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Created April 17, 2022 21:58
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Save AaronC81/f215e7b76027971add843b44674b74ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Delta Pico Simulator
name = "sim"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
delta-pico-rust = { path = "../rust", default-features = false }
minifb = "0.22.0"
use std::{process::exit, time::SystemTime};
use delta_pico_rust::{interface::{ApplicationFramework, DisplayInterface, Colour, ButtonsInterface, ButtonEvent, StorageInterface, ButtonInput}, graphics::Sprite, delta_pico_main};
use minifb::{Window, WindowOptions, Scale, InputCallback, Key, KeyRepeat};
const STORAGE_SIZE: usize = 65536;
struct FrameworkImpl {
window: Window,
start_time: SystemTime,
storage: [u8; STORAGE_SIZE],
impl ApplicationFramework for FrameworkImpl {
type DisplayI = Self;
type ButtonsI = Self;
type StorageI = Self;
fn display(&self) -> &Self::DisplayI { self }
fn display_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::DisplayI { self }
fn buttons(&self) -> &Self::ButtonsI { self }
fn buttons_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::ButtonsI { self }
fn storage(&self) -> &Self::StorageI { self }
fn storage_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::StorageI { self }
fn hardware_revision(&self) -> String {
fn reboot_into_bootloader(&mut self) -> ! {
panic!("no bootloader on simulator")
fn millis(&self) -> u64 { self.micros() / 1000 }
fn micros(&self) -> u64 { SystemTime::now().duration_since(self.start_time).unwrap().as_micros() as u64 }
fn memory_usage(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
(0, 0)
impl DisplayInterface for FrameworkImpl {
fn width(&self) -> u16 { 240 }
fn height(&self) -> u16 { 320 }
fn draw_display_sprite(&mut self, sprite: &Sprite) {
let buffer =|c| RGB332_TO_RGBA888_LOOKUP_TABLE[c.0 as usize]).collect::<Vec<_>>();
self.window.update_with_buffer(&buffer, 240, 320);
if !self.window.is_open() {
const RGB332_TO_RGBA888_LOOKUP_TABLE: [u32; 256] = [
0x000000, 0x000052, 0x0000ad, 0x0000ff, 0x002400, 0x002452, 0x0024ad, 0x0024ff,
0x004900, 0x004952, 0x0049ad, 0x0049ff, 0x006d00, 0x006d52, 0x006dad, 0x006dff,
0x009200, 0x009252, 0x0092ad, 0x0092ff, 0x00b600, 0x00b652, 0x00b6ad, 0x00b6ff,
0x00db00, 0x00db52, 0x00dbad, 0x00dbff, 0x00ff00, 0x00ff52, 0x00ffad, 0x00ffff,
0x210000, 0x210052, 0x2100ad, 0x2100ff, 0x212400, 0x212452, 0x2124ad, 0x2124ff,
0x214900, 0x214952, 0x2149ad, 0x2149ff, 0x216d00, 0x216d52, 0x216dad, 0x216dff,
0x219200, 0x219252, 0x2192ad, 0x2192ff, 0x21b600, 0x21b652, 0x21b6ad, 0x21b6ff,
0x21db00, 0x21db52, 0x21dbad, 0x21dbff, 0x21ff00, 0x21ff52, 0x21ffad, 0x21ffff,
0x4a0000, 0x4a0052, 0x4a00ad, 0x4a00ff, 0x4a2400, 0x4a2452, 0x4a24ad, 0x4a24ff,
0x4a4900, 0x4a4952, 0x4a49ad, 0x4a49ff, 0x4a6d00, 0x4a6d52, 0x4a6dad, 0x4a6dff,
0x4a9200, 0x4a9252, 0x4a92ad, 0x4a92ff, 0x4ab600, 0x4ab652, 0x4ab6ad, 0x4ab6ff,
0x4adb00, 0x4adb52, 0x4adbad, 0x4adbff, 0x4aff00, 0x4aff52, 0x4affad, 0x4affff,
0x6b0000, 0x6b0052, 0x6b00ad, 0x6b00ff, 0x6b2400, 0x6b2452, 0x6b24ad, 0x6b24ff,
0x6b4900, 0x6b4952, 0x6b49ad, 0x6b49ff, 0x6b6d00, 0x6b6d52, 0x6b6dad, 0x6b6dff,
0x6b9200, 0x6b9252, 0x6b92ad, 0x6b92ff, 0x6bb600, 0x6bb652, 0x6bb6ad, 0x6bb6ff,
0x6bdb00, 0x6bdb52, 0x6bdbad, 0x6bdbff, 0x6bff00, 0x6bff52, 0x6bffad, 0x6bffff,
0x940000, 0x940052, 0x9400ad, 0x9400ff, 0x942400, 0x942452, 0x9424ad, 0x9424ff,
0x944900, 0x944952, 0x9449ad, 0x9449ff, 0x946d00, 0x946d52, 0x946dad, 0x946dff,
0x949200, 0x949252, 0x9492ad, 0x9492ff, 0x94b600, 0x94b652, 0x94b6ad, 0x94b6ff,
