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Created December 16, 2024 22:22
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LatentDE Latent-based Directed Evolution accelerated by Gradient Ascent for Protein Sequence Design
Assessing interaction recovery of predicted protein-ligand poses
Improving Inverse Folding models at Protein Stability Prediction without additional Training or Data
Improving Antibody Design with Force-Guided Sampling in Diffusion Models
Equivariant Blurring Diffusion for Multiscale Generation of Molecular Conformer
IgBlend Unifying 3D Structure and Sequence for Antibody LLMs
Learning the Language of Protein Structures
moPPIt De Novo Generation of Motif-Specific Binders with Protein Language Models
Active Learning for Energy-Based Antibody Optimization and Enhanced Screening
Improving Structural Plausibility in 3D Molecule Generation via Property-Conditioned Training with Distorted Molecules
Understanding Protein-DNA Interactions by Paying Attention to Protein and Genomics Foundation Models
SPECTRE A Spectral Transformer for Molecule Identification
FlowPacker protein side-chain packing with torsional flow matching
Similarity-Quantized Relative Difference Learning for Improved Molecular Activity Prediction
HERMES Holographic Equivariant neuRal network model for Mutational Effect and Stability prediction
CryoSPIN Improving Ab-Initio Cryo-EM Reconstruction with Semi-Amortized Pose Inference
GFlowNet Pretraining with Inexpensive Rewards
RNAgrail graph neural network and diffusion model for RNA 3D structure prediction
The OMG dataset An Open MetaGenomic corpus for mixed-modality genomic language modeling
Functional Alignment of Protein Language Models via Reinforcement Learning with Experimental Feedback
Antibody Library Design by Seeding Linear Programming with Inverse Folding and Protein Language Models
EpiGraph Recommender-Style Graph Neural Networks for Highly Accurate Prediction of Conformational B-Cell Epitopes
MF-LAL Drug Compound Generation Using Multi-Fidelity Latent Space Active Learning
Higher-Order Message Passing for Glycan Representation Learning
LOCAS Multi-label mRNA Localization with Supervised Contrastive Learning
Protein Sequence Domain Annotation using Language Models
Bayesian Optimisation for Protein Sequence Design Gaussian Processes with Zero-Shot Protein Language Model Prior Mean
Retrieval Augmented Protein Language Models for Protein Structure Prediction
BoostMD Accelerating Molecular Sampling using ML Force Field Feature
DockFormer Efficient Multi-Modal Receptor-Ligand Interaction Prediction using Pair Transformer
Cryo-EM images are intrinsically low dimensional
Open-source Tools for CryoET Particle Picking Machine Learning Competitions
Protein Language Model Fitness is a Matter of Preference
Balancing Locality and Reconstruction in Protein Structure Tokenizer
What has AlphaFold3 learned about antibody and nanobody docking and what remains unsolved
HelixFlow SE 3 equivariant Full-atom Design of Peptides With Flow-matching Models
MolMix A Simple Yet Effective Baseline for Multimodal Molecular Representation Learning
Low-N OpenFold fine-tuning improves peptide design without additional structures
SPRINT Enables Interpretable and Ultra-Fast Virtual Screening against Thousands of Proteomes
Ranking protein-peptide binding affinities with protein language models
FusOn-pLM A Fusion Oncoprotein-Specific Language Model via Adjusted Rate Masking
Systems-Structure-Based Drug Design
Guided Multi-objective Generative AI for Structure-based Drug Design
Tradeoffs of alignment-based and protein language models for predicting viral mutation effects
IgFlow Flow Matching for De Novo Antibody Design
Generating and evaluating diverse sequences for protein backbones
SuperMetal A Generative AI Framework for Rapid and Precise Metal Ion Location Prediction in Proteins
Loop-Diffusion an equivariant diffusion model for designing and scoring protein loops
ProteinZen combining latent and SE 3 flow matching for all-atom protein generation
Exploring Categorical Flow Matching for 3D De Novo Molecule Generation
SynFlowNet Design of Diverse and Novel Molecules with Synthesis Constraints
RNA-GPT Multimodal Generative System for RNA Sequence Understanding
TomoPicker Annotation Efficient Particle Picking
AptaBLE Aptamer Prediction
Capturing Protein Dynamics Encoding Temporal and Spatial Dynamics from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
ProPicker Promptable Segmentation for Particle Picking in Cryogenic Electron Tomography
Estimating protein flexibility via uncertainty quantification of structure prediction models
Generative modeling of protein ensembles guided by crystallographic electron densities
Energy-Based Flow Matching for Molecular Docking
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