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Last active May 18, 2018 14:52
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  • Save AaronLasseigne/6255278 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AaronLasseigne/6255278 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(ns identicon.core
(:require [digest])
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(import java.awt.Color)
(import java.awt.image.BufferedImage)
(import javax.imageio.ImageIO))
(def tiles-per-side 6)
(def total-tiles
(* tiles-per-side tiles-per-side))
(defn- get-color
(nth '(
(246 150 121) ;; Pastel Red
(249 173 129) ;; Pastel Red Orange
(253 198 137) ;; Pastel Yellow Orange
(255 247 153) ;; Pastel Yellow
(196 223 155) ;; Pastel Pea Green
(163 211 156) ;; Pastel Yellow Green
(130 202 156) ;; Pastel Green
(122 204 200) ;; Pastel Green Cyan
(109 207 246) ;; Pastel Cyan
(125 167 217) ;; Pastel Cyan Blue
(131 147 202) ;; Pastel Blue
(135 129 189) ;; Pastel Blue Violet
(161 134 190) ;; Pastel Violet
(189 140 191) ;; Pastel Violet Magenta
(244 154 193) ;; Pastel Magenta
(245 152 157) ;; Pastel Magenta Red
) pos))
(defn- from-hex-to-dec
"Convert a hex char to an int."
(= "a" character) 10
(= "b" character) 11
(= "c" character) 12
(= "d" character) 13
(= "e" character) 14
(= "f" character) 15
:else (Integer/parseInt character)))
(defn- to-numbers
"Convert a string of hex chars to a seq of ints."
(map from-hex-to-dec (rest (clojure.string/split num_string #""))))
(defn- to-bools
"Formulaically convert a seq of ints to bools."
(take (/ total-tiles 2) (cycle
(map #(> % 7) (to-numbers num_string)))))
(defn- in-row
"Return the row for a particular position in the seq."
(quot pos (/ tiles-per-side 2)))
(defn- in-col
"Return the column for a particular position in the seq."
(rem pos (/ tiles-per-side 2)))
(defn- draw-tile
"Fill in a tile at a particular position starting from the left of the image."
[draw tile-size pos]
(.fillRect draw
(* (in-col pos) tile-size)
(* (in-row pos) tile-size)
tile-size tile-size))
(defn- draw-mirror-tile
"Fill in a tile at a particular position starting from the right of the image."
[draw tile-size pos]
(.fillRect draw
(* (- tiles-per-side (in-col pos) 1) tile-size)
(* (in-row pos) tile-size)
tile-size tile-size))
(defn- draw-it
"Draw tiles on the image based on a seq of booleans to determine whether the tile is filled in or not."
[draw tile-size pos bools]
(if (first bools)
;; left half
(draw-tile draw tile-size pos)
;; right half
(draw-mirror-tile draw tile-size pos)))
(if (> (count bools) 1)
(draw-it draw tile-size (inc pos) (rest bools)))))
(defn- file-name
"Generate a file name."
[name size]
(str/join "" [name "-" size ".png"]))
(defn- fill-background
"Fill in the background with white."
[draw size]
(.setColor draw (Color/WHITE))
(.fillRect draw 0 0 size size)))
(defn generate
"Make a new avatar."
[identifier size]
[tile-size (quot size tiles-per-side)
md5 (digest/md5 identifier)
icon (BufferedImage. size size BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_RGB)
[r g b] (get-color (first (to-numbers md5)))
color (Color. r g b)
draw (.createGraphics icon)]
(fill-background draw size)
(.setColor draw color)
(draw-it draw tile-size 0 (to-bools md5))
(ImageIO/write icon "png" (File. (file-name md5 size))))))
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