0x94db00, 0x94db52, 0x94dbad, 0x94dbff, 0x94ff00, 0x94ff52, 0x94ffad, 0x94ffff,
0xb50000, 0xb50052, 0xb500ad, 0xb500ff, 0xb52400, 0xb52452, 0xb524ad, 0xb524ff,
0xb54900, 0xb54952, 0xb549ad, 0xb549ff, 0xb56d00, 0xb56d52, 0xb56dad, 0xb56dff,
0xb59200, 0xb59252, 0xb592ad, 0xb592ff, 0xb5b600, 0xb5b652, 0xb5b6ad, 0xb5b6ff,
0xb5db00, 0xb5db52, 0xb5dbad, 0xb5dbff, 0xb5ff00, 0xb5ff52, 0xb5ffad, 0xb5ffff,
0xde0000, 0xde0052, 0xde00ad, 0xde00ff, 0xde2400, 0xde2452, 0xde24ad, 0xde24ff,
0xde4900, 0xde4952, 0xde49ad, 0xde49ff, 0xde6d00, 0xde6d52, 0xde6dad, 0xde6dff,
0xde9200, 0xde9252, 0xde92ad, 0xde92ff, 0xdeb600, 0xdeb652, 0xdeb6ad, 0xdeb6ff,
0xdedb00, 0xdedb52, 0xdedbad, 0xdedbff, 0xdeff00, 0xdeff52, 0xdeffad, 0xdeffff,
0xff0000, 0xff0052, 0xff00ad, 0xff00ff, 0xff2400, 0xff2452, 0xff24ad, 0xff24ff,
0xff4900, 0xff4952, 0xff49ad, 0xff49ff, 0xff6d00, 0xff6d52, 0xff6dad, 0xff6dff,
0xff9200, 0xff9252, 0xff92ad, 0xff92ff, 0xffb600, 0xffb652, 0xffb6ad, 0xffb6ff,
0xffdb00, 0xffdb52, 0xffdbad, 0xffdbff, 0xffff00, 0xffff52, 0xffffad, 0xffffff,
const BUTTON_MAPPING: [(bool, Key, ButtonInput); 25] = [
(false, Key::Left, ButtonInput::MoveLeft),
(false, Key::Right, ButtonInput::MoveRight),
(false, Key::Up, ButtonInput::MoveUp),
(false, Key::Down, ButtonInput::MoveDown),
(false, Key::Enter, ButtonInput::Exe),
(false, Key::Escape, ButtonInput::Menu),
(false, Key::Space, ButtonInput::List),
(false, Key::Key0, ButtonInput::Digit(0)),
(false, Key::Key1, ButtonInput::Digit(1)),
(false, Key::Key2, ButtonInput::Digit(2)),
(false, Key::Key3, ButtonInput::Digit(3)),
(false, Key::Key4, ButtonInput::Digit(4)),
(false, Key::Key5, ButtonInput::Digit(5)),
(false, Key::Key6, ButtonInput::Digit(6)),
(false, Key::Key7, ButtonInput::Digit(7)),
(false, Key::Key8, ButtonInput::Digit(8)),
(false, Key::Key9, ButtonInput::Digit(9)),
(false, Key::Tab, ButtonInput::Shift),
(false, Key::LeftBracket, ButtonInput::Parentheses),
(false, Key::RightBracket, ButtonInput::Parentheses),
(false, Key::Slash, ButtonInput::Fraction),
(true, Key::Equal, ButtonInput::Add),
(false, Key::Minus, ButtonInput::Subtract),
(true, Key::Key8, ButtonInput::Multiply),
(false, Key::Backspace, ButtonInput::Delete),
impl ButtonsInterface for FrameworkImpl {
fn wait_event(&mut self) -> ButtonEvent {
loop {
for (shifted, key, input) in BUTTON_MAPPING {
let pressed_without_modifier = self.window.is_key_pressed(key, KeyRepeat::No);
let shift_down = self.window.is_key_down(Key::LeftShift) || self.window.is_key_down(Key::RightShift);
if pressed_without_modifier && ((!shifted && !shift_down) || (shifted && shift_down)) {
return ButtonEvent::Press(input)
if !self.window.is_open() {
fn poll_event(&mut self) -> Option<ButtonEvent> {
impl StorageInterface for FrameworkImpl {
fn is_connected(&mut self) -> bool { true }
fn is_busy(&mut self) -> bool { false }
fn write(&mut self, address: u16, bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<()> {[(address as usize)..(address as usize + bytes.len())].copy_from_slice(bytes);
fn read(&mut self, address: u16, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()> {
bytes.copy_from_slice(&[(address as usize)..(address as usize + bytes.len())]);
fn acquire_priority(&mut self) {}
fn release_priority(&mut self) {}
fn main() {
let mut framework = FrameworkImpl {
window: Window::new(
"Delta Pico",
WindowOptions {
resize: true,
scale: Scale::X2,
start_time: SystemTime::now(),
storage: [0; STORAGE_SIZE],
panic!("Main loop exited");
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