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Last active August 10, 2023 13:37
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  • Save AceCodePt/4b28eab4f6a6258fb470662a96e72201 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AceCodePt/4b28eab4f6a6258fb470662a96e72201 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate NextJS safe Routing (don't forget to install glob)
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as glob from "glob";
const routes = glob.globSync("**/app/**/route.ts", {});
const constDef: string[] = [];
const typeDef: string[] = [];
const routeTypes: string[] = [];
function toConstDef(varName: string, path: string): string {
if (path.includes("[")) {
const vars = path.match(/(?!\[)[^\[\]]+(?=\])/g);
return `export const ${varName} = (${vars!
.map((x) => x + ":string")
.join(",")}) => \`${path.replace(
)}\` as const`;
return `export const ${varName} = "${path}";`;
routes.forEach((route) => {
const path = route
.replace(/(app)\/?/g, "")
// .replace(/([^\[]*)\[+[^\]]*\]+/g, "$1")
.slice(0, -1)
.replace(/\/$/g, "");
if (!path) {
return `export const ROOT="/"`;
const pathWithoutFileSuffix = route.replace(/\.tsx?/g, "");
const varName = path.toUpperCase().replace(/[\[\]\/\-.]/g, "_");
constDef.push(toConstDef(varName, path));
typeDef.push(`type ${varName} = {
[key in Path<typeof ${varName}>]: Route<typeof import("./${pathWithoutFileSuffix}")>;
const template = `/*
* I was generated. DON'T TOUCH ME!
import { type NextResponse } from "next/server";
type ResponseJson<
path extends keyof ROUTES,
method extends keyof ROUTES[path]
> = Omit<Response, "json"> & {
json: () => Promise<
ROUTES[path][method] extends NextResponse<infer B> ? B : undefined
type Path<P extends string | ((...args: string[]) => string)> = P extends (
...args: any[]
) => any
? ReturnType<P>
: P;
export function getBaseUrl() {
if (typeof origin !== "undefined") {
return origin;
const protocol = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? "http" : "https";
const vercelUrl = process.env.VERCEL_URL || process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_VERCEL_URL;
const localHostUrl = \`localhost:\${process.env.PORT || 3000}\`;
return \`\${protocol}://\${vercelUrl || localHostUrl}\`;
export async function fetchApi<
P extends keyof ROUTES,
M extends keyof ROUTES[P],
R extends (RequestInit & { method?: M } & { searchParams?: URLSearchParams }) | undefined
>(input: P, init?: R) {
const vercelUrl = process.env.VERCEL_URL || process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_VERCEL_URL;
const baseURL = new URL(input, getBaseUrl());
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development" && !vercelUrl) {
"You are trying to get stuff from localhost when NODE_ENV isn't development, baseURL:",
if(init?.searchParams){ = init.searchParams.toString();
return fetch(baseURL, init) as Promise<R extends { method: infer M }
? M extends keyof ROUTES[P]
? ResponseJson<P, M>
: "GET" extends keyof ROUTES[P]
? ResponseJson<P, "GET">
: never
: "GET" extends keyof ROUTES[P]
? ResponseJson<P, "GET">
: never>;
type BaseRouteFunction = (
...args: any[]
) => PromiseLike<NextResponse | Response> | NextResponse | Response;
type RouteReturnType<T extends BaseRouteFunction> = ReturnType<T> extends
| NextResponse<infer Res>
| Awaited<NextResponse<infer Res>>
? Res
: Awaited<ReturnType<T>>;
type supportedTypes =
| "GET"
| "POST"
| "PUT"
| "HEAD"
type Route<T extends Record<string, unknown>> = {
[key in supportedTypes & keyof T]: T[key] extends BaseRouteFunction
? RouteReturnType<T[key]>
: "";
type ROUTES = {} &
${routeTypes.join(" &\n")}
fs.writeFileSync("./api-routes.ts", template);
Copy link

AceCodePt commented Jun 26, 2023


npm i glob

package.json -> scripts

 "gen:routes": "npx ts-node --esm ./generate-routes.mts"

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