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Last active October 5, 2020 04:48
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Pro-Dev Journal from intermission before Mod4

Intermission Week 4 Module

Outreach -

  • Sent message to Lovisa Svallingson:

Screen Shot 2020-10-04 at 9 33 29 PM

  • Reconnected with Mentor Stefan Ramsbott ( the fellow who pointed me to Turing in the first place ) to set up a coffee meeting to connect and talk about "alternative paths" in the tech industry. ( I also saw that a company he is involved with is hiring, sooooo.....)

Other Accomplishments

  • Updated Huntr board with first job posting
  • Began filling in Ian Douglas's Company Research Worksheet


Out of everything at Turing so far, beginning the job search has by far been the most difficult thing I've had to do. I have come up against a huge internal block when it comes to researching the industry, creating my resume and writing a cover letter, and doing outreach.

Through really listening to myself, I think that one of the main sources of this block has been the fact that I am coming from a career as a musician, and have historcally led a somewhat alternative career path up until now. While I'm so excited for a different kind of stability, and to have work that is consistently challenging and engaging, I think that I'm really afraid that this new career will only be attainable in a 9-5 setting working for a company that does digital marketing or something that I don't care about. I want to make a difference in areas like Climate Change, or undoing the societal damage done by social media conglomerates, or space exploration, or sustainable agriculture and equitable access to resources. I want to do things that overthrow "The Man", not go to work for "The Man".

I think that ultimately, at the root of this fear, is the fear that after all of this time, money and effort, that this is not the right place for me, and that after a long time of trying to find "a better boat" than the boat I have been in up until now. I fear that this wasn't the right decision.

After talking with my mentor about this, it was pointed out to me how much that sounds like the voice of Imposter Syndrome, and I really appreciated that perspective. I know that when I am not able to find things that resonate with my values like this, that I tend to get kinda doomey about it. I also know that because of the limited research I've done, that most of these fears are really just "The Block", and in actuality I know and trust that there are parts of the tech industry that will light me up and align with what I want to do, and I think that I need to ask for a little extra guidance finding some of the alternative career paths that this skillset can apply to. Thanks y'all, really excited for this next module.

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