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Last active January 26, 2022 15:25
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Example PHP abstraction of an Image CDN. Built with CloudImage and an alias in mind, customise as your setup and provider.
echo image([
'image' => 'otter.jpg',
'alt' => 'an otter standing on a log looking majestic',
'srcset' => [300, 450, 600, 800, 1000, 1200],
'sizes' => '100vw',
'width' => 1200,
'height' => 800,
'loading' => 'lazy',
'class' => 'image-class'
define( 'CDN_BASE', '' );
function image ( $args = [] ) {
if (
!$args['image'] ||
!$args['width'] ||
) {
// set defaults here
$defaults = [
'alt' => '',
'srcset' => [ 300, 450, 600, 800, 1000, 1200 ],
'sizes' => '(min-width: 82rem) 80rem, calc(100vw - 2rem)',
'loading' => 'lazy',
'class' => false,
'picClass' => false,
'lowdpiQuality' => 80,
'hidpiQuality' => 40
$opts = array_merge( $defaults, $args );
$src = '/cdn/' . $args['image'];
$fallback = create_src(
$opts['srcset'][count($opts['srcset']) - 1],
$srcset = create_srcset( $src, $opts['srcset'], $opts['lowdpiQuality'] );
$hidpi_srcset = create_srcset( $src, $opts['srcset'], $opts['hidpiQuality'] );
$markup = sprintf(
'<picture %s>
<source media="(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" srcset="%s" sizes="%s">
<img %s alt="%s" src="%s" srcset="%s" sizes="%s" width="%s" height="%s" loading="%s" decoding="async">
$opts['picClass'] ? ('class="' . $opts['picClass'] . '"') : '',
$opts['class'] ? ('class="' . $opts['class'] . '"') : '',
return $markup;
// customise this function depending on your image CDN and setup
function create_src ( $path, $width, $quality ) {
return CDN_BASE . $path . '?w=' . $width . '&q=' . $quality;
function create_srcset( $path, $widths, $quality ) {
$srcset_arr = [];
foreach ($widths as $width) {
$url = create_src( $path, $width, $quality );
$srcset_arr[] = $url . ' ' . $width . 'w';
return implode( ',', $srcset_arr );
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