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Created December 27, 2017 04:26
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Rust raytracer with stack overflow error
use std::ops;
use std::f32;
use std::rc::Rc;
extern crate rand;
use rand::random;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Vec3D {x:f32, y:f32, z:f32}
impl Vec3D {
fn new(ix: f32, iy: f32, iz: f32) -> Vec3D {
Vec3D { x: ix, y: iy, z: iz }
fn dot(&self, other: &Vec3D) -> f32 {
self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y + self.z * other.z
fn cross(&self, other: &Vec3D) -> Vec3D {
Vec3D {
x: self.y * other.z - self.z * other.y,
y: -self.x * other.z - self.z * other.x,
z: self.x * other.y - self.y * other.x
fn squared_length(&self) -> f32 {
self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y + self.z*self.z
fn length(&self) -> f32 {
fn as_unit(&self) -> Vec3D {
let mag = self.length();
Vec3D {
x: self.x / mag,
y: self.y / mag,
z: self.z / mag
fn normalize(&mut self) {
let len = self.length();
self.x /= len;
self.y /= len;
self.z /= len;
impl std::ops::AddAssign for Vec3D {
fn add_assign(&mut self, other:Vec3D) {
*self = Vec3D {
x: self.x + other.x,
y: self.y + other.y,
z: self.z + other.z,
impl std::ops::SubAssign for Vec3D {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, other:Vec3D) {
*self = Vec3D {
x: self.x - other.x,
y: self.y - other.y,
z: self.z - other.z,
impl std::ops::MulAssign<f32> for Vec3D {
fn mul_assign(&mut self, other:f32) {
*self = Vec3D {
x: self.x * other,
y: self.y * other,
z: self.z * other,
impl std::ops::DivAssign<f32> for Vec3D {
fn div_assign(&mut self, other:f32) {
*self = Vec3D {
x: self.x / other,
y: self.y / other,
z: self.z / other,
impl ops::Add<Vec3D> for Vec3D {
type Output = Vec3D;
fn add(self, _rhs: Vec3D) -> Vec3D {
Vec3D {
x: self.x + _rhs.x,
y: self.y + _rhs.y,
z: self.z + _rhs.z
impl ops::Sub<Vec3D> for Vec3D {
type Output = Vec3D;
fn sub(self, _rhs: Vec3D) -> Vec3D {
Vec3D {
x: self.x - _rhs.x,
y: self.y - _rhs.y,
z: self.z - _rhs.z,
impl ops::Mul<Vec3D> for Vec3D {
type Output = Vec3D;
fn mul(self, _rhs: Vec3D) -> Vec3D {
Vec3D {
x: self.x * _rhs.x,
y: self.y * _rhs.y,
z: self.z * _rhs.z,
impl ops::Div<Vec3D> for Vec3D {
type Output = Vec3D;
fn div(self, _rhs: Vec3D) -> Vec3D {
Vec3D {
x: self.x / _rhs.x,
y: self.y / _rhs.y,
z: self.z / _rhs.z,
impl ops::Mul<f32> for Vec3D {
type Output = Vec3D;
fn mul(self, _rhs: f32) -> Vec3D {
Vec3D {
x: self.x * _rhs,
y: self.y * _rhs,
z: self.z * _rhs,
impl ops::Div<f32> for Vec3D {
type Output = Vec3D;
fn div(self, _rhs: f32) -> Vec3D {
Vec3D {
x: self.x / _rhs,
y: self.y / _rhs,
z: self.z / _rhs,
impl ops::Mul<Vec3D> for f32 {
type Output = Vec3D;
fn mul(self, _rhs: Vec3D) -> Vec3D {
_rhs * self
impl ops::Div<Vec3D> for f32 {
type Output = Vec3D;
fn div(self, _rhs: Vec3D) -> Vec3D {
_rhs * self
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Ray {
origin: Vec3D,
direction: Vec3D,
impl Ray {
fn new(orig: Vec3D, dir: Vec3D) -> Ray {
Ray {origin:orig, direction:dir}
fn forward() -> Ray {
Ray {
origin: Vec3D { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0 },
direction: Vec3D { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: -1.0 },
fn point_at_dist(&self, dist:f32) -> Vec3D {
self.origin + self.direction * dist
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Dimension {x:usize, y:usize}
struct Image {
dims: Dimension,
data: Vec<Vec3D>,
impl Image {
pub fn new(dim: Dimension) -> Image {
let mut result = Image {
dims: dim,
data: Vec::new()
for _y in 0..result.dims.y {
for _x in 0..result.dims.x {{
x: 0f32,
y: 0f32,
z: 0f32,
return result;
struct HitRecord {
impl HitRecord {
fn new() -> HitRecord {
HitRecord {
t: 0.0,
p: Vec3D { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0 },
normal: Vec3D { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0 },
material: None,
trait Hitable {
fn hit(&self, ray:&Ray, t_min:f32, t_max:f32) -> Option<HitRecord>;
struct Sphere<> {
impl Sphere {
fn new(ctr:Vec3D, rad:f32, mat:Rc<Material>) -> Sphere {
Sphere {
impl Hitable for Sphere {
fn hit(&self, ray: &Ray, t_min: f32, t_max: f32) -> Option<HitRecord> {
let oc = ray.origin -;
let a =;
let b =;
let c = - self.radius * self.radius;
let descriminant = b*b - a*c;
if descriminant > 0.0 {
let t_neg = (-b - descriminant.sqrt()) / a;
let t_pos = (-b + descriminant.sqrt()) / a;
