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Ablestate Corhort 1 javascript session
*String properties and methods continued
*string.length: Returns the number of characters in the string. They include alphabets, spaces, punctuation and everything that is included in the string.
let exampleString = "Tugezesa strings mu JavaScript";
const obuwanvuBwaString = exampleString.length;
console.log(obuwanvuBwaString );
exampleString = `'{}{}/;'.=+_-!$`;
const obuwanvuBwaString2 = exampleString.length;
* string.replace(regexToFind, repkacementString/Function, flags )
* string.replace(stringToFind, repkacementString/Function, flags )
//Replace Tugea wwith Trying out
exampleString = "Tugezesa strings mu JavaScript"
exampleString = exampleString.replace("Tugezesa", "Trying out")
* string.split(separator, limit): Splits a string into chunks based on the separator and returns an array of characters
* If the separator is not definited the given string will be return as the only value of the new array.
const SPLIT_STRING = exampleString.split();
const SPLIT_STRING_SEPARATED_BY_SPACE = exampleString.split(" ");
const SPLIT_STRING_BY_INTO_LETTERS = exampleString.split(" ");
const SPLIT_STRING_SEPARATED_BY_SPACE_LIMIT= exampleString.split(" ", 4);
const SPLIT_STRING_SEPARATED_BY_A= exampleString.split("a");
//Challenge reverse the string
* ------
*1. Separate the string by letters to get an array
*2. Loop the elements of the Array while concatinating them to the reverse string
*3. Return the reversed string
*4. Display the string
let reversedString = ''; // 0(1)
let position = SPLIT_STRING_BY_INTO_LETTERS.length - 1; //0(1)
for (position; position >= 0; position--){ //0(n) 0(2n + 2) => 0(n) linear
reversedString += SPLIT_STRING_BY_INTO_LETTERS[position] // 0(1) =>
//Using while
* Quiz: Using comments describe what the functionbwlow does. Describe each line in the function
*Submit your answer before the end of the today
*@param {string} string
*@loop - while
*@param {string} name
*@param {string} lastPosition
*@param {string} reversedString
*@param {string} nameReversed
const REVERSE_STRING = (string) =>{ //Arrow function inittalization with a parameter called string
if (string == "" || string == null || string == 0) return string; //Returns the value or input passed to the string parameter through checking the
const SPLIT_STRING_BY_INTO_LETTERS = string.split(""); //Returns an array of character splitted into chunks
let lastPosition = SPLIT_STRING_BY_INTO_LETTERS.length - 1; // returns the number of characters in a string and substracts one assigning the result to lastPosition
let reversedString = ""; //inittalization of the string
while(lastPosition >= 0){ // condition executes if the value of lastPosition is greater or equal to zero;
reversedString += SPLIT_STRING_BY_INTO_LETTERS[lastPosition]; //concatinating of the
lastPosition--; //subtract one from the value passed to the lastPosition
return reversedString; // returns "" if the while loop is not exactude
let name = "Wampamba";
let nameReversed = REVERSE_STRING(name); //assigning the name identifier to the function
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