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Last active September 20, 2023 16:30
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Get Unique Software Packages and Automox Patching Support
Retrieves all software packages present in your organization and outputs a formatted table indicating whether patching via Automox is supported.
Author : Anthony Maxwell
Date : 09/06/2023
Version : 1.0.0
Release Notes :
- Initial release.
# define our Automox API token
$token = ''
# define our Automox Organization ID
$orgID = ''
# define our csv filepath
# optional - if this is commented
# out or an empty string, the CSV
# will not be generated
$filePath = ''
# define our api base url
$base = ''
# define our api endpoint
$endpoint = "/orgs/${orgID}/packages"
# define our query params
$query = (
# define our request headers
$headers = (
( 'Authorization', "Bearer ${token}" ),
( 'Accept', 'application/json' )
# create the webclient
$client = [ System.Net.WebClient ]::new()
# define the arraylist to hold our software package objects
$results = [ System.Collections.ArrayList ]::new()
# define our parameter formatters
$name = @{ n = 'Name'; e = { $_.display_name } }
$managed = @{ n = 'Managed'; e = { ( 'NO', 'YES' )[ $_.is_managed ] } }
# API Scrape
# enumerate our defined headers
foreach ( $header in $headers )
# assign the header to the webclient instance
$client.Headers.Add( $header[ 0 ], $header[ 1 ] )
# construct the full url
$url = "${base}${endpoint}?$( $query -join '&' )"
# create an iterator ( $i ) to navigate through paged responses
for ( $i = 0; $i -lt 1000; $i++ )
# define our current page url
$currentPage = "${url}&page=${i}"
Write-Host "Requesting result page $( $i + 1 ) from: ${currentPage}"
# interpolate our page number and fire the web request
$rawJSON = $client.DownloadString( $currentPage )
# check for an empty response
# if the response is null, empty or an empty json list - we've reached the end of our results
# break the loop
if ( $null -eq $rawJSON -or $rawJSON -eq [ System.String ]::Empty -or $rawJSON -eq '[]' ) { break }
catch [ System.Net.WebException ]
# retrieve the failure status code
# cast to integer to retrieve the numerical status code ( ex: 401 )
[ System.Int32 ] $statusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
# output the error
[ System.Console ]::Error.WriteLine( @"
ERROR : Web request failed.
REQUESTED URL : ${currentPage}
HTTP RESPONSE : ${statusCode}
"@ )
exit 1
# convert our json software to pscustomobjects
$software = $rawJSON | ConvertFrom-Json
# enumerate software
# format our properties
# add each software package to our arraylist
$software |
Select-Object $name, $managed |
ForEach-Object { $results.Add( $_ ) | Out-Null }
# filter down to unique items by Name and output
$results | Sort-Object -Property Name -Unique | Format-Table *
# evaluate if we have a file path
if ( $null -ne $filePath -and $filePath -ne [ System.String ]::Empty )
# output the csv file
$results | Export-Csv -Path $filePath | Out-Null
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