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Created July 28, 2019 17:38
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; Sun 06/23/2019 - 02:20 PM
; Adam13531
; This will change the current mouse mode on the Logitech G600 since there
; doesn't seem to be an official API for it.
; This whole thing was pretty tedious. There are several starting states to
; consider:
; 1. LCore.exe isn't running at all (probably uncommon)
; 2. LCore.exe is running but is minimized to the system tray (common)
; 3. LCore.exe is running and is not minimized (probably uncommon)
; In case #1, we need to start the program and wait for the window to pop up.
; In case #2, attempting to start the program will simply pop up the window
; since you can't have multiple instances open.
; In case #3, we just need to activate the window.
; Note that shutting down LCore.exe takes a little bit of time for it to
; actually drain from Task Manager.
modeToSwitchTo := A_Args[1]
if (modeToSwitchTo != "0" and modeToSwitchTo != "1" and modeToSwitchTo != "2")
MsgBox, "Invalid mode to switch to: %modeToSwitchTo%. Valid values are 0, 1, and 2."
; @param modeNumber - the modes are laid out in a circle. "0" is the top mode,
; "1" is the bottom right mode, and "2" is the bottom left mode.
; Don't allow the user's mouse movements to mess anything up here.
BlockInput, SendAndMouse
; This covers cases 1 and 2 from the function-level comment.
; Wait for the process to have launched
Process, Exist, LCore.exe
if ErrorLevel
; Double-clicking the system-tray icon is the most reliable way to pop up
; the window for LCore. No amount of killing/restarting/waiting seemed to
; work otherwise.
TrayIcon_Button("lcore.exe", "L", True)
; Wait for the window to exist
WinWait ahk_exe LCore.exe
; Bring the window to the front
WinActivate ahk_exe LCore.exe
; Move it to 0,0 since relative coordinates on MouseClick don't seem to work
; for this window.
WinGet, active_id, ID, A
WinRestore, ahk_id %active_id%
WinMove, ahk_id %active_id%, , 0, 0
; Wait for the move command to have worked
Sleep 500
; Click the "Customize buttons" button.
MouseClick , Left, 606, 700, 1, 0,
; The animation to switch panes in LCore.exe takes a decent amount of time
Sleep 700
; Click the mode that we want.
x = 324
y = 527
if (modeNumber = "1")
x = 352
y = 579
else if (modeNumber = "2")
x = 292
y = 577
MouseClick , Left, x, y, 1, 0,
; Wait for the click to actually register. The actual time needed is only
; about 50 milliseconds, but as a human watching this play out, it's nice to
; know that it did the right thing.
Sleep 250
; Close the window
WinClose, ahk_id %active_id%
; Form path to LCore.exe
EnvGet, ProgFilesPath, PROGRAMFILES
LCoreExePath := ProgFilesPath . "\Logitech Gaming Software" . "\LCore.exe"
; Launch LCore.exe.
Run, %LCoreExePath%
; Copied the following from here on Sun 06/23/2019:
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Name ..........: TrayIcon library
; Description ...: Provide some useful functions to deal with Tray icons.
; AHK Version ...: AHK_L x32/64 Unicode
; Original Author: Sean ( (
; Update Author .: Cyruz ( (
; Mod Author ....: Fanatic Guru
; License .......: WTFPL -
; Version Date...: 2019 04 04
; Note ..........: Many people have updated Sean's original work including me but Cyruz's version seemed the most straight
; ...............: forward update for 64 bit so I adapted it with some of the features from my Fanatic Guru version.
; Update 20160120: Went through all the data types in the DLL and NumGet and matched them up to MSDN which fixed IDcmd.
; Update 20160308: Fix for Windows 10 NotifyIconOverflowWindow
; Update 20180313: Fix problem with "VirtualFreeEx" pointed out by nnnik
; Update 20180313: Additional fix for previous Windows 10 NotifyIconOverflowWindow fix breaking non-hidden icons
; Update 20190404: Added TrayIcon_Set by Cyruz
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function ......: TrayIcon_GetInfo
; Description ...: Get a series of useful information about tray icons.
; Parameters ....: sExeName - The exe for which we are searching the tray icon data. Leave it empty to receive data for
; ...............: all tray icons.
