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Last active August 10, 2021 12:39
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[UNTESTED] Live source for MapLibreGL JS

[UNTESTED] Live source for MapLibreGL JS

Lets say you need to refresh your tiles every X seconds to render live information, let's make use of Custom Protocos support.

Let's say your tiles are timestamped using epoc, and the endpoint reacts to URI params like this example

Then you just

map.on('load', () => {

      "sourcelayer": 'test-livelayer',
      "tiles": ['live://{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf'],
      "timeparam": 'timestamp'
      "lifespan": 60000

    "id": 'livelayer',
    "source": 'test-livesource',
    "source-layer": 'test-livelayer',




I have no live source to test agaist. I made it just for inspiration, so if you want to use it you will need to work on it... maybe a lot.

/* jshint esversion: 9 */
var tilebelt = require('@mapbox/tilebelt');
const livesource = function (name, options) {
const defaults = {
"timeparam": 'timestamp',
"lifespan": 30000,
"https": true
const o = Object.assign({}, defaults, options);
const isVisible = zxy => {
bb = this.getBounds(),
b = [bb._sw.lng,, bb._ne.lng,],
tbb = tilebelt.tileToBBOX(zxy),
tf = [
{ x: tbb[0], y: tbb[1] },
{ x: tbb[0], y: tbb[3] },
{ x: tbb[2], y: tbb[1] },
{ x: tbb[2], y: tbb[3] }
bf = [
{ x: b[0], y: b[1] },
{ x: b[0], y: b[3] },
{ x: b[2], y: b[1] },
{ x: b[2], y: b[3] }
contains = (box, p) => {
if (p.x < box[0] || p.x > box[2] || p.y < box[1] || p.y > box[3]) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (contains(bba, tf[i])) {
return true;
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (contains(tbb, bf[i])) {
return true;
maplibregl.addProtocol('live', (params, callback) => {
const u = `http${(o.https === false) ? '' : 's'}://${params.url.split('://')[1]}`;
const refresher = url => {
const s = url.split(/\/|\./i);
const l = s.length;
const zxy = s.slice(l - 4, l - 1).map(k => k * 1);
let intvl;
if (isVisible(zxy)) {
.then(tile => {
intvl = setInterval(refresher, o.lifespan, url);
callback(null, tile, null, null);
.catch(e => {
callback(new Error(e));
maplibregl.Map.prototype.addLiveSource = livesource;
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