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  • Save Aaronmoralesshildrick/e6ef532955ccb220f9c903df0f27faca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Aaronmoralesshildrick/e6ef532955ccb220f9c903df0f27faca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cd "/Users/aaron/Documents/Minerva/SS 154/Final Project"
rename Pollutantemissionsfromtranspo temissions
rename GDPperCapita GDPpc
rename PurchasingPowerAdijustedGDPp PP
rename PriceofGasolineinUSdollars Gasprice
rename Renewableenergyshare Renewable
line temissions Year if ID == 28
line TotalCO2 Year if ID == 28
ssc install synth, replace all
tsset ID Year
/* Because Greece, Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland don’t have data on transport emissions they are removed from the dataset. */
drop if ID == 8
drop if ID == 29
drop if ID == 30
drop if ID == 31
/* UK Synth*/
synth temissions Population GDPpc Gasprice Renewable temissions(1990) temissions(2001) temissions(2007), trunit(28) trperiod(2008) unitnames(Country) mspeperiod(2000(1)2007) resultsperiod(2000(1)2014) nested keep(temissionssynthUK) replace fig
*Getting the Gap for the UK
use temissionssynthUK, clear
keep _Y_treated _Y_synthetic _time
drop if _time==.
rename _time year
rename _Y_treated treat
rename _Y_synthetic counterfact
gen gap28=treat-counterfact
sort year
twoway (line gap28 year,lp(solid)lw(vthin)lcolor(black)), yline(0, lpattern(shortdash) lcolor(black)) xline(2008, lpattern(shortdash) lcolor(black)) xtitle("",si(medsmall)) xlabel(#10) ytitle("Gap in transport emissions prediction error", size(medsmall)) legend(off)
save Synth-gap28, replace
tsset ID Year
set more off;
use Data, replace;
tsset ID Year;
local ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28;
foreach i of local ID {;
synth temissions
Population GDPpc Gasprice Renewable temissions(1990) temissions(2001) temissions(2007)
trunit(`i') trperiod(2008) unitnames(Country)
mspeperiod(2000(1)2007) resultsperiod(2000(1)2014) nested
keep(temissionssynth_`i') replace;
matrix state`i' = e(RMSPE); /* check the V matrix*/
#delimit cr
local ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
foreach i of local ID {
use temissionssynth_`i',clear
keep _Y_treated _Y_synthetic _time
drop if _time==.
rename _time year
rename _Y_treated treat`i'
rename _Y_synthetic counterfact`i'
gen gap`i'=treat`i'-counterfact`i'
sort year
save synth_gap_temissions`i', replace
use Synth-gap28, clear
sort year
save placebo_28.dta, replace
foreach i of local ID {
merge year using synth_gap_temissions`i'
drop _merge
sort year
save Finalplacebo_temissions, replace
/* Messy Placebo graph*/
(line gap1 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap2 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap3 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap4 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap5 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap6 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap7 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap9 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap10 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap11 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap12 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap13 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap14 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap15 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap16 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap17 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap18 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap19 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap20 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap21 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap22 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap23 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap24 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap25 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap26 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap27 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap28 year ,lp(solid)lw(thick)lcolor(black)), /*treatment unit, UK*/
yline(0, lpattern(shortdash) lcolor(black)) xline(2008, lpattern(shortdash) lcolor(black))
xtitle("",si(small)) xlabel(#10) ytitle("Gap in Transport Emissions prediction error", size(small))
#delimit cr
/* Clean Placebo graph*/
(line gap3 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap4 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap6 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap10 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap11 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap12 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap15 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap19 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap20 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap22 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap27 year ,lp(solid)lw(vthin) lcolor(gs7))
(line gap28 year ,lp(solid)lw(thick)lcolor(black)), /*treatment unit, UK*/
yline(0, lpattern(shortdash) lcolor(black)) xline(2008, lpattern(shortdash) lcolor(black))
xtitle("",si(small)) xlabel(#10) ytitle("Gap in Transport Emissions prediction error", size(small))
#delimit cr
/*Getting the Treatment Effect*/
use Synth-gap28, clear
gen tr_effect= treat - counterfact
drop if missing(year)
gen diff_pre_treat = tr_effect if year < 2008
gen diff_post_treat = tr_effect if year >= 2008
regress diff_post_treat diff_pre_treat
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