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Created June 1, 2015 18:42
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Akka.NET Parent Actor "Create If Not Exist" pattern
* From Petabridge's Akka.Remote training:
* Copyright Petabridge LLC, 2015.
/// <summary>
/// Master actor responsible for the management of friends lists
/// </summary>
public class FriendsMaster : ReceiveActor
#region Message classes
public class GetFriendActorRef
public GetFriendActorRef(string userName)
UserName = userName;
public string UserName { get; private set; }
public class RestartFailed
public RestartFailed(string userName, IActorRef failedChild)
FailedChild = failedChild;
UserName = userName;
public string UserName { get; private set; }
public IActorRef FailedChild { get; private set; }
public class RecreateChild
public RecreateChild(string userName)
UserName = userName;
public string UserName { get; private set; }
private readonly IActorRef _presenceActor;
private readonly IActorRef _identityActor;
private readonly Func<string, Props> _friendListPropsFactory;
public FriendsMaster(IActorRef presenceActor, IActorRef identityActor, Func<string, Props> friendListPropsFactory)
_presenceActor = presenceActor;
_friendListPropsFactory = friendListPropsFactory;
_identityActor = identityActor;
// Warm up all of the persistent friends list actors
// and warm the presence actor
Receive<IEnumerable<ExistingUser>>(users =>
foreach (var user in users)
CreateIfNotExist(Context, user.DisplayName);
//warm up the presence actor
_presenceActor.Tell(new PresenceActor.InitialPresence(user.DisplayName));
Receive<RestartFailed>(child =>
Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellOnce(GetRandomRestartTime(), Self, new RecreateChild(child.UserName), Self);
Receive<RecreateChild>(child => CreateIfNotExist(Context, child.UserName));
Receive<AddFriend>(friend =>
if (friend.Friend.Equals(friend.Requestor))
Sender.Tell(new AddFriendRequestFailed(friend, "You can't be your own friend."));
var sender = Sender; //need to close over Sender for TPL continuations
var context = Context; //also need to close over local actor context
var verifyFriend = _identityActor.Ask<UserIdentity>(new FetchUserByName(friend.Friend));
var verifyRequestor = _identityActor.Ask<UserIdentity>(new FetchUserByName(friend.Requestor));
Task.WhenAll(verifyFriend, verifyRequestor).ContinueWith(tr =>
//check to see if we could find the missing users
if (tr.Result.Any(x => x is MissingUserIdentity))
sender.Tell(new AddFriendRequestFailed(friend,
"User {0} or user {1} was not found." + Environment.NewLine +
" No imaginary friends!",
friend.Requestor, friend.Friend)), context.Self);
var reverse = friend.Reverse();
CreateIfNotExist(context, friend.Requestor).Tell(friend);
CreateIfNotExist(context, friend.Friend).Tell(reverse);
Receive<RemoveFriend>(friend =>
var reverse = friend.Reverse();
CreateIfNotExist(Context, friend.Requestor).Tell(friend);
CreateIfNotExist(Context, reverse.Requestor).Tell(reverse);
Receive<GetFriendActorRef>(friend =>
var actor = CreateIfNotExist(Context, friend.UserName);
Receive<SubscribeFriends>(friends =>
var actor = CreateIfNotExist(Context, friends.UserName);
Receive<UnsubscribeFriends>(friends =>
var actor = CreateIfNotExist(Context, friends.UserName);
Receive<GetFriends>(friends =>
var actor = CreateIfNotExist(Context, friends.UserName);
private TimeSpan GetRandomRestartTime()
var rng = (ThreadLocalRandom.Current.NextDouble()*(1.5)) + 1.0;
return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(rng);
private IActorRef CreateIfNotExist(IActorContext context, string userName)
var child = context.Child(userName);
if (child.Equals(ActorRefs.Nobody))
return context.ActorOf(_friendListPropsFactory(userName), userName);
return child;
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Look at the CreateIfNotExist methods and where they're used, specifically

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