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Created September 25, 2020 16:16
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int main()
constexpr double RATIO = 0.1; // ratio to divide the data in train and val set.
constexpr int MAX_ITERATIONS = 0; // set to zero to allow infinite iterations.
constexpr double STEP_SIZE = 1.2e-3;// step size for Adam optimizer.
constexpr int BATCH_SIZE = 50;
constexpr size_t EPOCH_I = 2;
cout << "Reading data ..." << endl;
mat tempDataset;
data::Load("../data/mnist_train.csv", tempDataset, true);
mat dataset =
tempDataset.submat(0, 1, tempDataset.n_rows - 1, tempDataset.n_cols - 1);
mat train, valid;
data::Split(dataset, train, valid, RATIO);
const mat trainX = train.submat(1, 0, train.n_rows - 1, train.n_cols - 1);
const mat validX = valid.submat(1, 0, valid.n_rows - 1, valid.n_cols - 1);
const mat trainY = train.row(0) + 1;
const mat validY = valid.row(0) + 1;
FFN<NegativeLogLikelihood<>, RandomInitialization> model;
// Layers schema.
// 28x28x1 --- conv (6 filters of size 5x5. stride = 1) ---> 24x24x6
// 24x24x6 --------------- Leaky ReLU ---------------------> 24x24x6
// 24x24x6 --- max pooling (over 2x2 fields. stride = 2) --> 12x12x6
// 12x12x6 --- conv (16 filters of size 5x5. stride = 1) --> 8x8x16
// 8x8x16 --------------- Leaky ReLU ---------------------> 8x8x16
// 8x8x16 --- max pooling (over 2x2 fields. stride = 2) --> 4x4x16
// 4x4x16 ------------------- Dense ----------------------> 10
model.Add<Convolution<>>(1, // Number of input activation maps.
6, // Number of output activation maps.
5, // Filter width.
5, // Filter height.
1, // Stride along width.
1, // Stride along height.
0, // Padding width.
0, // Padding height.
28, // Input width.
28 // Input height.
model.Add<MaxPooling<>>(2, // Width of field.
2, // Height of field.
2, // Stride along width.
2, // Stride along height.
model.Add<Convolution<>>(6, // Number of input activation maps.
16, // Number of output activation maps.
5, // Filter width.
5, // Filter height.
1, // Stride along width.
1, // Stride along height.
0, // Padding width.
0, // Padding height.
12, // Input width.
12 // Input height.
model.Add<MaxPooling<>>(2, 2, 2, 2, true);
model.Add<Linear<>>(16 * 4 * 4, 10);
cout << "Start training ..." << endl;
ens::Adam optimizer(
STEP_SIZE, // Step size of the optimizer.
BATCH_SIZE, // Batch size. Number of data points that are used in each
// iteration.
0.9, // Exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates.
0.999, // Exponential decay rate for the weighted infinity norm estimates.
1e-8, // Value used to initialise the mean squared gradient parameter.
MAX_ITERATIONS, // Max number of iterations.
1e-8, // Tolerance.
[&](const arma::mat& /* param */)
double validationLoss = model.Evaluate(validX, validY);
std::cout << "Validation loss: " << validationLoss
<< "." << std::endl;
return validationLoss;
mat predOut;
model.Predict(trainX, predOut);
arma::Row<size_t> predLabels = getLabels(predOut);
double trainAccuracy =
arma::accu(predLabels == trainY) / ( double )trainY.n_elem * 100;
model.Predict(validX, predOut);
predLabels = getLabels(predOut);
double validAccuracy =
arma::accu(predLabels == validY) / ( double )validY.n_elem * 100;
std::cout << "Accuracy: train = " << trainAccuracy << "%,"
<< "\t valid = " << validAccuracy << "%" << std::endl;
mlpack::data::Save("model.bin", "model", model, false);
std::cout << "Predicting ..." << std::endl;
data::Load("../data/mnist_test.csv", tempDataset, true);
mat testX =
tempDataset.submat(0, 1, tempDataset.n_rows - 1, tempDataset.n_cols - 1);
mat testPredOut;
model.Predict(testX, testPredOut);
Row<size_t> testPred = getLabels(testPredOut);
std::cout << "Saving predicted labels to \"results.csv.\"..." << std::endl;"results.csv", arma::csv_ascii);
std::cout << "Neural network model is saved to \"model.bin\"" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Finished" << std::endl;
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