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# In the document
#PART 2: Replication of FIG 8.
fulldata <- read.csv("")
fulldata <- fulldata[, c(99, 50, 114, 49, 63, 136, 109, 126, 48, 160, 142, 10)]
# remove 2 rows with missing data (there are better ways to handle missing data)
fulldata <- fulldata[c(-19, -47), ]
#according to data presented in the table
glm1 <- glm(pbs2s3 ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
factnum2 + trnsfcap + untype4 + treaty + develop +
exp + decade, data = fulldata, family = "binomial")
glm2 <- glm(pbs2s3 ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
factnum2 + trnsfcap + untype4 + treaty + develop +
exp + decade + untype4*wardur, data = fulldata, family = "binomial")
meanlogcost = mean(fulldata$logcost)
meanwartype = mean(fulldata$wartype)
meanfactnum = mean(fulldata$factnum)
meanfactnum2 = mean(fulldata$factnum2)
meantrnsfcap = mean(fulldata$trnsfcap)
meanuntype4 = mean(fulldata$untype4)
meantreaty = mean(fulldata$treaty)
meandevelop = mean(fulldata$develop)
meanexp = mean(fulldata$exp)
meandecade = mean(fulldata$decade)
#Nested for loop that keeps valued at their medians and only age varies.
for(j in 1:315){
newdata_control=data.frame(meanwartype, meanlogcost, j, meanfactnum, meanfactnum2, meantrnsfcap,
0, meantreaty, meandevelop, meanexp, meandecade)
newdata_treated=data.frame(meanwartype, meanlogcost, j, meanfactnum, meanfactnum2, meantrnsfcap,
1, meantreaty, meandevelop, meanexp, meandecade)
names(newdata_control)=c("wartype", "logcost" , "wardur", "factnum" , "factnum2",
"trnsfcap" ,"untype4" , "treaty" , "develop", "exp" , "decade")
names(newdata_treated)=c("wartype", "logcost" , "wardur", "factnum" , "factnum2",
"trnsfcap" ,"untype4" , "treaty" , "develop", "exp" , "decade")
original[j] = mean(predict(glm1,newdata = newdata_treated, type="response")) -mean(predict(glm1,newdata = newdata_control, type="response"))
for(j in 1:315){
newdata_control=data.frame(meanwartype, meanlogcost, j, meanfactnum, meanfactnum2, meantrnsfcap,
0, meantreaty, meandevelop, meanexp, meandecade)
newdata_treated=data.frame(meanwartype, meanlogcost, j, meanfactnum, meanfactnum2, meantrnsfcap,
1, meantreaty, meandevelop, meanexp, meandecade)
names(newdata_control)=c("wartype", "logcost" , "wardur", "factnum" , "factnum2",
"trnsfcap" ,"untype4" , "treaty" , "develop", "exp" , "decade")
names(newdata_treated)=c("wartype", "logcost" , "wardur", "factnum" , "factnum2",
"trnsfcap" ,"untype4" , "treaty" , "develop", "exp" , "decade")
original2[j] = mean(predict(glm2,newdata = newdata_treated, type="response")) -mean(predict(glm2,newdata = newdata_control, type="response"))
par(cex.axis = 0.8)
plot(x = 1:315, y = original, type= "line", lty = "dotted",
xlim = c(1 ,315),
ylim = c(0,0.8),
main = "Causal Effect of Multidimensional UN Peacekeeping Operations",
xlab = "Duration of wars in months",
ylab = "Marginal effects of UN peacekeeping operations",
axes = FALSE)
axis(side=1, at = seq(5,320,by=15))
axis(2, at = c(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8))
lines(x = 1:315, y = original2)
axis(side=3, labels = FALSE, at = seq(5,320,by=15))
axis(4, labels = FALSE, at = c(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8))
text(95,0.1,"Model with Interaction Term",cex=1)
text(245,0.3,"Dotted line: Original Model",cex=1)
# In the document
# PART 4
#import data
foo <- read.csv("")
# Part A
# What is the effect of UN peacekeeping interventions (any kind) on lenient success over 2 years
# and over 5 years.
# Part B
#Part C
#logistic regression
foo_glm2l <- glm(pbs2l ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 +
trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade + Tr, family = binomial, data = foo)
foo_glm5l <- glm(pbs5l ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 +
trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade + Tr, family = binomial, data = foo)
#Propesity score matching
foo <- select(foo, untype, wartype, logcost, wardur, factnum, factnum2,
trnsfcap, treaty, develop, exp, decade, pbs2l, pbs5l)
foo = foo[complete.cases(foo),]
Tr <- rep(0, length(foo$untype))
Tr[which(foo$untype != "None")] <- 1
foo = data.frame(foo, Tr)
foo_glm <- glm(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 +
trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade, family = binomial, data = foo)
mout_propensityscore <- Match(Tr=foo$Tr, X = foo_glm$fitted.values)
mb_propensityscore <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 +
trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade,
data=foo, match.out = mout_propensityscore, nboots=500)
#Add bias adjustment here
mout = Match(Y = foo$pbs2l, Tr=foo$Tr, X = foo_glm$fitted.values, BiasAdjust = TRUE)
mout2 = Match(Y = foo$pbs5l, Tr=foo$Tr, X = foo_glm$fitted.values, BiasAdjust = TRUE)
# Genetic Matching
X <- cbind(foo$wartype, foo$logcost, foo$wardur,
foo$factnum, foo$factnum2, foo$trnsfcap,
foo$treaty, foo$develop, foo$exp, foo$decade)
genout <- GenMatch(Tr = Tr, X = X, BalanceMatrix = X,#Not necesary to include.It is the default
pop.size = 200, estimand="ATT", M=1, wait.generations = 15)
genmatchmout <- Match(Tr=Tr, X=X, estimand="ATT", Weight.matrix=genout)
mb_genmatch <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
factnum2 + trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade, data = foo,
match.out=genmatchmout, nboots=500)
genmatch_mout <- Match(Y=foo$pbs2l, Tr=Tr, X=X, estimand="ATT", Weight.matrix=genout, BiasAdjust = TRUE)
mb_genmatch <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
factnum2 + trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade, data = foo,
match.out=genmatch_mout, nboots=500)
genmatch_mout_5 <- Match(Y=foo$pbs5l, Tr=Tr, X=X, estimand="ATT", Weight.matrix=genout, BiasAdjust = TRUE)
mb_genmatch <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
factnum2 + trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade, data = foo,
match.out=genmatch_mout_5, nboots=500)
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