; Return ........: oTrayIcon_GetInfo - An array of objects containing tray icons data. Any entry is structured like this:
; ...............: oTrayIcon_GetInfo[A_Index].idx - 0 based tray icon index.
; ...............: oTrayIcon_GetInfo[A_Index].IDcmd - Command identifier associated with the button.
; ...............: oTrayIcon_GetInfo[A_Index].pID - Process ID.
; ...............: oTrayIcon_GetInfo[A_Index].uID - Application defined identifier for the icon.
; ...............: oTrayIcon_GetInfo[A_Index].msgID - Application defined callback message.
; ...............: oTrayIcon_GetInfo[A_Index].hIcon - Handle to the tray icon.
; ...............: oTrayIcon_GetInfo[A_Index].hWnd - Window handle.
; ...............: oTrayIcon_GetInfo[A_Index].Class - Window class.
; ...............: oTrayIcon_GetInfo[A_Index].Process - Process executable.
; ...............: oTrayIcon_GetInfo[A_Index].Tray - Tray Type (Shell_TrayWnd or NotifyIconOverflowWindow).
; ...............: oTrayIcon_GetInfo[A_Index].tooltip - Tray icon tooltip.
; Info ..........: TB_BUTTONCOUNT message -
; ...............: TB_GETBUTTON message -
; ...............: TBBUTTON structure -
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TrayIcon_GetInfo(sExeName := "")
DetectHiddenWindows, % (Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows := A_DetectHiddenWindows) ? "On" :
oTrayIcon_GetInfo := {}
For key, sTray in ["Shell_TrayWnd", "NotifyIconOverflowWindow"]
idxTB := TrayIcon_GetTrayBar(sTray)
WinGet, pidTaskbar, PID, ahk_class %sTray%
hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", UInt, 0x38, Int, 0, UInt, pidTaskbar)
pRB := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", Ptr, hProc, Ptr, 0, UPtr, 20, UInt, 0x1000, UInt, 0x4)
SendMessage, 0x418, 0, 0, ToolbarWindow32%idxTB%, ahk_class %sTray% ; TB_BUTTONCOUNT
szBtn := VarSetCapacity(btn, (A_Is64bitOS ? 32 : 20), 0)
szNfo := VarSetCapacity(nfo, (A_Is64bitOS ? 32 : 24), 0)
szTip := VarSetCapacity(tip, 128 * 2, 0)
Loop, %ErrorLevel%
SendMessage, 0x417, A_Index - 1, pRB, ToolbarWindow32%idxTB%, ahk_class %sTray% ; TB_GETBUTTON
DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", Ptr, hProc, Ptr, pRB, Ptr, &btn, UPtr, szBtn, UPtr, 0)
iBitmap := NumGet(btn, 0, "Int")
IDcmd := NumGet(btn, 4, "Int")
statyle := NumGet(btn, 8)
dwData := NumGet(btn, (A_Is64bitOS ? 16 : 12))
iString := NumGet(btn, (A_Is64bitOS ? 24 : 16), "Ptr")
DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", Ptr, hProc, Ptr, dwData, Ptr, &nfo, UPtr, szNfo, UPtr, 0)
hWnd := NumGet(nfo, 0, "Ptr")
uID := NumGet(nfo, (A_Is64bitOS ? 8 : 4), "UInt")
msgID := NumGet(nfo, (A_Is64bitOS ? 12 : 8))
hIcon := NumGet(nfo, (A_Is64bitOS ? 24 : 20), "Ptr")
WinGet, pID, PID, ahk_id %hWnd%
WinGet, sProcess, ProcessName, ahk_id %hWnd%
WinGetClass, sClass, ahk_id %hWnd%
If !sExeName || (sExeName = sProcess) || (sExeName = pID)
DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", Ptr, hProc, Ptr, iString, Ptr, &tip, UPtr, szTip, UPtr, 0)
Index := (oTrayIcon_GetInfo.MaxIndex()>0 ? oTrayIcon_GetInfo.MaxIndex()+1 : 1)
oTrayIcon_GetInfo[Index,"idx"] := A_Index - 1
oTrayIcon_GetInfo[Index,"IDcmd"] := IDcmd
oTrayIcon_GetInfo[Index,"pID"] := pID
oTrayIcon_GetInfo[Index,"uID"] := uID
oTrayIcon_GetInfo[Index,"msgID"] := msgID
oTrayIcon_GetInfo[Index,"hIcon"] := hIcon
oTrayIcon_GetInfo[Index,"hWnd"] := hWnd
oTrayIcon_GetInfo[Index,"Class"] := sClass
oTrayIcon_GetInfo[Index,"Process"] := sProcess
oTrayIcon_GetInfo[Index,"Tooltip"] := StrGet(&tip, "UTF-16")
oTrayIcon_GetInfo[Index,"Tray"] := sTray
DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", Ptr, hProc, Ptr, pRB, UPtr, 0, Uint, 0x8000)
DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, hProc)
DetectHiddenWindows, %Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows%
Return oTrayIcon_GetInfo
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: TrayIcon_Hide
; Description ..: Hide or unhide a tray icon.
