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Created April 29, 2016 18:31
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Drag n Drop onto AutoHotKey GUI
***************************** Drag n Drop Like a Boss *****************************
This class supports Drag n Drop from EXPLORER windows to AutoHotKey GUIs -- that's it.
I recommend having your GUI still retain the label for GUIDropFiles for 2 reasons:
1. Win7 and earlier natively support DnD. It's better to NOT use this class when you don't need to.
2. The mouse becomes a No/X icon when you try to drag & drop onto the AutoHotKey GUI
In this case, drag & drop *does* still work, but that's unintuitive to the user.
This uses a global mouse hook. This isn't common, but if you have one set, there may be performance issues.
DragDrop.ShouldUseDD() -- call this to determine whether or not you need to use this class.
This class std lib compliant.
How to use:
_DragDrop() ; Init stb lib.
if (DragDrop.ShouldUseDD())
g_vDD := new DragDrop("SimulateDragNDrop", g_hQL)
...when you're done with the object...
g_vDD := ; Delete this object to unregister it from the super class and release it from the mouse hook.
Joshua A. Kinnison for great Explorer functions.
Attribution 3.0 -- just give Verdlin credit
{ } ; for stb lib
class DragDrop
Author: Verdlin
Function: __New(0
Purpose: Initialize DragDrop object
hCallback: String of callback function. Callback function takes a COM object of selected items from the dragged explorer window.
hDropWnd: Target hWnd. IMPORTANT: Must be a window handle! Also used to attach class to hWnd.
__New(hCallback, hDropWnd)
this.m_hCallback := Func(hCallback)
if (!IsFunc(this.m_hCallback))
Msgbox 8256,, Error: %hCallback% is not a valid function.
return false
global g_hMouseHook
if (!g_hMouseHook) ; Only set hook once.
g_hMouseHook := DllCall("SetWindowsHookEx", "int", WH_MOUSE_LL:=14 , "uint", RegisterCallback("DD_MouseProc", "Fast"), "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
sPrev := A_DetectHiddenWindows ; Preserve existing setting.
DetectHiddenWindows, on ; So we can get this script's hWnd.
this.m_hScriptWnd := WinExist("Ahk_PID " DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId"))
DetectHiddenWindows, %sPrev% ; Restore existing setting.
; Override obscure window message.
OnMessage(WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_ERRORW:=1126, "DragDropProc")
; Register this instance in super class.
this.m_hDropWnd := hDropWnd
DragDrop.ForHwnd[hDropWnd] := &this ; for DD_WatchForDD
return this
Author: Verdlin
Function: __Delete()
Purpose: Properly delete object
global g_hMouseHook
; Unregister instance from super class.
; Apparently MaxIndex() doesn't work :\
for k, v in DragDrop.ForHwnd
; If that was the last DD, unhook
if (!iClassCnt)
DllCall("UnhookWindowsHookEx", "Uint", g_hMouseHook)
Author: Verdlin
Function: ShouldUseDD
Purpose: Help to conditionally use DragDrop
You can call using the super class instantiator like this: DragDrop.ShouldUseDD()
return A_OSVersion != "WIN_7" && A_OSVersion != "WIN_VISTA" && A_OSVersion != "WIN_XP"
Author: Verdlin
Function: GetExplorerDDContents
Purpose: To get the contents (if any) of explorer's DD.
Returns COM object of explorer contents or else false if empty.
hExplorerWnd: Explorer wnd to get contents from
; This prevents the code from firing if you simply click on the QL.
vSelItems := this.Explorer_GetWindow(hExplorerWnd).Document.SelectedItems
if (vSelItems.Count < 1)
return false
return vSelItems
Author: Joshua A. Kinnison 2011-04-27, 16:12
Function: Explorer_GetWindow
Purpose: Get explorer window COM object
hwnd := hwnd ? hwnd : WinExist("A")
WinGetClass class, ahk_id %hwnd%
if (class="CabinetWClass" or class="ExploreWClass" or class="Progman")
for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
if (window.hwnd==hwnd)
return window
Author: Verdlin
Function: DragDropProc
Purpose: To simulate do Drag n Drop!
hExplorerWnd: Explorer window to grab selection from
pDragDrop: Pointer to DragDrop class object.
DragDropProc(hExplorerWnd, pDragDrop)
; Get the DD contents out of explorer now.
vDragDrop := Object(pDragDrop)
vDDContents := vDragDrop.GetExplorerDDContents(hExplorerWnd)
; Is there something to drag and drop?
if (vDDContents.Count)
vDragDrop.m_hCallback.(vDDContents) ; Do it!
Author: Verdlin
Function: DD_MouseProc
Purpose: Global mouse hook to detect click n drag and trigger Drag n Drop event.
wParam: Window message WM_
DD_MouseProc(nCode, wParam, lParam)
; Variables used to filter out clicks.
static s_hWndOnClick := 0, s_bTrackingClickNDrag := false, s_bIsDragging := false, s_iPrevMouseX, s_iPrevMouseY
Critical 5000
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, iMouseX, iMouseY, hMouseWnd
if (wParam == WM_LBUTTONDOWN:=513)
s_hWndOnClick := hMouseWnd
vDragDrop := Object(DragDrop.ForHwnd[hMouseWnd]) ; DragDrop is a super class or super global or just works, OK?
bMouseOverDropWnd := IsObject(vDragDrop)
; If we started clicking ON the drop wnd, there's nothing to click n drag.
bDraggingDropWnd := (s_hWndOnClick == vDragDrop.m_hDropWnd)
if (bDraggingDropWnd)
return DD_CallNextHookEx(nCode, wParam, lParam)
bMouseMove := (wParam == WM_MOUSEMOVE)
bLButtonUp := (wParam == WM_LBUTTONUP)
bLButtonDown := (wParam == WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
bLButtonDown_P := GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
bLButtonDown_Valid := (bLButtonDown_P && !bMouseOverDropWnd)
; If the LButton is down or the mouse is moving AND click n drag did NOT start on a drop hwnd...
if (bLButtonDown_Valid && (bLButtonDown || bMouseMove))
; If we are clicking and dragging...
if (bLButtonDown_P && bMouseMove)
; X delta
if (s_iPrevMouseX == "")
iXDelta := 0
else iXDelta := abs(iMouseX-s_iPrevMouseX)
; Y delta
if (s_iPrevMouseY == "")
iYDelta := 0
else iYDelta := abs(iMouseY-s_iPrevMouseY)
; Detect if we are dragging uses delta.
s_bIsDragging := (s_bIsDragging || iXDelta || iYDelta)
s_bTrackingClickNDrag := s_bTrackingClickNDrag || s_bIsDragging
s_iPrevMouseX := iMouseX
s_iPrevMouseY := iMouseY
else if (bMouseOverDropWnd && s_bTrackingClickNDrag && s_bIsDragging && bLButtonUp)
s_bTrackingClickNDrag := false
s_bIsDragging := false
; PostMessage because we can't call GetExplorerDDContents while dispatching an input-synchronous call.
PostMessage, WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_ERRORW:=1126, s_hWndOnClick, &vDragDrop,, % "ahk_id" vDragDrop.m_hScriptWnd
else if (bLButtonUp)
; Reset click n drag vars.
s_bTrackingClickNDrag := s_bIsDragging := false
s_hWndOnClick := s_iPrevMouseX := s_iPrevMouseY := ""
return DD_CallNextHookEx(nCode, wParam, lParam)
DD_CallNextHookEx(nCode, wParam, lParam)
global g_hMouseHook
return DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "uint", g_hMouseHook, "int", nCode, "uint", wParam, "uint", lParam)
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