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Created August 26, 2021 17:00
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Please keep the questions Jakarta EE-stic. Means: as short and as concise as only possible. Feel free to ask several, shorter questions. Upcoming events are also going to be announced at

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jefrog1844 commented Aug 27, 2021

Hi Adam,
I am working on a new project and would like to use Payara Micro, JPA, and JSF. I found an article you wrote on B-C-E called "Simplicity by Design" for Java EE 6 that is just what I'm looking for. What would you do different today using microprofile, Java EE 8, or Jarkarta EE 9.X ?


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When using microservices along with a rest client, it is suggested that each service is its own domain object and has its own database. If that is the case, then how would JPA work with mappings like OneToMany, ManyToOne, OneToOne? I've seen suggestions that a main database be used that would push views out to the other databases, but that seems to complicate the backend database server(s). Is there a specific technique for Java EE and microservices?


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haglo commented Aug 27, 2021

I have a SPA with a client in Vannilla-JS, HTML and CSS. I need to implement a report engine, like BIRT in Java. Which report engine can i use with Vanilla-JS.

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Vagspath commented Aug 30, 2021

Hi Adam,

I whould like to implement single sign on between a web app with backend in wildfly server REST API, a desktop swing app which communicates with ejb http-remoting with the same backend in widdfly (an ear exposes rest api and http-remoting ejb) and operating system login.

When a user log in in linux or windows i whould like to avoid relogin in my app either by web or deskop app.
Any ideas ?
We have ldap server (Active directory)

i checked kerberos sso ith Active Directory suggestion in this link

Is there any better solution? Is kerberos sso - ldap the way to go?
Other solutions for sso like Keycloak is only for sso between only different web applications sso . correct? no way to get token from operating system login and reuse it.

thanks in advance


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Hello Adam,

In a microservices paradigm, I understand, that it is convenient to stop using EJBs. So I have two questions:

  • The services as you advise to annotate them, @ApplicationScoped or @RequestScoped? The problem I see with writing them down as @RequestScoped is that if you want to inject them from a thread or application start, you can't.
  • Formerly, in EJB applications, I had a class called EntityManagerProvider where the EntityManager was injected, this class was annotated as @stateless, how would you recommend to annotate it now, @ApplicationScoped or @RequestScoped? The same, if it is noted as @RequestScoped I could not inject it from thread or application start.

Thank you very much for your work as a disseminator.

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petermkr commented Sep 1, 2021

Hi Adam,
what is your approach if you find a project that is using the API of Hibernate (instead of pure JPA)? Do you keep Hibernate or do you try to migrate to JPA?

More precisely, is your approach different for features that have a direct equivalent in JPA (for example, org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType or org.hibernate.annotations.Type) and for features without (org.hibernate.annotations.OptimisticLock, org.hibernate.EmptyInterceptor)?

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Is JEE usable in ARM field? Do you have any good guide or recommandations for newbie?

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AdamBien commented Sep 6, 2021

Is JEE usable in ARM field? Do you have any good guide or recommandations for newbie?

You mean the ARM CPU / ARM architecture:

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Hi Adam!

I've read about project loom ( What's your opinion about this project.
When will Jakarta EE and Microprofile projects profit from it?

Thanks for your advice!


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