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Last active June 2, 2024 19:16
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Simple TS/JS utility for xlsx
* XLSX Utilities | Abhinav Kulshreshtha | Unlicense
* A collection of utility functions for working with XLSX files in Node.js. These utilities facilitate common tasks such as converting row/column indices to cell addresses, extracting headers from sheets, and converting arrays of objects into worksheets. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute under the Unlicense.
* ## Contents:
* - `rowIndexColToCellAddress`: Converts row and column indices to an Excel cell address in A1 notation.
* - `cellAddressToIndices`: Convert Excel cell address (A1 Notation) to row and column indices
* - `getHeaders`: Extracts headers from the first row of an Excel sheet.
* - `objectsToArrayWorksheet`: Converts an array of objects into a worksheet.
* ## License:
* This code is licensed under the Unlicense. You are free to use, modify, and distribute this code without any restrictions.
* Read full license at , You can also get a gist of it at
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx';
* Converts row and column indices to an Excel cell address in A1 notation.
* @param {number} row - The row index (starting from 1).
* @param {number} col - The column index (starting from 1).
* @returns {string} The cell address in A1 notation (e.g., "A1", "B2").
export function rowIndexColToCellAddress(row: number, col: number): string {
const zeroBasedRow = row - 1;
const zeroBasedCol = col - 1;
let cellAddress = String.fromCharCode(65 + zeroBasedCol) + (zeroBasedRow + 1).toString();
return cellAddress;
* Converts an Excel cell address in A1 notation to row and column indices.
* @param {string} cellAddress - The cell address in A1 notation (e.g., "A1", "B2").
* @returns {{row: number, col: number}} An object containing the row and column indices.
export function cellAddressToIndices(cellAddress: string): { row: number, col: number } {
// Extract the column letter and row number from the cell address
const colLetter = cellAddress[0].toUpperCase(); // Column letter (e.g., "A")
const rowNumber = parseInt(cellAddress.slice(1)); // Row number (e.g., "1")
// Convert the column letter to a zero-based index
const zeroBasedCol = colLetter.charCodeAt(0) - 65;
// Since row numbers in Excel are 1-indexed but our indices are 0-indexed, subtract 1
const row = rowNumber - 1;
return { row, col: zeroBasedCol };
* Extracts headers from the first row of an Excel sheet.
* @param {XLSX.WorkSheet} sheet - The worksheet from which to extract headers.
* @returns {string[]} An array of strings representing the headers extracted from the first row.
export function getHeaders(sheet: XLSX.WorkSheet): string[] {
const headers: string[] = [];
const range = XLSX.utils.decode_range(sheet['ref'] as string);
const C = range.s.c;
const R = range.s.r;
for (let c = C; c <= range.e.c; ++c) {
const cell_address = { c, r: R };
const cell_ref = XLSX.utils.encode_cell(cell_address);
const cell = sheet[cell_ref];
const hdr = cell?.t? XLSX.utils.format_cell(cell) : `UNKNOWN ${c}`;
return headers;
* Converts an array of objects into a worksheet.
* Each object represents a row in the worksheet, and the keys of the objects represent column names.
* @param {Array<Object>} data - The array of objects to convert into a worksheet.
* @param {string} sheetName - The name of the worksheet.
* @returns {XLSX.WorkSheet} The generated worksheet.
export function objectsToArrayWorksheet(data: Array<Object>, sheetName: string): XLSX.WorkSheet {
const ws: XLSX.WorkSheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(data); = sheetName;
return ws;
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