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* @title Speed Chain Ladder Analysis with Rcpp
* @author Chibisi Chima-Okereke
* @license GPL (>= 2)
* @tags Chain Ladder
* @summary Demonstrates a speed up of Chain Ladder analysis by calling C++ routines from R
* It uses both Rcpp and RcppArmadillo.
* C++ code for carrying out the Chain Ladder Calculation
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm> // most of the algorithms
#include <numeric> // some numeric algorithm
using namespace std;
using namespace arma;
using namespace Rcpp;
/** Code for the age-to-age factor when the column index is given */
double GetFactor(int index, mat mTri)
int nRow = mTri.n_rows, nCol = mTri.n_cols;
mat subMat = mTri.submat(0, index, nRow - (index + 2), index + 1);
rowvec colSums = arma::sum(subMat, 0);
double inFact = colSums(1)/colSums(0);
return inFact;
/** Code for getting all the factors from the triangle */
vec GetFactors(mat mTri)
int nRow = mTri.n_rows, nCol = mTri.n_cols;
vec dFactors(nCol - 1);
for(int i=0; i < nCol - 1; ++i)
dFactors(i) = GetFactor(i, mTri);
return dFactors;
/** This is code for the cumulative product of a vector */
vec cumprod(vec mvec)
int nElem = mvec.n_elem;
double cprod = mvec(0);
for(int i = 1; i < nElem; ++i)
cprod *= mvec(i);
mvec(i) = cprod;
return mvec;
/** This code returned the fully projected triangle */
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP GetChainSquareCpp(SEXP mClaimTri)
NumericMatrix nMat(mClaimTri);
int nRow = nMat.nrow(), nCol = nMat.ncol();
mat armMat(nMat.begin(), nRow, nCol, FALSE);
vec dFactors = cGetFactors(armMat);
mat revMat = fliplr(armMat);
vec dAntiDiag = diagvec(revMat);
dAntiDiag = dAntiDiag.subvec(1, nCol - 1);
double dMult;
vec prodVec;
for(int index = 0; index < dAntiDiag.n_elem; ++index)
dMult = dAntiDiag(index);
prodVec = dFactors.subvec(nCol - index - 2, nCol - 2);
prodVec = cumprod(prodVec);
armMat(index + 1, span(nCol - index - 1, nCol - 1)) = dMult*;
return wrap(armMat);
* R code for loading the source file
/*** R
/** Code for simulating the claims triangles */
/*** R
# Age-To-Age Factors
ageFact <- seq(1.9, 1, by = -.1)
# Inflation Rate
infRate <- 1.02
# Function to reverse matrix columns
revCols <- function(x){
# Similar to jitter()
shake <- function(vec, sigmaScale = 100)
rnorm(n = length(vec), mean = vec, sd = vec/sigmaScale)
# Row generation funtion
GenerateRow <- function(iDev, dFactors = cumprod(ageFact), dInflationRate = 1.02, initClaim = 154)
shake(initClaim)*shake(c(1, dFactors))*(dInflationRate^iDev)
# Function to generate a claims matrix
GenerateTriangle <- function(iSize, ...)
indices = 1:iSize
mClaimTri = t(sapply(indices, GenerateRow, ...))
# Reverse columns to get the claims triangle
mClaimTri = revCols(mClaimTri)
# Assign nan to lower triangle
mClaimTri[lower.tri(mClaimTri)] = NA
mClaimTri = revCols(mClaimTri)
/** R code for projecting the traingle */
/*** R
# Get claims factor at a particular column index
GetFactorR <- function(index, mTri)
fact = matrix(mTri[-c((nrow(mTri) - index + 1):nrow(mTri)), index:(index + 1)], ncol = 2)
fact = c(sum(fact[,1]), sum(fact[,2]))
# Function to carry out Chain Ladder on a claims triangle
GetChainSquareR <- function(mClaimTri)
nCols <- ncol(mClaimTri)
dFactors = sapply(1:(nCols - 1), GetFactorR, mTri = mClaimTri)
dAntiDiag = diag(revCols(mClaimTri))[2:nCols]
for(index in 1:length(dAntiDiag))
mClaimTri[index + 1, (nCols - index + 1):nCols] = dAntiDiag[index]*cumprod(dFactors[(nCols - index):(nCols - 1)])
/** Timed test comparing chain ladder running in R natively and being called from C++ functions using the Rcpp interface */
/*** R
x <- GenerateTriangle(11)
microbenchmark(GetChainSquareR(x), GetChainSquareCpp(x), times = 10000L)
/**Unit: microseconds
expr min lq median uq max neval
GetChainSquareR(x) 177.885 187.923 193.4030 205.044 3087.584 10000
GetChainSquareCpp(x) 5.121 6.045 8.3935 9.128 179.754 10000
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