if t_neg < t_max && t_neg > t_min {
let rp = ray.point_at_dist(t_neg);
return Some(
HitRecord {
t: t_neg,
p: rp,
normal: (rp - / self.radius,
material: Some(Rc::clone(&self.material)),
} else if t_pos < t_max && t_pos > t_min {
let rp = ray.point_at_dist(t_pos);
return Some(
HitRecord {
t: t_pos,
p: rp,
normal: (rp - / self.radius,
material: Some(Rc::clone(&self.material)),
return None
struct HitableList {
impl HitableList {
fn new() -> HitableList {
HitableList {
list: Vec::new(),
impl Hitable for HitableList {
fn hit(&self, ray: &Ray, t_min: f32, t_max: f32) -> Option<HitRecord> {
let mut hit_anything: Option<HitRecord> = None;
let mut closest_so_far = t_max;
for h in &self.list {
if let Some(hr) = h.hit(ray, t_min, closest_so_far) {
closest_so_far = hr.t;
hit_anything = Some(hr);
return hit_anything;
struct Camera {
impl Camera {
fn new() -> Camera {
Camera {
origin:Vec3D{x:0.0, y:0.0, z:0.0},
lower_left_corner:Vec3D{x:-2.0, y:-1.0, z:-1.0},
horizontal:Vec3D{x:4.0, y:0.0, z:0.0},
vertical:Vec3D{x:0.0, y:2.0, z:0.0},
fn get_ray(&self, u:f32, v:f32) -> Ray {
Ray {origin:self.origin, direction:self.lower_left_corner + u*self.horizontal + v*self.vertical - self.origin}
fn random_in_unit_sphere() -> Vec3D {
let mut p:Vec3D;
loop {
p = 2.0 * Vec3D::new(random::<f32>(), random::<f32>(), random::<f32>()) - Vec3D::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
if p.squared_length() < 1.0 { break; }
return p;
fn reflect(v:&Vec3D, n:&Vec3D) -> Vec3D {
*v - 2.0 * * *n
trait Material {
fn scatter(&self, r_in:&Ray, rec:&HitRecord, attenuation:&mut Vec3D, scattered:&mut Ray) -> bool;
struct LambertianMat {
albedo: Vec3D,
impl Material for LambertianMat {
fn scatter(&self, _r_in:&Ray, rec:&HitRecord, attenuation:&mut Vec3D, scattered:&mut Ray) -> bool {
let target = rec.p + rec.normal + random_in_unit_sphere();
*scattered = Ray { origin: rec.p, direction: target - rec.p };
*attenuation = self.albedo;
return true;
struct MetalMat {
impl Material for MetalMat {
fn scatter(&self, r_in:&Ray, rec:&HitRecord, attenuation:&mut Vec3D, scattered:&mut Ray) -> bool {
let reflected = reflect(&r_in.direction.as_unit(), &rec.normal);
*scattered = Ray { origin: rec.p, direction: reflected };
*attenuation = self.albedo;
return > 0.0;
fn color(ray:Ray, world:&Hitable, depth:i32) -> Box<Vec3D> {
if let Some(mut rec) = world.hit(&ray, 0.001, f32::MAX) {
let mut scattered = Ray::forward();
let mut attenuation = Vec3D {x:0.0, y:0.0, z:0.0};
let mut m = rec.material.clone();
if let Some(ref mat) = m {
if depth < 5 && mat.scatter(&ray, &mut rec, &mut attenuation, &mut scattered) {}
return Box::new(attenuation * *color(scattered, world, depth + 1))
return Box::new(Vec3D { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0 })
let unit_dir:Vec3D = ray.direction.as_unit();
let t:f32 = 0.5 * (unit_dir.y + 1.0);
Box::new((1.0 - t) * Vec3D::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) + t * Vec3D::new(0.5, 0.7, 1.0))
fn main() {
let mut img = Image::new(Dimension { x: 8, y: 4 });
let ns: i32 = 100;
let cam = Camera::new();
let mut world = HitableList::new();
world.list.push(Box::new(Sphere::new(Vec3D::new(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), 0.5, Rc::new(LambertianMat { albedo: Vec3D { x: 0.8, y: 0.3, z: 0.3 } }))));
world.list.push(Box::new(Sphere::new(Vec3D::new(0.0, -100.5, -1.0), 100.0, Rc::new(LambertianMat { albedo: Vec3D { x: 0.8, y: 0.8, z: 0.0 } }))));
// metal spheres
world.list.push(Box::new(Sphere::new(Vec3D::new( 1.0, 0.0, -1.0), 0.5, Rc::new(MetalMat { albedo: Vec3D { x: 0.8, y: 0.6, z: 0.2 } }))));
world.list.push(Box::new(Sphere::new(Vec3D::new(-1.0, 0.0, -1.0), 0.5, Rc::new(MetalMat { albedo: Vec3D { x: 0.8, y: 0.8, z: 0.8 } }))));
println!("{0} {1}", img.dims.x, img.dims.y);
for y in 0..img.dims.y {
for x in 0..img.dims.x {
let mut col = Vec3D { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0 };
for _s in 0..ns {
let u = (x as f32 + random::<f32>()) / img.dims.x as f32;
let v = 1f32 - (y as f32 + random::<f32>()) / img.dims.y as f32;
let r = cam.get_ray(u, v);
col += *color(r, &world, 0);
col /= ns as f32;
// gamma correction
let gammaa_col = Vec3D { x: col.x.sqrt(), y: col.y.sqrt(), z: col.z.sqrt() };
println!("{0} {1} {2}",
(gammaa_col.x * 255.99) as i32,
(gammaa_col.y * 255.99) as i32,
(gammaa_col.z * 255.99) as i32
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