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Created February 2, 2024 16:00
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Probot with Nitro
probot run
Running 10s test @
10 connections
│ Stat │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ 99% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Max │
│ Latency │ 4 ms │ 5 ms │ 8 ms │ 9 ms │ 5.52 ms │ 1.41 ms │ 73 ms │
│ Stat │ 1% │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Min │
│ Req/Sec │ 1282 │ 1282 │ 1723 │ 1802 │ 1680 │ 130.38 │ 1282 │
│ Bytes/Sec │ 190 kB │ 190 kB │ 255 kB │ 267 kB │ 249 kB │ 19.3 kB │ 190 kB │
Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second.
# of samples: 11
18k requests in 11.01s, 2.74 MB read
Probot node middleware
Running 10s test @
10 connections
│ Stat │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ 99% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Max │
│ Latency │ 0 ms │ 0 ms │ 2 ms │ 2 ms │ 0.17 ms │ 0.52 ms │ 18 ms │
│ Stat │ 1% │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Min │
│ Req/Sec │ 12783 │ 12783 │ 15087 │ 15415 │ 14829.46 │ 711.65 │ 12782 │
│ Bytes/Sec │ 1.6 MB │ 1.6 MB │ 1.89 MB │ 1.93 MB │ 1.85 MB │ 88.9 kB │ 1.6 MB │
Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second.
# of samples: 11
163k requests in 11.01s, 20.4 MB read
Nitro (production build)
Running 10s test @
10 connections
│ Stat │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ 99% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Max │
│ Latency │ 0 ms │ 0 ms │ 1 ms │ 1 ms │ 0.07 ms │ 1.06 ms │ 145 ms │
│ Stat │ 1% │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Min │
│ Req/Sec │ 14687 │ 14687 │ 20943 │ 21231 │ 20360.41 │ 1899.36 │ 14680 │
│ Bytes/Sec │ 1.63 MB │ 1.63 MB │ 2.32 MB │ 2.36 MB │ 2.26 MB │ 211 kB │ 1.63 MB │
Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second.
# of samples: 10
204k requests in 10.01s, 22.6 MB read
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