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Last active June 12, 2024 16:23
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Raspberry PI External SSD Scripts
# create the docker data drive
mkdir /mnt/docker-base
# allow the root service account, which docker runs as, to own this directory and have write permissions
chown -R root:root /mnt/docker-base
chmod 701 /mnt/docker-base
# create a `daemon.json` file for the docker runtime
touch /etc/docker/daemon.json
# Define the JSON data
"data-root": "/mnt/docker-base"
# Define the target file
# Create the target file and write the JSON data to it
echo "$json_data" | sudo tee "$target_file" > /dev/null
# Restart Docker
service docker restart
# mirror the containerd storage paths, assuming these don't exist already
mkdir /mnt/var
mkdir /mnt/var/lib
mkdir /mnt/var/lib/containerd
mkdir /mnt/run
mkdir /mnt/run/containerd
# next, we have to configure microk8s to use these new directories instead of the default ones
# Define the configuration file path
# Backup the original configuration file
# Replace the root and state paths using sed
sed -i 's|--root ${SNAP_COMMON}/var/lib/containerd|--root /mnt/var/lib/containerd|' "$CONFIG_FILE"
sed -i 's|--state ${SNAP_COMMON}/run/containerd|--state /mnt/run/containerd|' "$CONFIG_FILE"
# Confirm the changes
echo "Configuration file updated. Changes:"
diff "${CONFIG_FILE}.bak" "$CONFIG_FILE"
# Backup your data before running this script!
# Unmount the partitions
umount /dev/sda1
umount /dev/sda2
# Use parted to re-create the partition with proper alignment
parted /dev/sda --script mklabel gpt
parted /dev/sda --script mkpart primary ext4 0% 100%
parted /dev/sda --script align-check optimal 1
# Format the new partition as EXT4
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
# Mount the new partition
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
# Optionally, update /etc/fstab
echo "/dev/sda1 /mnt ext4 defaults 0 2" >> /etc/fstab
# Set write permissions on the new mount
chmod 775 /mnt
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umount /dev/sda1 and umount /dev/sda2 are necessary because the Crucial SSDs we use ship with two NTFS partitions out of the box. This allows me to condense both of them into a single ext4 partition. Please check what the status of your drives looks like using sudo fdisk -l before executing these scripts and BACK UP ANY DATA YOU HAVE on these drives before running this.

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