; Parameters ...: IDcmd - Command identifier associated with the button.
; ..............: bHide - True for hide, False for unhide.
; ..............: sTray - 1 or Shell_TrayWnd || 0 or NotifyIconOverflowWindow.
; Info .........: TB_HIDEBUTTON message -
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TrayIcon_Hide(IDcmd, sTray := "Shell_TrayWnd", bHide:=True)
(sTray == 0 ? sTray := "NotifyIconOverflowWindow" : sTray == 1 ? sTray := "Shell_TrayWnd" : )
DetectHiddenWindows, % (Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows := A_DetectHiddenWindows) ? "On" :
idxTB := TrayIcon_GetTrayBar()
SendMessage, 0x404, IDcmd, bHide, ToolbarWindow32%idxTB%, ahk_class %sTray% ; TB_HIDEBUTTON
SendMessage, 0x1A, 0, 0, , ahk_class %sTray%
DetectHiddenWindows, %Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows%
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: TrayIcon_Delete
; Description ..: Delete a tray icon.
; Parameters ...: idx - 0 based tray icon index.
; ..............: sTray - 1 or Shell_TrayWnd || 0 or NotifyIconOverflowWindow.
; Info .........: TB_DELETEBUTTON message -
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TrayIcon_Delete(idx, sTray := "Shell_TrayWnd")
(sTray == 0 ? sTray := "NotifyIconOverflowWindow" : sTray == 1 ? sTray := "Shell_TrayWnd" : )
DetectHiddenWindows, % (Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows := A_DetectHiddenWindows) ? "On" :
idxTB := TrayIcon_GetTrayBar()
SendMessage, 0x416, idx, 0, ToolbarWindow32%idxTB%, ahk_class %sTray% ; TB_DELETEBUTTON
SendMessage, 0x1A, 0, 0, , ahk_class %sTray%
DetectHiddenWindows, %Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows%
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: TrayIcon_Remove
; Description ..: Remove a tray icon.
; Parameters ...: hWnd, uID.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TrayIcon_Remove(hWnd, uID)
NumPut(VarSetCapacity(NID,(A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1) * 384 + A_PtrSize * 5 + 40,0), NID)
NumPut(hWnd , NID, (A_PtrSize == 4 ? 4 : 8 ))
NumPut(uID , NID, (A_PtrSize == 4 ? 8 : 16 ))
Return DllCall("shell32\Shell_NotifyIcon", "Uint", 0x2, "Uint", &NID)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: TrayIcon_Move
; Description ..: Move a tray icon.
; Parameters ...: idxOld - 0 based index of the tray icon to move.
; ..............: idxNew - 0 based index where to move the tray icon.
; ..............: sTray - 1 or Shell_TrayWnd || 0 or NotifyIconOverflowWindow.
; Info .........: TB_MOVEBUTTON message -
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TrayIcon_Move(idxOld, idxNew, sTray := "Shell_TrayWnd")
(sTray == 0 ? sTray := "NotifyIconOverflowWindow" : sTray == 1 ? sTray := "Shell_TrayWnd" : )
DetectHiddenWindows, % (Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows := A_DetectHiddenWindows) ? "On" :
idxTB := TrayIcon_GetTrayBar()
SendMessage, 0x452, idxOld, idxNew, ToolbarWindow32%idxTB%, ahk_class %sTray% ; TB_MOVEBUTTON
DetectHiddenWindows, %Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows%
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: TrayIcon_Set
; Description ..: Modify icon with the given index for the given window.
