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Last active June 30, 2021 16:13
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Deleting an intermediate node.
// DeleteAtP deletes the node located at index location 'p'.
// Deletion is inplace.
func DeleteAtP(head **Node, p int) {
if p == 0 {
fmt.Println("\nPositions start from 1. Cannot delete.")
if *head == nil {
fmt.Println("\nList is empty")
// First node will be deleted
if p == 1 {
fmt.Println("\nDeleting Node: ", **head, "at position", p)
*head = (*head).Next
i := 1
previous := &Node{}
current := *head
for current != nil && i < p {
previous = current
current = current.Next
if current == nil {
fmt.Println("\nPosition does not exist")
fmt.Println("\nDeleting Node: ", *current, "at position", p)
previous.Next = current.Next
current = nil
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