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Created April 11, 2012 03:53
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everyauth password module
* Module dependencies
var User = require('../models/user')
, UserValidator = require('../validators/user-validator')
, Promise = require('everyauth').Promise;
//Everyauth configuration
module.exports = function(everyauth, repository){
var validator = new UserValidator(repository);
everyauth.everymodule.findUserById( function (userId, callback) {
repository.get(userId, callback);
// callback has the signature, function (err, user) {...}
.getLoginPath('/user/login') //Uri of path to login page
.postLoginPath('/user/login') //Uri of path to login page form submission
title: 'Login'
.authenticate(function(login, password){
var promise = this.Promise();
validator.validateLoginForm(login, password, function(error){
if(error) promise.fulfill(error);
repository.get(login, function(error, user){
//Fail the promise if we get an error or can't find the user
if(error) return;
if(!user) return promise.fulfill(['user _'+ login + '_ does not exist.']);
User.verifyPassword(user.password, user.salt, password, function(error){
//Fail if we get an error during password validation
if(error) return;
//Otherwise, we can fulfill our promise
return promise;
.getRegisterPath('/user/register') //Uri of path to registration
.postRegisterPath('/user/register') //Uri of path for registration form submission
title: 'Register'
var promise = this.Promise();
validator.validateRegistrationForm(convertNewUserAttributes(newUserAttributes), function(error){
if(error) return promise.fulfill(error);
return promise;
.registerUser( function (newUserAttributes) {
var promise = this.Promise();, function(error, data){
if(error) return;
if(!data) return promise.fulfill(['Unable to save registration']);
return promise;
.registerSuccessRedirect('/'); // Where to redirect to after a successful registration
function convertNewUserAttributes(newUserAttributes){
return {username:newUserAttributes.login,, password:newUserAttributes.password, confirmPassword:newUserAttributes.confirmPassword};
function convertToUserObject(newUserAttributes){
var user = new User(newUserAttributes.login,, newUserAttributes.password);
user.password = User.encryptPassword(user.password, user.salt);
return user;
* User model
* Module dependencies
var crypto = require('crypto')
, timestamp = require('../helpers/timestamp');
var User = exports = module.exports = function User(username, email, password, salt){ = username;
this.username = username; = email;
this.createdAt = new Date;
//If a salt isn't specified by default...
//Grab a unix timestamp and use that
this.salt = generateSalt(timestamp.currentTime());
} else{ //Use the provided salt if it exists
this.salt = salt;
this.password = password;
function generateSalt (salt){
return crypto.createHash('md5').update(salt.toString()).digest('base64');
function encryptPassword(password, salt){
return crypto.createHmac('sha1', salt).update(password).digest('base64');
//Want to have the option of a static method for this too since "this" scope can be an issue during chained callbacks
function verifyPassword(hashedPass, salt, plainPass, fn){
if(hashedPass != encryptPassword(plainPass, salt)) return fn(new Error('invalid _password_'));
User.prototype.verifyPassword = function(plainPassword, fn){
console.log('Attempting to verify password for user %s', this.username);
verifyPassword(this.password, this.salt, plainPassword, fn);
//Have to break out the module exports at the end
exports.encryptPassword = encryptPassword;
exports.generateSalt = generateSalt;
exports.verifyPassword = verifyPassword;
* Validator used for determining if a user
* is in a valid state and can be saved successfully.
//Accepts an implementation of the userRepository class in its constructor argument
var UserValidator = exports = module.exports = function UserValidator(userRepository){
this.repository = userRepository;
/* Validates the contents of a form submission for registration */
UserValidator.prototype.validateRegistrationForm = function(registration, fn){
var errors = [];
if(!registration.username) errors.push('_username_ required');
if(! errors.push('_email_ required');
if(!registration.password) errors.push('_password_ required');
if(!registration.confirmPassword) errors.push('_password confirm_ required');
if(registration.password != registration.confirmPassword) errors.push('_password_ and _confirm_ must match.');
if (errors.length) return fn(errors);
var validator = this;
this.userNameExists(registration.username, function(error, user){
if(error) errors.push(error);
if(user) errors.push('_'+registration.username+'_ already exists.');
validator.emailExists(, function(emailError, email){
if(emailError) errors.push(emailError);
if(email) errors.push('_''_ is already registered.');
if(errors.length) return fn(errors);
/* Validates the content of a login form submission */
UserValidator.prototype.validateLoginForm = function(login, password, fn){
var errors = [];
if(!login) errors.push('_username_ required');
if(!password) errors.push('_password_ required');
if (errors.length) return fn(errors);
/* Checks to see if this username already exists in our database */
UserValidator.prototype.userNameExists = function(username, fn){
this.repository.get(username, function(error, user){
//Return the error to the caller if we encountered some problem in the repository
if(error) return fn(error);
//If we do have a username that matches
if(user) return fn(null, true);
//If we don't have a username that matches
fn(null, false);
/* Checks to see if this email address already exists in our database */
UserValidator.prototype.emailExists = function(email, fn){
this.repository.getByEmail(email, function(error, user){
//Return the error to the caller if we encountered some problem in the repository
if(error) return fn(error);
//If we do have a username that matches
if(user) return fn(null, true);
//If we don't have a username that matches
fn(null, false);
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@freddybown ask and ye shall receive. The user validator connects to any repository which implements the methods called throughout the validator ;)

I have one version of it that uses MongoDB in a replica set, another that uses a simple in-memory repository (primarily used for unit testing.)

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Awesome. If possible add up the code of these files. TIA

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Condense them into a single file?

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Talking about '../models/user' and '../validators/user-validator' files.

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alterx commented Mar 5, 2013

This is awesome, still i'd like to see the whole set up. I'm a newbie with this and currently i'm working with nodejs, couchDB and nano to build an auth module. The last missing piece could rely here.

is it too much if I ask for the full codebase?

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