- What is Akka.NET?
- Akka & Typesafe
- Why Akka.NET?
- Akka.NET Quickstart
- C# Quickstart
- F# Quickstart
- What are some real-world use cases for Akka.NET?
- Mono Support
- Remoting & Clustering
- Contributing
- Commercial Support
- Learning Resources
- Akka.NET Bootcamp
- OSS Akka.NET Examples
- Videos
- Blogs & Articles
- Podcasts & Interviews
- Talks and Presentations
- Terminology, Concepts
- Actor Systems
- What is an Actor?
- What is a Message?
- Immutability
- Supervision and Monitoring
- Actor References, Paths, and Addresses
- Location Transparency
- Message Delivery Reliability
- Configuration
- Creating your first Actor
- C#
- F#
- Defining an Actor class
- ReceiveActor
- UntypedActor
- What's in an actor?
- State
- Behavior(s)
- Mailbox
- Children
- Supervisor Strategy
- Context
- ActorRefs and ActorSelections
- Location Transparency
- Explan how actors can be restarted independently of actorrefs, and this is why they're cool
- Creating actors with Props
- Props
- What's the point?
- Serializability
- Role in restarts
- System.ActorOf
- Creating Children with Context.ActorOf
- Props
- Handling Messages
- ReceiveActor
- UntypedActor
- if, else if, else - type interference
- PatternMatch
- Sending Messages
- Immutability
- Tell
- Ask
- Forward
- Replying to messages
- Looking up Actors
- ActorSelection
- Stopping Actors
- PoisonPill
- Graceful Stop
- What happens when an actor dies?
- Unplanned Termination ("Crashes")
- Supervision strategies in action
- Restarts
- What happens to messages during restarts?
- Unprocessed messages
- Message that caused the restart
- What happens to children during restarts?
- Planned Termination
- How to stop an actor
- DeathWatch
- What happens to messages during termination?
- Unprocessed messages
- Message that caused the restart
- What happens to messages during termination?
- What happens to children after termination?
- Unplanned Termination ("Crashes")
- The Actor Lifecycle
- PreStart
- PreRestart
- PostStop
- PostRestart
- DeathWatch
- Switchable Behaviors
- Become
- BecomeStacked
- UnbecomeStacked