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Created July 3, 2024 12:33
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Little MapLibre extension to easily set the PoV
Abel Vázquez Montoro, 2022
This function sets the camera PoV based on the 3D point the user want to focus on
and the attitude of the camera.
* center: latlng object of the observed point,
* elevation: meters above sea level of the observed point (default: 0)
* exageration: if Terrain3D is used, this should be the same exageration value (default: 1)
* bearing: camera bearing (default 0)
* pitch: camera pitch (default: 45)
* hover: number of zoom levels to back off the camera (default: 2)
const lookat = function (o) {
// Defaults
const defaultconfig = {
'bearing': 0,
'pitch': 45,
'elevation': 0,
'exageration': 1,
'hover': 2
o = Object.assign(defaultconfig, o);
r = Math.PI / 180,
e = o.elevation * o.exageration,
d = e / Math.tan(o.pitch * r),
dx = d * Math.sin(o.bearing * r),
dy = d * Math.cos(o.bearing * r);
mercatorCenter = maplibregl.MercatorCoordinate.fromLngLat(, 0),
mercatorCenterProjected = new maplibregl.MercatorCoordinate(
mercatorCenter.x + (dx * mercatorCenter.meterInMercatorCoordinateUnits()),
mercatorCenter.y + (-dy * mercatorCenter.meterInMercatorCoordinateUnits()),
'center': mercatorCenterProjected.toLngLat(),
'bearing': o.bearing,
'pitch': o.pitch
Dolly zoom:
circumferenceAtEquator = 2 * Math.PI * 6378137,
zoom = Math.log2(circumferenceAtEquator / (2 * e * Math.tan(this.transform._fov / 2)));
this.setZoom(zoom - o.hover);
maplibregl.Map.prototype.lookAt = lookat;
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