes, Entity.calcNodeCollisionShape(shape, NodePath(child), root))
return shapes
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