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Created July 24, 2021 14:30
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import android.os.Bundle;
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall;
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel;
import io.flutter.plugins.GeneratedPluginRegistrant;
public class MainActivity extends FlutterActivity {
private static final String CHANNEL = "flutter.native/helperChannel";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
new MethodChannel(getFlutterView(), CHANNEL).setMethodCallHandler(
new MethodChannel.MethodCallHandler() {
public void onMethodCall(MethodCall call, MethodChannel.Result result) {
if (call.method.equals("helloFromNativeCode")) {
String greetings = helloFromNativeCode();
private String helloFromNativeCode() {
return "Hello from Native Android Code";
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