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Created July 24, 2023 16:15
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Certificate Deploy - Remediation
Installs a certificate to the specified device-wide certificate store.
To utilize this script, a "Payload" with the name defined in $certName variable below ( default: 'trusted.cer' ) must be attached to the configured Worklet policy.
Remediation Only
[ string ] : Mandatory
The name of the certificate file being deployed as a payload for installation to the specified CertStore.
DEFAULT: 'trusted.cer'
Evaluation & Remediation
[ string ] : Mandatory
The name of the certificate store to deploy the certificate to.
OPTIONS: Too many to list, see PowerShell command output from "Get-ChildItem Cert:\".
DEFAULT: Root, this corresponds to the 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities'.
.PARAMETER CertThumbprint
Evaluation Only
[ string ] : Optional
The certificate thumbprint to look for when performing the device evaluation. IF LEFT BLANK, this policy will always trigger remediation.
Author : Anthony Maxwell
Date : 07/24/2023
# define the name of the certificate to be deployed
# this should MATCH the name of the certificate used in the Automox Console payload
$certName = 'trusted.cer'
# define the certificate store to place this certificate in
# default is the 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' store
$certStore = 'Root'
# define cert path
$certPath = ".\$certName"
if ( Test-Path -Path $certPath -PathType Leaf )
# import the certificate
Import-Certificate -FilePath $certPath -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\$certStore" -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
Write-Output 'Certificate import completed successfully, exiting.'
exit 0
Write-Error 'The certificate import failed, exiting.'
exit 1
Write-Error "Unable to detect certificate with name `"$certName`". Is a payload attached to the policy with this name?"
exit 1
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