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Last active December 1, 2023 10:18
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A basic parser for trees in the Newick format.
A simple function `parse_newick` to parse tree structures specified in the
Newick format (NHX supported). The function allows to customize the final
representation, be it lists, dicts or a custom Tree class.
def tree_as_dict(label, children, distance, features):
if children:
return {label: children}
return label
parse_newick('(A,(B,C));', aggregator=tree_as_dict)
# Output -> {'': ['A', {'': ['B', 'C']}]}
The function allows to customize the parsing of the raw feature and distance
strings with the keword-arguments `feature_parser` and `distance_parser`, for
example, to read features in the NHX (New Hampshire eXtended Newick) format, you
can use the following:
def parse_NHX_features(feature_string):
'&&NHX:conf=0.01:name=INTERNAL' -> {'conf':'0.01', 'name': 'INTERNAL'}
prefix = '&&NHX:'
feature_string = feature_string[len(prefix):]
items = feature_string.split(':')
key_value_pairs = (item.split('=') for item in items)
return dict(key_value_pairs)
def tree_builder(label, children, distance, features):
return {'label': label, 'children': children, 'features': features}
# Output ->
# {'label': 'A', 'children': [], 'features': {'conf':'0.01', 'name': 'A'}}
To run tests: `pytest`
To type check: `mypy`
To run coverage analysis: `coverage run --source=. -m pytest`
from typing import (Optional, List, Any, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Callable)
from functools import partial
def _find_closing(
string: str,
start: int = 1,
pair: Sequence[str] = '()') -> int:
Find the index of the first closing parenthesis that is not matched to an
opening one starting from the given `start` position.
Example: '((),())()' -> 6
The `pair` argument allows to specify diferent opening/closing types
of parenthesis.
_find_closing_brackets = partial(_find_closing, pair='[]')
opening = pair[0]
closing = pair[1]
next_closing = string.index(closing, start)
has_next_opening = (string.find(opening, start) != -1)
if not has_next_opening:
return next_closing
next_opening = string.index(opening, start)
if next_closing < next_opening:
return next_closing
skip = _find_closing(string, next_opening+1, pair)
return _find_closing(string, skip+1, pair)
# ---
_find_closing_parenthesis = partial(_find_closing, pair='()')
# ---
def _parts_of_subtree(newick: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str, str]:
A subtree consists of:
children, label, branch length/support, comments/features
'(A,B)root:10.0[x=xx]' -> ['(A,B)', 'root', '10.0', 'x=xx']
children = ''
if newick.startswith('('):
# Node has children
children_end = _find_closing_parenthesis(newick)
children = newick[1:children_end]
rest = newick[children_end+1:]
rest = newick
comment = ''
if '[' in rest: # Extract comments from the end
rest, comment = rest.split('[', maxsplit=1)
comment = comment[:-1] # remove ']' from the end
if ':' in rest: # Extract branch length
label, length = rest.split(':', maxsplit=1)
label = rest
length = ''
return children, label.strip(), length, comment
# ---
def _next_node_end(nodes_str: str) -> int:
From a comma-sepparated list of newick-formatted nodes, return the final
position of the first one.
'(A:1,(C[x],D))name:1.[c], (X,Y),,[xxx]' -> 23
'(X,Y),,[xxx]' -> 5
'[xxx]' -> 4
nodes_str = nodes_str.strip()
current_end = 0
# Skip children
if nodes_str.startswith('('):
current_end = _find_closing_parenthesis(nodes_str)
# Skip label, distances and comments
# Strategy: find the next comma that is not surrounded by brackets or
# parentheses or the end of the string
grouping = {'(':'()', '[':'[]'}
while current_end < len(nodes_str):
char = nodes_str[current_end]
if char in grouping:
current_end = _find_closing(nodes_str, current_end+1, grouping[char])
if char == ',':
# Ah, the lonely comma...
return current_end-1
current_end += 1
return len(nodes_str)-1
# ---
def _split_nodes(nodes_str: str) -> List[str]:
Separate the nodes from a comma-sepparated list.
Example: '(a,b), , :12, c[xxx]' -> ['(a,b)', '', ':12', 'c[xxx]']
nodes_str = nodes_str.strip()
if nodes_str == '':
return []
if nodes_str == ',':
return ['', '']
if nodes_str.startswith(','):
rest = nodes_str[1:]
return [''] + _split_nodes(rest)
if nodes_str.endswith(','):
rest = nodes_str[:-1]
return _split_nodes(rest) + ['']
next_node_end = _next_node_end(nodes_str)
node = nodes_str[:next_node_end+1]
rest = nodes_str[next_node_end+1:].lstrip()
if rest.startswith(','):
rest = rest[1:]
return [node] + _split_nodes(rest)
# ---
def _simple_distance(dist: str) -> Optional[float]:
return float(dist) if dist else None
def _simple_feature(feat:str) -> str:
return feat
Distance = Any
Feature = Any
Tree = TypeVar('Tree')
def parse_newick_subtree(
newick: str,
aggregator: Callable[[str, List[Tree], Distance, Feature], Tree],
distance_parser: Callable[[str], Distance] = _simple_distance,
feature_parser: Callable[[str], Feature] = _simple_feature) -> Tree:
Parse recursively the newick representation of a single newick node.
