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Created September 24, 2016 10:24
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WIkimedia Hackathon - Bits Pilani Hyderabad Campus
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"# SparQL as a Wikidata pywikibot generator"
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"In Wikidata, complex queries can be performed because the data is stored in a structured way. [**SparQL**]( is the querying language used by the wikibase technology (which drives wikidata).\n",
"**SparQL** is meant to write queries to what is generally called (key-value) like data, which is exactly how Wikidata stores it's data (property, value) tuples. In general, it's a query language for RDF. [**RDF**]( (Resource Description Framework) is a W3C specificationn to write metadata model graphs. i.e. it helps in specifying a way to write some types of relational diagrams.\n",
"To run and test SparQL queries on wikidata, a query service was created at - Use it while going through the tutorial."
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"# 1. Turtle\n",
"The basic building block of a SparQL query is an [RDF/turtle](<>). The full form of turtle is \"Terse RDF Triple Language\". It consists of a triplet or a 3-tuple where the items reresent a subject, a predicate and an object. In wikidata, we would say the three items are subject, property, value.\n",
"For example, in wikidata, we can write the following turtles:\n",
" - [Python (Q28865)](<>), [official site (P856)](<>),\n",
" - [Douglas Adams (Q42)](<>), [instance of (P31)](<>), [human (Q5)](<>)\n",
"In wikidata, the SparlQL have some special definitions (prefixes) which have been given pre-defined meanings. The `wdt:` and `wd:` prefixes:\n",
" - `wdt:` - The wdt prefix is used for a property. Example, `wdt:P856` is considered as the P856 property in wikidata.\n",
" - `wd:` - The wd prefix is used for entities or items. Example, `wd:Q42` is considered as the Q42 item in wikidata.\n",
"These words can be changed and other prefixes can be defined by using `@prefix`. Hence, you can simply consider the following two lines are always added to every query by default:\n",
" @prefix wd: <>\n",
" @prefix wdt: <>\n",
"Hence, the above mentioned turtles will be written as the following in SparQL:\n",
" - [Python (Q28865)](<>), [official site (P856)](<>), -> wd:Q28865, wdt:P856, \"\"\n",
" - [Douglas Adams (Q42)](<>), [instance of (P31)](<>), [human (Q5)](<>)\n",
"The standard prefixes used by wikidata are:\n",
" @prefix wd: <> \n",
" @prefix wdt: <>\n",
" @prefix wikibase: <>\n",
" @prefix p: <>\n",
" @prefix ps: <>\n",
" @prefix pq: <>\n",
" @prefix rdfs: <>"
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"# 2. Writing a simple RDF query\n",
"Using turtles, we can define a basic query which fetches all items with a specific property value. The syntax for this is:\n",
" SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . } LIMIT 100\n",
"The word `item` is similar to a variable. The query above means \"Return all items, which are instance of human, limited to 100 items\". let us try fetching this data in pywikibot:"
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"import pywikibot\n",
"import pywikibot.pagegenerators as pagegen\n",
"from pprint import pprint\n",
"wikidata = pywikibot.Site(\"wikidata\", \"wikidata\")"
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"human_list = list(pagegen.WikidataSPARQLPageGenerator(\"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . } LIMIT 5\", site=wikidata))\n",
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"for human in human_list:\n",
" print(human, human.get()['labels']['en'])"
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"The `pywikibotpagegenerators.WikidataSPARQLPageGenerator` function is restricted, as it can only accept queries which gives out a single ItemPage. It also expects the variabe name to be `?item`. But SparQL is considerably more flexible, as it can generate different types of output.\n",
"For example, try the following query which should list all the places [Douglas Adams (Q42)]( was [educated at (P69)]("
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"pprint(list(pagegen.WikidataSPARQLPageGenerator(\"SELECT ?val WHERE { wd:Q42 wdt:P69 ?val . } LIMIT 5\", site=wikidata)))"
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"This would give the `KeyError` saying that item was not found. Running the same query on gives the appropriate result. Run the next code block and click the \"Run\" button to see the query:"
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"from IPython.display import IFrame\n",
"IFrame(' ?val WHERE { wd:Q42 wdt:P69 ?val . } LIMIT 5', width=\"100%\", height=\"400px\")"
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"# 2. Running generic SparQL queries in Pywikibot"
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"Pywikibot can also be used to run any generic SparQL queries using the `SparqlQuery` class:"
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"from import SparqlQuery\n",
"wikiquery = SparqlQuery()\n",
"wikiquery.query('SELECT ?val WHERE { wd:Q42 wdt:P69 ?val . } LIMIT 5')"
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"The result given by the `SparqlQuery` is a bit raw and just gives the raw RDF converted to JSON. Hence normally the pywikibot API using `ItemPage` and `Claim` is an easier way to get data from the pages after creating the appropraite Page Generator.\n",
"If you're sure that the value is going to be a SELECT query, then the `.select()` function is a much cleaner way to get the data as it parses the JSON and sanitizes it:"
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"'SELECT ?val WHERE { wd:Q42 wdt:P69 ?val . } LIMIT 5')"
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"But the data here still gives the url given by RDF rather than the ItemPage, hence it is rather limited in functionaity."
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"# Resources\n",
"For a more elaborate RDF quide on SparQL check out\n",
"For the complete guide to wikidata's SparQL check out\n",
"Also, check out the example queries in and to understand more complex queries."
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