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Last active May 14, 2023 11:16
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Use the Asset Registry to Register WidgetBlueprints as Primary Asset Types of their respective base class.
void UMyAssetManager::StartInitialLoading()
UE_LOG(LogMyAssetManager, Log, TEXT("Initializing MyAssetManager"))
if ( !bHasScannedForWidgetBlueprints )
/** Scan for and Register Widget Blueprints with the Asset Manager*/
/** Note: Class names etc have been changed for public use. */
template <class T> void UMyAssetManager::RegisterWidgetBlueprintsPrimaryAssets( const FString Path /*= "/Game"*/, const bool bShowAssetManagerDump /*= false*/ )
FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>(FName("AssetRegistry"));
IAssetRegistry& AssetRegistry = AssetRegistryModule.Get();
if ( Path.IsEmpty() )
UE_LOG(LogMyAssetManager, Warning, TEXT("Path parameter is empty. Please specify a content directory"));
TArray<FString> ContentPaths;
/** Scan ContenPaths recursivley */
AssetRegistry.ScanPathsSynchronous(ContentPaths, true);
TSet<FName> DerivedNames;
TArray<FName> BaseNames; //The base Class Names
TSet<FName> Excluded;
/** Get a list of class names derived from BaseNames */
AssetRegistry.GetDerivedClassNames(BaseNames, Excluded, DerivedNames);
/** Create a FARFilter to search for WidgetBlueprint type classes */
FARFilter Filter;
Filter.bRecursivePaths = true;
Filter.bRecursiveClasses = true;
TArray<FAssetData> AssetList;
/** Get a list of FAssetData the matches the search criteria of the FARFilter */
AssetRegistry.GetAssets(Filter, AssetList);
for ( FAssetData Asset : AssetList )
/** Get the the class this blueprint generates (this is stored as a full path e.g "WidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass'/Game/Assets/NewWidgetBlueprint.NewWidgetBlueprint_C'") */
FAssetTagValueRef GeneratedClassPathPtr = Asset.TagsAndValues.FindTag(TEXT("GeneratedClass"));
if ( GeneratedClassPathPtr.IsSet() )
/** Convert path to just the name part e.g "/Game/Assets/NewWidgetBlueprint.NewWidgetBlueprint_C" */
const FString ClassObjectPath = FPackageName::ExportTextPathToObjectPath(GeneratedClassPathPtr.AsString());
const FString ClassName = FPackageName::ObjectPathToObjectName(ClassObjectPath);
/** Check if this class is in the derived set */
if ( !DerivedNames.Contains(*ClassName) )
/** The SoftObjectPath to our class */
FSoftObjectPath SoftPath(ClassObjectPath);
/** Try to cast the UObject returned from SoftPath.TryLoad() to UWidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass */
if ( UWidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass* Cls = Cast<UWidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass>(SoftPath.TryLoad()) )
/** Cast the UWidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass' default object to UMyBaseUUserWidget */
if ( T* UIAsset = Cast<T>(Cls->GetDefaultObject()) )
/** Register the specific WidgetBlueprint Asset as a PrimaryAsset using the UMyBaseUUserWidget->GetPrimaryAssetId() function.
* This is neccessary as Asset->GetPrimaryAssetId() will not return the proper PrimaryAssetId as it will auto generate to
* "MyBaseUUserWidget:AssetName".
Get().RegisterSpecificPrimaryAsset(UIAsset->GetPrimaryAssetId(), Asset);
/** Optional debug information*/
if ( bShowAssetManagerDump )
UE_LOG(LogMyAssetManager, Log, TEXT("Dumping Asset Manager Info"));
bHasScannedForWidgetBlueprints = true;
template <class T> T* UMyAssetManager::GetWidgetFromAssetData( const FAssetData AssetData, UGameInstance* GameInstance) const
FAssetTagValueRef GenClassTag = AssetData.TagsAndValues.FindTag(FName("GeneratedClass"));
/** Check and see if the "GeneratedClass" tag was found */
if ( GenClassTag.IsSet() )
const FString ObjPath = FPackageName::ExportTextPathToObjectPath(GenClassTag.AsString());
const FSoftObjectPath SoftObjectPath(GenClassTag.AsString());
/** Try and load the class and cast it to UWidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass */
if ( UWidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass* BpClass = Cast<UWidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass>(SoftObjectPath.TryLoad()) )
/** Try to CreateWidget of type T with a valid UGameInstance and the UWidgetBlueprintGenerated class above */
if( T* Object = CreateWidget<T>(GameInstance, BpClass) )
/** If our Object widget is valid, we return it */
return Object;
return nullptr;
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