Root and child nodes are assembled using the aggregator function.
def tree_as_list(label, children, distance, features):
if not children: return label
return children
parse_newick_subtree('(A,(B,C))', tree_as_list)
# Output -> ['A', ['B', 'C']]
The distance parser and the feature parser allow to modify the parsing of
the raw strings, for example, to read features in the NHX (extended Newick)
format, you can use the following:
def parse_NHX_features(feature_string):
'&&NHX:conf=0.01:name=INTERNAL' -> {'conf':'0.01', 'name': 'INTERNAL'}
prefix = '&&NHX:'
feature_string = feature_string[len(prefix):]
items = feature_string.split(':')
key_value_pairs = (item.split('=') for item in items)
return dict(key_value_pairs)
def tree_builder(label, children, distance, features):
return {'label': label, 'children': children, 'features': features}
# Output ->
# {'label': 'A', 'children': [], 'features': {'conf':'0.01'}}
parts = _parts_of_subtree(newick.strip())
(children_str, label, distance_str, comment_str) = parts
children = [parse_newick_subtree(
for child_str in _split_nodes(children_str)]
features = feature_parser(comment_str)
distance = distance_parser(distance_str)
return aggregator(label, children, distance, features)
# ---
def parse_newick(
newick: str,
aggregator: Callable[[str, List[Tree], Distance, Feature], Tree],
distance_parser: Callable[[str], Distance] = _simple_distance,
feature_parser: Callable[[str], Feature] = _simple_feature) -> Tree:
Parse recursively the newick representation of a complete newick tree.
Root and child nodes are assembled using the aggregator function.
def tree_as_list(label, children, distance, features):
if not children: return label
return children
parse_newick('(A,(B,C));', tree_as_list)
# Output -> ['A', ['B', 'C']]
The distance parser and the feature parser allow to modify the parsing of
the raw strings, for example, to read features in the NHX (extended Newick)
format, you can use the following:
def parse_NHX_features(feature_string):
'&&NHX:conf=0.01:name=INTERNAL' -> {'conf':'0.01', 'name': 'INTERNAL'}
prefix = '&&NHX:'
feature_string = feature_string[len(prefix):]
items = feature_string.split(':')
key_value_pairs = (item.split('=') for item in items)
return dict(key_value_pairs)
def tree_builder(label, children, distance, features):
return {'label': label, 'children': children, 'features': features}
# Output ->
# {'label': 'A', 'children': [], 'features': {'conf':'0.01', 'name': 'A'}}
if not newick.endswith(';'):
raise ValueError("Tree in Newick format must end with ';'")
root = newick[:-1]
return parse_newick_subtree(
# ---
Usage and tests
To run tests: `python3 -m pytest`
To run static type check: `python3 -m mypy`
def test_parse_newick():
def tree_as_list(label, children, distance, features):
if not children: return label
return children
nwk = "((A, B), (C, D));"
assert (
parse_newick(nwk, tree_as_list)
[['A','B'], ['C','D']]
nwk = "(, , );"
assert (
parse_newick(nwk, tree_as_list)
nwk = "((, ), , (, ));"
assert (
parse_newick(nwk, tree_as_list)
[['', ''], '', ['', '']]
def tree_as_dict(label, children, distance, features):
return dict(
features=(distance, features)
nwk = 'A;'
assert (
parse_newick(nwk, tree_as_dict)
'label': 'A',
'children': [],
'features': (None, '')
nwk = "(A,);"
assert (
parse_newick(nwk, tree_as_dict)
'label': '',
'children': [
{'label': 'A', 'children': [], 'features': (None, '')},
{'label': '', 'children': [], 'features': (None, '')}
'features': (None, '')
nwk = "(A, B);"
assert (
parse_newick(nwk, tree_as_dict)
'label': '', 'features': (None, ''),
'children': [
{'label': 'A', 'children': [], 'features': (None, '')},
{'label': 'B', 'children': [], 'features': (None, '')}
nwk = "(A[{'some_feature': 10}], (B:4[some_other_thing], C)D:122.2)root;"
assert (
parse_newick(nwk, tree_as_dict)
'label': 'root','features': (None, ''),
'children': [
'label': 'A', 'features': (None, "{'some_feature': 10}"),
'children': []
'label': 'D', 'features': (122.2, ''),
'children': [
'label': 'B', 'features': (4., 'some_other_thing'),
'children': []
'label': 'C', 'features': (None, ''), 'children': []
def parse_NHX_features(feature_string):
'&&NHX:conf=0.01:name=INTERNAL' -> {'conf':'0.01', 'name': 'INTERNAL'}
prefix = '&&NHX:'
feature_string = feature_string[len(prefix):]
items = feature_string.split(':')
key_value_pairs = (item.split('=') for item in items)
return dict(key_value_pairs)
def tree_builder(label, children, distance, features):
return {'label': label, 'children': children, 'features': features}
assert (
{'label': 'A', 'children':[], 'features': {'conf':'0.01','key':'value'}}
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