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Created June 29, 2021 10:01
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Ablestate cohort1 -JS session 6
* Callbacks: Functions passed as arguments and are involked by the calling function( Function where they are passed)
*@param {string} msg - Greeting message
*@param {callback} returnName - Returns name
*@returns {string} - Greeting + name
function HandleName() {
return "David";
function Greet(msg, returnName){
return msg + returnName();
let greeting = Greet("Good morning ", HandleName);
*Scenario: Payment processing
*Card Number
*@returns {number} totalCost - totalCost
let TotalCost = () => 10000;
*@param {String} cardNumber - The actual valid card number
*@returns {boolean} - If the deduction is true
let deductedFromCard = (cardNumber) => {
if (cardNumber) return true;
return false;
*@returns {boolean} - true: if notification is sent. false if notififcation is not sent.
let notifySeller = () => true;
*@returns {boolean} - true: if notification is sent. false if notififcation is not sent.
let notifyBuyer = () => true;
*@processPayment : invoke the function
*@returns : null
function processPayment() {
let totalCost = TotalCost();
let result = deductedFromCard("234354353456");
if(result) {
if (notifySeller()){
if (notifyBuyer()) {
console.log("Payment completed");
} else {"Enter CardNumber"}
return null;
*Excute after a given time
let count = 1;
function incrementCoutBy10 () {
count += 10;
//setTimeout(incrementCoutBy10, 5000)
const intervalID = setInterval(incrementCoutBy10, 3000);
setTimeout(clearInterval(intervalID), 10000);
*Rcursssion: Factorial
*3! = 1 * 2 * 3
*2! = 1 * 2
* */
let retunFactorial = (input) => {
if (typeof input !== "number") return false;
if(input <= 1) return 1;
return input * retunFactorial(input - 1);
let factorialof3 = retunFactorial(3);
console.log ( factorialof3);
* Fibonacci Squence
* Xn+2 = Xn + 1 + Xn
// let generateFibonanci = (input) => {
// // if (typeof input !== "number") return false ;
// if(input <= 1) return 0;
// if(input === 1) return 1;
// let n1 = 0,
// n2 = 1,
// nextTerm;
// n1 = n2;
// n2 = nextTerm;
// nextTerm = n1 + n2;
// // input = (input - 1) + (input - 2)
// return (generateFibonanci(input - 1) + generateFibonanci(input - 2))
// }
// let fibonaciof3 = generateFibonanci(5);
// console.log(fibonaciof(5);
// Asynchronous in java
setTimeout( () => {
console.log('Annoymous function')
console.log("Out of function");
// Asynchronous the different processes execute at different time intervals depending on which is faster. So that means processes run independently. But for synchronous, processes run one after the other.
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