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Last active February 18, 2021 17:04
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Haskell code to solve sudokus using list monad for brute force nondeterminism
type Row = [Int]
type Col = [Int]
type Board = [Row]
addDigit :: Row -> Int -> Int -> Board -> [Row] -- takes a row r, its index m, the index of a cell in it m, and the board; returns list of possble rows with that cell filled
addDigit r m n b = let pos = r !! n
c = getCol n b
s = concat (getSquare m n b)
fill = intersection (left c) (left r) (left s) -- list of numbers that could be in cell (m,n)
in if (pos > 0) then [r] -- cell already filled
else fmap (\x -> replaceAtWith n x r) fill -- fill with one of the possibilities
getCol :: Int -> Board -> Col -- takes n, 0 ≤ n ≤ 8 and a board; returns column n of the board
getCol n b = [(b !! i) !! n | i <- [0..8]]
getSquare :: Int -> Int -> Board -> [[Int]]. -- takes m, n, 0 ≤ m,n ≤ 8, and a board; returns minisquare containing cell (m,n)
getSquare m n b = let x = 3 * (div m 3)
y = 3 * (div n 3)
in [x,x+1,x+2] >>= \p -> [b !! p] >>= \row -> [take 3 (drop y row)]
left :: [Int] -> [Int] -- finds complement of input list wrt [1..9]
left ns = filter (\x -> not (elem x ns)) [1..9]
intersection :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -- intersection of three lists
intersection as bs cs = filter (\x -> elem x as) (filter (\y -> elem y bs) cs)
replaceAtWith :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a] -- takes index n, value v, list; returns list with value v at index n [regardless of old value]
replaceAtWith pos val ns = (take pos ns) ++ [val] ++ (drop (pos+1) ns)
adds :: Board -> Int -> [Row -> [Row]] -- list of functions that each take a row and fill one cell of it nondeterministically
adds b m = [\r -> addDigit r m i b | i <- [0..8]]
-- [row] >>= \r -> addDigit r m 0 b >>= \r -> addDigit r m 1 b ... >>= addDigit r m 8 b
solveRow :: Board -> Int -> [Row] -- folds up "adds" to get all possible ways a certain row could be filled
solveRow b m = foldl (>>=) [b !! m] (adds b m)
getRow :: Board -> Int -> [Board] -- returns all boards with row m solved in all possible ways
getRow b m = fmap (\r -> replaceAtWith m r b) (solveRow b m)
solves :: [Board -> [Board]] -- list of functions that each take a board and solve one row nondeterministically
solves = [\b -> getRow b i | i <- [0..8]]
-- [init] >>= \b -> getRow b 0 >>= \b -> getRow b 1 ... >>= \b -> getRow b 8
solveBoard :: Board -> [Board] -- folds up "solves" to get all possible solutions for the board
solveBoard init = foldl (>>=) [init] solves
solveAndShow :: Board -> IO () -- solves and prints
solveAndShow b = let solved = head (solveBoard b)
in showBoard solved
showBoard :: Board -> IO () -- prints
showBoard b = putStrLn (concat $ map (append '\n' . insert ' ' . concat . map show') b)
-- following fns only used for printing
show' :: Int -> String
show' 0 = " "
show' n = show n
append :: a -> [a] -> [a]
append x xs = xs ++ [x]
insert :: a -> [a] -> [a]
insert _ [] = []
insert x (y:ys) = y:x: insert x ys
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