; Parameters ...: hWnd - Window handle.
; ..............: uId - Application defined identifier for the icon.
; ..............: hIcon - Handle to the tray icon.
; ..............: hIconSmall - Handle to the small icon, for window menubar. Optional.
; ..............: hIconBig - Handle to the big icon, for taskbar. Optional.
; Return .......: True on success, false on failure.
; Info .........: NOTIFYICONDATA structure -
; ..............: Shell_NotifyIcon function -
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TrayIcon_Set(hWnd, uId, hIcon, hIconSmall:=0, hIconBig:=0)
d := A_DetectHiddenWindows
DetectHiddenWindows, On
; WM_SETICON = 0x0080
If ( hIconSmall )
SendMessage, 0x0080, 0, hIconSmall,, ahk_id %hWnd%
If ( hIconBig )
SendMessage, 0x0080, 1, hIconBig,, ahk_id %hWnd%
DetectHiddenWindows, %d%
VarSetCapacity(NID, szNID := ((A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1) * 384 + A_PtrSize*5 + 40),0)
NumPut( szNID, NID, 0 )
NumPut( hWnd, NID, (A_PtrSize == 4) ? 4 : 8 )
NumPut( uId, NID, (A_PtrSize == 4) ? 8 : 16 )
NumPut( 2, NID, (A_PtrSize == 4) ? 12 : 20 )
NumPut( hIcon, NID, (A_PtrSize == 4) ? 20 : 32 )
; NIM_MODIFY := 0x1
Return DllCall("Shell32.dll\Shell_NotifyIcon", UInt,0x1, Ptr,&NID)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: TrayIcon_GetTrayBar
; Description ..: Get the tray icon handle.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DetectHiddenWindows, % (Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows := A_DetectHiddenWindows) ? "On" :
WinGet, ControlList, ControlList, ahk_class %Tray%
RegExMatch(ControlList, "(?<=ToolbarWindow32)\d+(?!.*ToolbarWindow32)", nTB)
Loop, %nTB%
ControlGet, hWnd, hWnd,, ToolbarWindow32%A_Index%, ahk_class %Tray%
hParent := DllCall( "GetParent", Ptr, hWnd )
WinGetClass, sClass, ahk_id %hParent%
If !(sClass = "SysPager" or sClass = "NotifyIconOverflowWindow" )
idxTB := A_Index
DetectHiddenWindows, %Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows%
Return idxTB
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: TrayIcon_GetHotItem
; Description ..: Get the index of tray's hot item.
; Info .........: TB_GETHOTITEM message -
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
idxTB := TrayIcon_GetTrayBar()
SendMessage, 0x447, 0, 0, ToolbarWindow32%idxTB%, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ; TB_GETHOTITEM
Return ErrorLevel << 32 >> 32
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: TrayIcon_Button
; Description ..: Simulate mouse button click on a tray icon.
; Parameters ...: sExeName - Executable Process Name of tray icon.
; ..............: sButton - Mouse button to simulate (L, M, R).
; ..............: bDouble - True to double click, false to single click.
; ..............: index - Index of tray icon to click if more than one match.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TrayIcon_Button(sExeName, sButton := "L", bDouble := false, index := 1)
DetectHiddenWindows, % (Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows := A_DetectHiddenWindows) ? "On" :
sButton := "WM_" sButton "BUTTON"
oIcons := {}
oIcons := TrayIcon_GetInfo(sExeName)
msgID := oIcons[index].msgID
uID := oIcons[index].uID
hWnd := oIcons[index].hWnd
if bDouble
PostMessage, msgID, uID, %sButton%DBLCLK, , ahk_id %hWnd%
PostMessage, msgID, uID, %sButton%DOWN, , ahk_id %hWnd%
PostMessage, msgID, uID, %sButton%UP, , ahk_id %hWnd%
DetectHiddenWindows, %Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows%
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