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Last active August 1, 2016 20:07
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Top k elements from a vector
Timing the performance of various ways of extracting top k elements from a vector:
Here sequence size is about 10000
and k=300
Here is a randomly generated vector containing 10K maps. Each of the maps look like this
:id 123
:data (0 1 2 3 ....)
:more-data (0 1 2 3 ....)
Each object weighs about 4.3 KB
Function for generating the vector of maps:
(fn [i] {:id i :data (range 100) :more-data (range 1000)})
(range 10000)))))
Extracting top k elemnts from the vector can be done in 3 ways. Lets profile them:
1. (take 300 (sort-by :id big-objects-vec))
Timing 1 iteration
user=> (time (take 300 (sort-by :id big-objects-vec)))
"Elapsed time: 11.052344 msecs"
Timing 1000 iterations
user=> (time (dotimes [i 1000] (do (take 300 (sort-by :id big-objects-vec)))))
"Elapsed time: 9939.033409 msecs"
(defn f [coll]
(apply sorted-set-by (fn [x y] (< (:id x) (:id y))) coll))
(take 300 (f big-objects-vec))
Timing 1 iteration
user=> (time (take 300 (f big-objects-vec)))
"Elapsed time: 30.529017 msecs"
Timing 1000 iterations
user=> (time (dotimes [i 1000] (do (take 300 (f big-objects-vec)))))
"Elapsed time: 27963.321466 msecs"
3.Using heap of size k
(defn top-by [k f coll]
(fn [top x]
(let [top (conj top x)]
(if (> (count top) k)
(disj top (first top))
(sorted-set-by #(< (f %1) (f %2)))
Timing 1 iteration
user=> (time (top-by 300 :id big-objects-vec))
"Elapsed time: 27.388446 msecs"
Timing 1000 iterations
(time (dotimes [i 1000] (do (top-by 300 :id big-objects-vec))))
"Elapsed time: 26540.44524 msecs"
4. Using lazy quick sort. Creates a variant of quick select.
(defn qsort [xs k]
(if (seq xs)
(let [pivot (rand-nth xs)
smaller (filterv #(> (pivot k) (% k)) xs)
larger (filterv #(< (pivot k) (% k)) xs)
same (filterv #(= (pivot k) (% k)) xs)]
(concat (qsort smaller k)
(qsort larger k))))))
Timing 1 iteration
user=> (time (take 300 (qsort big-objects-vec :id)))
"Elapsed time: 0.029915 msecs"
Timing 1000 iterations
(time (dotimes [i 1000] (do (take 300 (qsort big-objects-vec :id)))))
"Elapsed time: 0.294812 msecs"
Even more...
Timing 100000 iterations
(time (dotimes [i 100000] (do (take 300 (qsort big-objects-vec :id)))))
"Elapsed time: 9.96925 msecs"
Even if you increase k to 300000
(time (dotimes [i 100000] (do (take 300000 (qsort big-objects-vec :id)))))
"Elapsed time: 11.255201 msecs"
Moral of the story: Quick select kills the other algos in my machine. Should profile this in other machines.
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