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Created July 19, 2019 13:41
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The index code for the browser
/* eslint no-console: ["error", { allow: ["log"] }] */
/* eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 5] */
'use strict'
const domReady = require('detect-dom-ready')
const createNode = require('./create-node')
const pull = require('pull-stream')
const PeerId = require('peer-id')
const PeerInfo = require('peer-info')
const listenerId = {
id: 'QmSjxSywvJrMFP8JrywsaNcqMsq9RgB99fQA13DasNyEqS',
pubKey: 'CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDCX5qj3/g8LZ1TnJ6SnTxMILhOLP1CCdf1zsNI70Rek/WaD2hpIrq85du/S9EncPyXR5QIwSJZLcQxFUQvO1/YOGBkdbnHcXqPn2xpNVRmlrs9Ot81yC5XD9ceTr3WH1NKjcg5RiI6uuRtqFiZB24FFTTdWgH/Po+89/7QdLXRVObdlpFSEEtaoQuirLeztv5TYzeSIv8kgK5BmKq0AXZ6v0qaJ3rlKP2DfcxpD7tViscBxmVi01kzD/6djM8Rz4oCcAgTTWO7pnwfGb3bkdPZpu9LCu9P6b4IbC8UB6eFQi5hUw9YxIjDif+crGT/zby+g00oNyCLvtsZBaM3o2jhAgMBAAE='
domReady(() => {
const myPeerDiv = document.getElementById('my-peer')
const swarmDiv = document.getElementById('swarm')
createNode((err, node) => {
if (err) {
return console.log('Could not create the Node, check if your browser has WebRTC Support', err)
node.on('peer:discovery', (peerInfo) => {
console.log('Discovered a peer:',
node.on('peer:connect', (peerInfo) => {
const idStr =
console.log('Got connection to: ' + idStr)
const connDiv = document.createElement('div')
connDiv.innerHTML = 'Connected to: ' + idStr = idStr
PeerId.createFromJSON(listenerId).then(id => {
if (err) throw err
let peerInfo = new PeerInfo(id)
console.log("info = ", peerInfo)
node.dialProtocol(peerInfo, '/api', (err, conn) => {
if (err) { throw err }
pull(pull.values(['Hello', ' ', 'p2p', ' ', 'world', '!']), conn)
node.on('peer:disconnect', (peerInfo) => {
const idStr =
const el = document.getElementById(idStr)
el && el.remove()
node.start((err) => {
if (err) {
return console.log(err)
const idStr =
const idDiv = document
.createTextNode('Node is ready. ID: ' + idStr)
console.log('Node is listening o/')
// NOTE: to stop the node
// node.stop((err) => {})
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