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Last active November 27, 2022 21:09
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  • Save Abrynos/282e1db3a737bd0730ba9cac8a57a417 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Abrynos/282e1db3a737bd0730ba9cac8a57a417 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A fail2ban filter for script kiddies trying to fuck with nginx
failregex = (?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"SSH-2(\.0)?-Go
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"PRI
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"CONNECT
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ (/.*)?/cgi-bin/
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ (/.*)?/\.git/
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ (/.*)?/\.env
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /\.?aws
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /\.local
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /\.remote
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /\.production
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ (/.*)?/.DS_Store
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /_ignition/execute-solution
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /console/
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /wp-commenting?\.php
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /wp-login
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /wp-admin
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /wp-content
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /wordpress
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ https?://[a-zA-z0-9\.]+/
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /\?XDEBUG_SESSION_START
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /boaform/admin/formLogin
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /GponForm/diag_Form
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /\?rest_route=
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /solr/admin/info/system
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /ecp/current/exporttool/
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /mifs/.;/services/LogService
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /api/settings/info
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /ctrlt/DeviceUpgrade_1
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /webapi/entry\.cgi?api=SYNO\..+
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /login\.cgi.+wget
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /dnscfg\.cgi
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /devinfo\?area=version
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /autodiscover/autodiscover.json
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /stalker_portal/server/tools/auth_simple.php
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /system_api\.php
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /spywall/timeConfig\.php
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /config/getuser\?index=0
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /streaming/clients_live\.php
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /stream/live\.php
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /.+/AdvSetDns
(?i)^<HOST> -.*] \"[A-Z]+ /HNAP1/
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"python-requests/v?[0-9\.]+\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"python-urllib/v?[0-9\.]+\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"l9tcpid/v?[0-9\.]+\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"xfa1\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* zgrab/v?[0-9\.x]+\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"curl/v?[0-9\.]+\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"Insomania/v?[0-9\.]+\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"SuperBot
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"HTMLParser/v?[0-9\.]+\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"axios/v?[0-9\.]+\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"l9explore/v?[0-9\.]+\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"python-httpx/v?[0-9\.]+\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"Go-http-client/v?[0-9\.]+\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"Hello World\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"XTC\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"Report Runner\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"facebookscraper/v?[0-9\.]+.*\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"masscan(-ng)?/v?[0-9\.]+\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"url\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"<title>.+title>\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"-\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"req/v?[0-9\.]+( \(\))?\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.* \"Apache-HttpClient/v?[0-9\.]+ (\(Java/[0-9\.]+\))?\"$
(?i)^<HOST> -.*abuse\.xmco\.fr
(?i)^<HOST> -.*Palo ?Alto ?Networks ?company
(?i)^<HOST> -.*
(?i)^<HOST> -.*NetcraftSurveyAgent/v?[0-9\.]+
(?i)^<HOST> -.*AhrefsBot/v?[0-9\.]+
(?i)^<HOST> -.*CensysInspect/v?[0-9\.]+
(?i)^<HOST> -.*InternetMeasurement/v?([0-9\.]+)?
(?i)^<HOST> -.*wget.http:
(?i)^<HOST> -.*www\.bing\.com
(?i)^<HOST> -.*security\.ipip\.net
(?i)^<HOST> -.*HTTP Banner Detection
(?i)^<HOST> -.*/shell(/|\?)
(?i)^<HOST> -.*/bash[/ ]?
(?i)^<HOST> -.*php-?my-?admin
(?i)^<HOST> -.*myadmin
(?i)^<HOST> -.*sqladmin
(?i)^<HOST> -.*sqlite
(?i)^<HOST> -.*main.installer.php
(?i)^<HOST> -.*dup-installer
(?i)^<HOST> -.*echo.php
(?i)^<HOST> -.*php.php
(?i)^<HOST> -.*phpinfo.php
(?i)^<HOST> -.*info.php
(?i)^<HOST> -.*TomcatBypass
(?i)^<HOST> -.*X-Middleton/[0-9\.]+
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /admin/config\.php
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /fuN3
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET //pv/(0+|spa112).cfg
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /database/index\.php
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /db/
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /sql/
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /mysql(-admin|manager)?/
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /sql/sqlweb
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /installer\.php
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /config\.json
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /login\.action
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /login\.rsp
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /manager?action=product
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /telescope/requests
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /cdn-cgi/trace
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /manager/(text/list|html)
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /ReportServer
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /server-status
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /Public/home/js/check.js
^<HOST> -.*] \"POST /editBlackAndWhiteList
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET (/.+)?/_ignition/health-check/
^<HOST> -.*] \"(GET|POST) /credentials HTTP/1.1\"
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET (/.+)?/c/version\.js
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /flu/403\.html
^<HOST> -.*] \"GET /_profiler/phpinfo
^<HOST> -.*<php>
^<HOST> -.*@md5\(HelloThinkCMF
^<HOST> -.*invokefunction.*HelloThinkPHP
^<HOST> -.*phpunit
^<HOST> -.*maven
^<HOST> -.*jira-webapp-dist
^<HOST> -.*\"(\\x[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,3})+
ignoreregex = .*sgo-query.*
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