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Last active October 5, 2019 00:14
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Weight Pairs
10 pounds 1
15 1
25 1
55 2


  • Dan, Travis and Kyle can benchpress an average of 280 pounds
  • Dan benchpresses 315 pounds.
  • Travis bencpresses 20 pounds less than Dan
  • 3 pairs of weights are chosen at random from the given 5 pairs
  • weight of the bar on which weights are loaded = 45 pounds
  • FIND probability that Kyle can't lift the randomly chosen weights but Dan and Travis can


  • From Statement 1, (Dan + Travis + Kyle)/3 = 280
  • From Statement 2, Dan = 315
  • From Statement 3, Travis = 315 -20 = 295 pounds (can benchpress)
  • From the above we finally get Dan = 315, Travis = 295 and Kyle = 230.
  • Now removing the weight of the bar from what these three can lift, we get Dan = 315-45 = 270; Similarly Travis = 250 and Kyle = 230-45 = 185.
  • So the probability that Kyle can't lift the weight but Dan and Travis can is P(185 < X <= 250). i.e 250 is the upper limit because we want both Dan and Travis to be able to lift it.
  • Out of 5 pairs we are choosing 3 pairs randomly so the possible ways are 5C3 = 5!/(3! * 2!) = 10 combinations.
Weight Combination Total Weight of the Pairs
10,15,25 (10+15+25) * 2 = 100 {Since pair of weights}
10,15,55 (10 + 15 + 55) * 2 = 160
10,15,55 160
10,25,55 180
10,25,55 180
15,25,55 190
15,25,55 190
25,55,55 270
15,55,55 250
10,55,55 240
  • NOTE: There are two 55 pound pairs so combinations with 55 can occur twice in the above table.
  • Out of the 10 combinations, there are 4 combinations where the total weight lies between 185 and 250 i.e 190,190,250 and 240.
  • Therefore P(185 < X <= 250) = 4/10 = 2/5
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