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Last active December 24, 2023 05:50
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Refactoring coding challenge
// The code snippet below is functional, but is made ugly on purpose
// Please refactor it to a state you'd be satisfied with and send back the refactored code
// Bonus challenge: there is a simple change that will improve database writes drastically
// Can you spot it?
const startCronJob = require('nugttah-backend/helpers/start.cron.job');
const Helpers = require('nugttah-backend/helpers');
const Invoice = require('nugttah-backend/modules/invoices');
const DirectOrder = require('nugttah-backend/modules/direct.orders');
const Part = require('nugttah-backend/modules/parts');
const DirectOrderPart = require('nugttah-backend/modules/');
async function createInvoice () {
try {
const dps = await DirectOrderPart.Model.find({ createdAt: { $gt: new Date('2021-04-01') }, fulfillmentCompletedAt: { $exists: true }, invoiceId: { $exists: false } }).select('_id directOrderId partClass priceBeforeDiscount') ;
const all_ps = await Part.Model.find({ directOrderId: { $exists: true }, createdAt: { $gt: new Date('2021-04-01') }, partClass: 'requestPart', pricedAt: { $exists: true }, invoiceId: { $exists: false } }).select('_id directOrderId partClass premiumPriceBeforeDiscount');
const allParts = all_ps.concat(dps);
const directOrderPartsGroups = Helpers.groupBy(allParts, 'directOrderId');
const invcs = [];
for (const allDirectOrderParts of directOrderPartsGroups) {
const directOrder = await DirectOrder.Model.findOne({ _id: allDirectOrderParts[0].directOrderId }).select('partsIds requestPartsIds discountAmount deliveryFees walletPaymentAmount');
const invoces = await Invoice.Model.find({ directOrderId: allDirectOrderParts[0].directOrderId }).select('walletPaymentAmount discountAmount deliveryFees');
const directOrderParts = allDirectOrderParts.filter(directOrderPart => directOrderPart.partClass === 'StockPart' || directOrderPart.partClass === 'QuotaPart');
const requestParts = allDirectOrderParts.filter(part => part.partClass === 'requestPart');
const dpsprice = directOrderParts.reduce((sum, part) => sum + part.priceBeforeDiscount, 0);
const rpsprice = requestParts.reduce((sum, part) => sum + part.premiumPriceBeforeDiscount, 0);
const dps_id = => part._id);
const rps_id = => part._id);
const TotalPrice = Helpers.Numbers.toFixedNumber(rpsprice + dpsprice);
const { deliveryFees } = directOrder;
let { walletPaymentAmount, discountAmount } = directOrder;
let totalAmount = TotalPrice;
if (directOrder.deliveryFees && invoces.length === 0) {
totalAmount += directOrder.deliveryFees;
if (walletPaymentAmount) {
invoces.forEach(invo => {
walletPaymentAmount = Math.min(0, walletPaymentAmount - invo.walletPaymentAmount);
walletPaymentAmount = Math.min(walletPaymentAmount, totalAmount);
totalAmount -= walletPaymentAmount;
if (discountAmount) {
invoces.forEach(nvc => {
discountAmount = Math.min(0, discountAmount - nvc.discountAmount);
discountAmount = Math.min(discountAmount, totalAmount);
totalAmount -= discountAmount;
if (totalAmount < 0) {
throw Error(`Could not create invoice for directOrder: ${directOrder._id} with totalAmount: ${totalAmount}. `);
const invoice = await Invoice.Model.create({ directOrderId: directOrder._id, directOrderPartsIds: dps_id, requestPartsIds: rps_id, totalPartsAmount: TotalPrice, totalAmount, deliveryFees, walletPaymentAmount, discountAmount });
await DirectOrder.Model.updateOne({ _id: directOrder._id }, { $addToSet: { invoicesIds: invoice._id } });
for (const dp_id of dps_id) {
await DirectOrderPart.Model.updateOne({ _id: dp_id }, { invoiceId: invoice._id });
// wait for updates before pushing to invoices array
await => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Part.Model.updateOne({ _id: rp_id }, { invoiceId: invoice._id }).then(function (result) {
return resolve();
.catch(() => {
return { case: 1, message: 'invoices created successfully.', invoicesIds: invcs };
} catch (err) {
startCronJob('*/1 * * * *', createInvoice, true); // at 00:00 every day
module.exports = createInvoice;
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