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Last active December 27, 2023 16:19
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An example of using quards in React.

Type guards are used to obtain information about the type of a variable.

import React from "react";
import { BlogItem, isLongPostBody } from "./types";
const BlogItemPreview = (blogItem: BlogItem) => {
const { body, author, title } = blogItem;
const image = isLongPostBody(body) && body.image;
const previewText = isLongPostBody(body) ? body.lead : body.summary;
return (
{image && <image src={image} />}
export default BlogItemPreview;
export interface LongPost {
lead: string;
content: string;
image: string;
export interface ShortPost {
summary: string;
export type BlogBody = ShortPost | LongPost;
export interface BlogItem {
title: string;
author: string;
body: BlogBody;
export const isShortPostBody = (body: BlogBody): body is ShortPost =>
'summary' in body;
export const isLongPostBody = (body: BlogBody): body is LongPost =>
'lead' in body;
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